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A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:53 am
by Tdarcos
I decided to try the three month trial of Kindle Unlimited which is $9.95 for the first three months, then $9.95 a month after that. Given it allows access to thousands of books, and I now have lots of time on my hands lying immobile in a sickbed, I might as well do something other than lie around and watch TV upwards of 12 or more hours a day,

I'm currently reading a book called "Wool," by Hugh Howey. I just started yesterday, and I've only read the first 52 pages, but it is quite interesting. With a number of textbooks also available I might be able to improve my computer skills. Who knows, maybe I'll develop an app that sells so many copies I make a lot of money. Or at least, have fun, which, I think, is the most important thing of all.

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:04 am
by Jizaboz
Wool is excellent! I read the whole series. Great setting and interesting concepts. I won't spoil anything for you plot-wise for you.

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:01 pm
by Tdarcos
I'm quite a ways into it. It reminds me of Robert A. Heinlein's Universe.

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:50 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
The 2019 Interactive Fiction Competition is open for new games - if you can make one and finish it before September 30, you should enter!

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:14 pm
by Billy Mays
Great idea, ICJ, I'd love to play a game made by Paul! Sign me up as a play tester if you decide to go through with it.

How are those kindles? I was thinking about getting one but was concerned about screen fatigue over the course of long reading sessions.

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:34 pm
by Tdarcos
Billy Mays wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:14 pm
How are those kindles? I was thinking about getting one but was concerned about screen fatigue over the course of long reading sessions.
Forget the Kindle. Buy the largest Android tablet you can find, which is usually 10,1" It will be larger than a kindle, you can download Amazon Kindle app which does everything the device does, and I've bought a tablet that size for under $40, and even includes a cell phone you can insert a sim card and also an SD card for more storage. Or you can pay more for a better tablet.

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:49 pm
by Tdarcos
Billy Mays wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:14 pm Great idea, ICJ, I'd love to play a game made by Paul!
I've written two. One was a game I developed for Jonsey called "Patty Flinger" where you have a grid of your choice size and you're throwing pork products at him for points. Why pork products? Because your opponent wears a Star of David! Also, on larger grids if you miss but you're close, you get "splash damage," giving you partial points. Don't forget to take a pee every so often.

The Second is called Tripkey. Your objective is to exit the game. Which you do by finding the Triplet. How? Well, that's the problem. Hint: you'll need to negotiate with the sentient cottage cheese.

Let us know if you're interested in either.

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:00 pm
by Tdarcos
Billy Mays wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:14 pm Great idea, ICJ, I'd love to play a game made by Paul!
I've written two. One was a game I developed for Jonsey called "Patty Flinger" where you have a grid of your choice size and you're throwing pork products at him for points. Why pork products? Because your opponent wears a Star of David! Also, on larger grids if you miss but you're close, you get "splash damage," giving you partial points. Don't forget to take a pee every so often.

The Second is called Tripkey. Your objective is to exit the game. Which you do by finding the Tripkey. How? Well, that's the problem. Hint: you'll need to negotiate with the sentient cottage cheese.

That came out because I think Jonsey said you couldn't develop a dynamic teleporter in Hugo. Never challenge a computer programmer by saying "you can't," because they may very well write a program to prove you wrong. That's what I did. I wrote a demo that created a dynamic teleporter that you could choose what places were available at run time.

Let us know if you're interested in either Patty Flinger or Tripkey.

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:12 am
by Billy Mays
Tdarcos wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:00 pmLet us know if you're interested in either Patty Flinger or Tripkey.
I'm interested in both!

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:51 pm
by Billy Mays
Tdarcos wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:00 pmLet us know if you're interested in either Patty Flinger or Tripkey.
Was this rhetorical?

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:30 am
by Tdarcos
I have Tripkey in my interactive fiction library on my website but I don't remember the directory name or FTP password. It's in my desktop computer in Filezilla. Right now I can't get to it.

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:05 am
by Billy Mays
I have both of your books, an audio chapter from one of your books, and the 3d photon tower rendering you did in the Tdarchive I created and saved on the cloud so let me know if you ever need me to send you anything. I wanted to do much more, specifically the cartoons you had done, but never got around to it before everything occurred.

Re: A Text Adventure with Kindle Unlimited.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:33 am
by Tdarcos
Since I will now be staying here permanently, I want to arrange to bring my computer and NAS over. I need to find out when my sister can arrange to have her associate bring it over, and I need to find an accessible place for it. I might ask for a second wheeled table to put monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The computer does not need to be accessible except for the rare reboot. Windows 10 has been very reliable, I can leave the computer on for weeks at a time.