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McKamey Manor

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:49 pm
by Jizaboz
I've been an avid haunted house and trail fan for years. I've also enjoyed going to the most "extreme" ones I could as an adult. "Extreme haunts" were attractions where things may get a bit more claustrophobic, loud, and even get shoved a bit. You may even mess up your clothes running into something or getting splashed with something.

But this.. THIS What in the hell is going on here? I heard about this Russ guy through the Netflix special and his older haunt in California that they were saying was so traumatic for some didn't really look anything but fun to me. Then apparently years later he gets divorced and moves to Tennessee and starts this.. thing.

Basically instead of traditional horror show stuff.. we've got a couple of guys in ski masks beating you and yelling at you while basically making your life miserable for many hours. People volunteer for this shit. Entry fee is dogfood, an interview, and basically signing away all your legal rights.

Highlights include:
- Being thrown in a storage fridge filled with black water for a while
- Being lowered into water while being wrapped in chainlink fence
- Being forced to eat shit you wouldn't want to, then forced to eat your puke
- Big ass bugs and such on your face
- Bruising, broken bones, and other injuries including tooth damage
- "Fish-hooking". Lots of it. As Flack mentioned.. even that's banned in underwear MMA fighting!

Re: McKamey Manor

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:58 am
by Billy Mays
Nobody's won the prize money in all the years they've been doing this? Sounds like a rigged contest.

I went camping once in the mountains where the temperature was well into the negative double digits. A massive snow storm rolled in and, long story short, I was placed in a situation where I had to shit in a bucket. Those stunts look like amateur hour, nothing is worse than having to shit in a bucket.

Re: McKamey Manor

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:25 am
by Flack
Weird coincidence... last night I watched "Haunters: The Art of the Scare," a 2017 documentary on Netflix. It starts off talking about "normal" haunted houses and the people who run them, but spends a lot of time covering McKamey Manor.

Every haunted house I've ever been through has operated on the same gentleman's agreement: you don't touch me, and I won't touch you. As Jiz pointed out, "not this one." In the film they touch on the 40 page liability waiver people are required to read and sign before entering. It also mentions that there's no safe word, so once you're in, you're in (although if no one has completed the whole thing, this doesn't exactly add up).

In the documentary they also show that the owner (Russ) records the entire experience and posts them on YouTube. He kind of sees himself as a filmmaker as much as an entertainer. Also, most of the people who go through the thing classify it less as a haunted house and more of signing up to have people physically and mentally torture you. I don't know who is more disturbed, the people who sign up for this experience or the people who watch the videos.

"Blackout" is listed as the first of these torture haunts. It sounds just as terrible. ... xperience)

Re: McKamey Manor

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:22 am
by Jizaboz
That Netflix documentary is actually what made me look into this Russ guy more! Agreed, I don't think either Russ or the participants are "playing with a full deck" if you get what I mean.

The Blackout event thing does sound both horrible and stupid. Go into a dark room and some naked dude jump touching you with rapey vibes. Why? Why would you sign up for this?

Re: McKamey Manor

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:47 pm
by Jizaboz
Hahaha! Fucker was recently totally destroyed by some wild dudes lol

(This dude had other videos he made before this summary if you want to dig deeper into the fraud and want to punch the guy in the face that ran this even harder!)

Re: McKamey Manor

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 3:12 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jizaboz wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:47 pm (This dude had other videos he made before this summary if you want to dig deeper into the fraud and want to punch the guy in the face that ran this even harder!)
Who knows what is believable in that video. I can totally believe that the "Russ" guy did the things depicted. However. The YouTube host for the above video taking deep breaths multiple times a sentence means that he's not that much above the Russ guy in the scheme of things.

Re: McKamey Manor

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:42 pm
by Jizaboz
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 3:12 pm
Jizaboz wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:47 pm (This dude had other videos he made before this summary if you want to dig deeper into the fraud and want to punch the guy in the face that ran this even harder!)
Who knows what is believable in that video. I can totally believe that the "Russ" guy did the things depicted. However. The YouTube host for the above video taking deep breaths multiple times a sentence means that he's not that much above the Russ guy in the scheme of things.
Oh yeah I totally agree the way he talks is fucking annoying