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Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:24 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I have spent the last few months implementing classes. I think there's 10 classes in the game?
I will admit I am at a loss when it comes to lawyers. I should probably remove them if I can't find a way to make them interesting. Can you guys think of RPGs advantages that lawyers should have? The ones I have so far are (after making certain levels):
- Can automatically identify stats on items by looking at them
- Can make certain criminal enemies go away by threatening subpoenas
- Can identify enemy stats in combat if they have a computer
I think mental figure is screwing me here. If you guys have ideas, I would love to hear them.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:55 pm
by The Happiness Engine
I like the "identify enemies and are fukken useless otherwise" mechanic, it makes it a trade off. Like first playthrough you take one to learn and then second playthrough you know so you build a power-team?
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 9:50 pm
by Billy Mays
The Happiness Engine's idea is terrible, griefing players with unfinished or broken mechanics will just create resentment.
First, all lawyers start off with the "Bullshit Artist" base skill. These are your advanced persuade/intimidate conversation options commonly seen in games. Then it depends on what direction you allow them to branch off in:
1. Tank role:
The lawyer pulls aggro and then uses various legal actions for crowd control: injunctions to stun, subpoenas to debuff enemy stats (since the recipient become distraught), class actions for an area of effect/group ability, etc. They should also have high damage mitigation as a tank, this can be incorporated through giving them higher bonuses to "defense".
2. Wizard role:
Here's your spellbook:
Gather a list of spells you'd like to incorporate into the game and match them to the Latin term that best matches it. It's a video game so it doesn't have to match perfectly or at all, just use your imagination.
3. Thief role:
Lawsuits to steal, also has backstab attacks (pretty obvious), and can literally pick locks since every lawyer has a little bit of thief in them.
4. The Bard Role:
The lawyer has restricted access to all three of the previous classes' skills. A jack of all trades but master of none. For comedic effect you could make this class a Maritime Lawyer and add random Paul quotes from the forums as dialogue options, the more random and crazy the better since your bard is often the comedic role as well. Worst case scenario here is that Paul sues you for using his likeness or something and the amount the court would make you pay him in damages would be less than what you normally send him out of kindness or guilt or whatever which puts you ahead either way.
5. The Realistic To Implement Role:
Take a few things from here and add Paul quotes, or just add Paul quotes and call it a day.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 1:45 am
by Billy Mays
0 feedback from ICJ. Real classy.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:42 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Here's your feedback - your comment to The Happiness Engine that his idea was "terrible" makes you look like an asshole.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:57 am
by Billy Mays
This is why people don't participate more often in your game development threads.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:13 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
You insulted the first contributor. I have no idea why The Happiness Engine didn't go off on you for it. And that was real cocky of you to extinguish his flame when yours amounted to, "You should make this class like four pre-established classes that are in every game." (Actually, that's not totally true, the link to the latin phrases that pertain to legal maneuvering was pretty inspired.)
I don't have the time or interest to get into screaming at people on the Internet at the moment, so if you're going to frame your discussion that way here and I don't show up it's because I just can't do it.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:21 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
The list of phrases is a really good idea! It's too bad we destroyed any ability to recover this thread. it could have been great.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 1:28 pm
by Billy Mays
I didn't insult The Happiness Engine, I criticized his idea. You started this thread over concern that the lawyer class is unfinished and wanted ideas to flesh it out, THE's idea was to just leave the class unfinished. I then briefly went into why I felt it was a bad idea. At no point did I insult The Happiness Engine or call him an asshole.
This thread isn't destroyed, if you think my list of phrases is a good idea then stop being a princess and use it in your game. THE probably didn't care about my criticism of his idea and I don't care that you called me an asshole, the important thing here is your game right now.
Additionally, even though I am also most fond of my wizard idea, I wouldn't allow your anger right now to immediately dismiss my other ideas. The reason they are pre-established is because they fall into a certain archetype that breaks down their role within a group, this facilitates cohesion within that group and sets clear goals for the playing character in regards to developing that character and using them within the world you create. Try to tack on as much fluff as you want, but invariably that class will break down into one of about 4 different roles. It's inescapable so understanding that traditional foundation is important so that you don't make a hot mess out of it once you do decide to add the fluff.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 2:20 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I think I am going to go with this for the Electrical Engineer class as they progress through levels:
Electrical Engineer
1: >DISRUPT Malware types. This gets better every level.
2: Every attack does one HP of electrical damage times level of additional damage.
3: >TAP. Can replenish spell points for others at locations by tapping into the grid in certain locations.
4: >ABSORB energy from fleshy enemies and turn that into spell points for casters.
5: If they own a multimeter they can now >DISRUPT electrical systems in certain rooms.
6: Extra attack in combat.
7: Will automatically try to resuscitate one knocked-out person per round in combat, if so they get 5 HP. Doesn't work on themselves.
8: Can >DISRUPT machine enemies in combat.
9: Armor class bonus of 2
10: Gain 5 in IQ
11: Combat: >OVERCHARGE. or >BATTERY. Once in a fight, can use a combat option to not deduct spell points for the next round for those who run spells.
12: Using a computer, can >ZAP a foe, does damage and has a 50/50 chance of zapping them completely.
13: Using a computer, can unleash electricity as a weapon against a group of foes. >ZAP
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:16 pm
by AArdvark
Lawyers can intimidate enemies and negotiate for better prices at shops, but the trade-off is your money amount slowly drop as long as there is a lawyer in your party.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:30 pm
by RealNC
I recently played Dragon Quest 11 and it has some hilarious passive effects that sometimes trigger, depending on character stats. For example, enemies will sometimes skip a turn and do nothing because they're mesmerized by a member in your party (high charisma.) Sometimes they skip a turn because they're "assessing the situation." Don't know what stat triggers that one. Other times they get so intimidated that they flee the battle altogether.
So a lawyer could have a stat that if high enough might cause an enemy to skip a turn because they stop to "reevaluate their choices in life" or "consider the legal implications of their actions." Stuff like that. It's all passive, triggered by the mere presence of a lawyer.
(Dragon Quest didn't invent any of that, it seems to be a general JRPG trope.)
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:31 am
by Billy Mays
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Mon Feb 18, 2019 2:20 pm
I think I am going to go with this for the Electrical Engineer class as they progress through levels:
Needs work.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:50 am
by Billy Mays
AArdvark wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:16 pmLawyers can intimidate enemies
Great idea, mechanically similar to "turn undead".
AArdvark wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:16 pmand negotiate for better prices at shops,
I feel that this would be better suited for a different class.
AArdvark wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:16 pmbut the trade-off is your money amount slowly drop as long as there is a lawyer in your party.
The only thing worse would be if ICJ implemented loot boxes into his game.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:51 am
by Billy Mays
RealNC wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:30 pmJRPG
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:23 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Billy Mays wrote: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:51 am
RealNC wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:30 pmJRPG
"Guys, I'm totally not an asshole! Why won't senpai notice me?"
Haha, lawyers negotiating for things is a bad idea as well. Thanks guys, I do appreciate the help you have given me, sorry the forum dickhead reacted to mild cyberbullying in response to his whining by attempting to tell everyone how mad he made us and then doubled down on being a reprehensible piece of human garbage.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:09 pm
by AArdvark
I feel that this would be better suited for a different class.
Well, there's not a lot of positives in the lawyer class character. Gotta take what you can get. Maybe there's a big huge settlement monster hiding behind a building or something and the lawyer can run up and break a chunk of it off, maybe 40 percent.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:19 pm
by RealNC
I thought Billy was funny. Someone calling me fag because I played a JRPG made me laugh. (Although these days, anything that would upset the political correctness brigade is funny to me. It makes me laugh that it makes them mad.)
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:22 pm
by Billy Mays
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:23 am
Billy Mays wrote: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:51 am
RealNC wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:30 pmJRPG
"Guys, I'm totally not an asshole! Why won't senpai notice me?"
Haha, lawyers negotiating for things is a bad idea as well. Thanks guys, I do appreciate the help you have given me, sorry the forum dickhead reacted to mild cyberbullying in response to his whining by attempting to tell everyone how mad he made us and then doubled down on being a reprehensible piece of human garbage.
I do see your point on lawyers, come to think of it, I had to purchase new tires for my car the other day and just to be safe I hired a lawyer to haggle the mechanic down. Well worth the 10k I spent on retainer given how much experience lawyers have on random dumb shit like that.
It's also interesting to see the inconsistency of your values displayed here. I have had that insult hurled at me dozens of times here and it's "haha, good one guys" from ICJ.
Re: Cyberganked 2019 dev log
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 8:25 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I make a game involving a deep simulation of realistic tire purchasing.
You show me four times where I cheered on people giving you a hard time. If you can I'll reconsider all this.