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Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:41 am
by Jizaboz
“There no fucking spirit here!”
- TDarcos

Forgive me if I started this topic before. Paul and I talked about the afterlife recently. Paul is an atheist yet I think sort of buys into my belief of life after death (if it exists) is pretty fucking scary for the mortal mind to comprehend.

Pinback as well is an atheist so I think perhaps would be interested in the subject.

I talked briefly with Paul and probably others here about my 2 in waking life totally sober paranormal type events.

Today event #3 happened out of the blue.

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:53 am
by AArdvark
Tell us man, tell us!

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:46 pm
by Jizaboz
Thinking about this more I'm not certain I talked about this will Paul.

Well, at any rate.. this is pretty mild but kinda freaky nonetheless.

I'm sitting on the couch late last night trying to find something on TV. The couch's back faces the entrance to the living room which leads to the kitchen. I distinctly heard 2 foot steps approach the back of the couch, followed by the couch being tugged from behind. I jolt and look over at my girlfriend who's sitting on the loveseat beside me. She's staring right at me as I ask a question that I realize is pretty stupid as it leaves my mouth:

"Is the cat in here?" (I realized it's stupid because the footsteps were much more pronounced than the cat can make and even if he jumped on the back of the couch it would not have felt like that)

"No.. I let him out a while ago because.."

"Did you see something?" (I ask this because she was already looking in my direction when I looked over to her)

"No, but I heard it. It sounded like.."

"Two footsteps?"

"Yeah. You're freaking me out."

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:53 pm
by Jizaboz
So that was last night. I'll go ahead and lay out my first 2 weird events for those I haven't told before

2nd experience.. roughly 11 years ago. I'm visiting my girlfriend for the first time and it's day 2 or 3 that I'm staying at her mothers house. It's the middle of the day and we are up on the 2nd floor in her bedroom getting ready to go out. Then, as clear as day, I hear a voice. Not like I THOUGHT I heard it.. or it was something faint that I mistook, I HEARD this shit as my gf was chatting about something:


I put my finger up to get her to pause, and I listen more intently, and I hear it again.


"Your mom is calling you." I said.

"No she's not." she replied.

Super cold chill goes down my spine. I ask her if she's sure, etc. But I'm really not buying it so as soon as we get downstairs I asked her mom if she called for us. She did not.

This one can't be backed up by another person, but I don't really have any reason to lie about it and I've never "heard voices" in my life.

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:24 pm
by Jizaboz
And the first story.

This was 20+ years ago back when I was in highschool. I had a friend who I played guitars with me invited me over to his friends house who was a bass player. We get all set up and start playing a fairly simple song I had written. We're playing maybe 20 minutes, the 3 of us standing in this dudes bedroom when something makes me look up from my guitar.

There's an object about the size of a brick about eye-level to me flying through the air. I dodge and it hits the wall behind me hard. I just stood there dumbfounded and the other two guys just kept playing guitars lol.

I look down and it's a fucking VHS tape! Pretty sure it was an Earnest movie if I recall correctly. I get them to stop playing and help me figure out what just happened. They both swear up and down they didn't throw it and really there was no way they could have without skipping a note or whatever. His collection of VHS tapes were on the wall opposite from me, behind where they were standing.

After I calm down a bit, the guy starts telling me (my other friend knew but never said anything about it) that "an old man ghost" lives in the house. He hadn't had much interaction with it over the past few years, but when he was a kid he'd wake up with him standing over the end of the bed breathing hard. He'd cuss it out until it left him alone! I guess my singing was really, really bad or something and it pissed off the old man haha

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:47 pm
by AArdvark
Man that's SOOOoo cool! I know it's freaky and everything, but to experience something that hardly anyone else does is worth the freakout. Maybe you're like Whoopie Goldberg in that movie, where everyone comes around to interact with you because you can sense them or something.


Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:35 pm
by Flack
I haven't experienced anything like that personally, but I have friends (who I completely trust) who have. My friend Josh told me there was a ghost in his old house and he, his dad, and his sister all had experienced different things.

My sister in law, who is a hospice nurse, has experienced some pretty freaky things. She has been in the room with many people when they passed away and has some stories that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:02 pm
by bryanb
Those are some creepy stories, Jiz -- thanks for sharing. I'm agnostic so Paul probably thinks of me as being an atheist who lacks commitment, but I don't see it that way. There's a lot of stuff I know I don't know, and there's a lot of stuff I don't think any human being on this planet knows. Why do I need to make my mind up about the most basic questions of existence based on insufficient evidence? So I'm open-minded about ghosts and have always loved ghost stories, whether ostensibly true or fictional.

I can't say I've had any first-hand encounters with the phantasmal, though. The closest I've come to anything like that happened while I was grieving after the death of a beloved cat. I started getting these dreams about my cat, but they didn't feel like normal dreams...they felt almost like communication. In the first dream, my cat was eating a big bunch of food with absolute relish. This felt significant because my cat had started refusing food when he got sick. It felt like the message was, "I'm OK now and have resumed my gluttonous ways!" The next dream showed my cat at the very end of my big back yard. I walk down to my cat -- slowly -- and pick him up. He seems totally chill and relaxed. And so the dream ends. When I woke up, I immediately wanted to check out the back yard and actually had to remind myself he was really gone. (I looked out there anyway -- no cat of course.) The message seemed to be, "I'm waiting for you," which was extremely comforting rather than creepy at that moment. I was also regularly hearing things that reminded me of my cat while I was awake during this time as well, like tires being scratched when I walked into my garage. Also it turns out birds, mice, and insects can all make cat sounds when they want to be dicks. Finally I just decided I couldn't be this sad any unlikely as it sounds, I started to worry my grief was actually making my cat upset on the other side so I needed to cut it out. So far, I haven't dreamed about him since.

I can't say I feel confident that I'll ever see my cat again, but if I do that's going to be one awesome death perk.

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:06 am
by Jizaboz
Flack wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:35 pm My sister in law, who is a hospice nurse, has experienced some pretty freaky things. She has been in the room with many people when they passed away and has some stories that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
I've heard these kinds of stories at a personal level too! One common this is of "ghost nurses" who appear in clothing that looks very out-dated. These nurses seem to be true flesh and blood nurses that actually help lift people, get them a cup of water, etc. But when the patient asks another nurse the next day about the night nurse named "Sadie" or whatever.. they are informed no such person works there.
bryanb wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:02 pm Those are some creepy stories, Jiz -- thanks for sharing. I'm agnostic so Paul probably thinks of me as being an atheist who lacks commitment, but I don't see it that way. There's a lot of stuff I know I don't know, and there's a lot of stuff I don't think any human being on this planet knows. Why do I need to make my mind up about the most basic questions of existence based on insufficient evidence? So I'm open-minded about ghosts and have always loved ghost stories, whether ostensibly true or fictional.

I can't say I've had any first-hand encounters with the phantasmal, though. The closest I've come to anything like that happened while I was grieving after the death of a beloved cat.

I can't say I feel confident that I'll ever see my cat again, but if I do that's going to be one awesome death perk.
I'm pretty much in the same boat as well. I'm neither atheist or religious. I try to keep an open mind to things because my belief is no one living really knows for certain today. Some ancient religions are really interesting to me.. as well as modern science. I think there are probably more than one "form" of these energy forms or wtf ever they are. Maybe some are just "event imprints" of some sort. Who knows. I guess something like my experience with the voice could be considered to some as "demonic" as the thing damn near perfectly mimic'd my girlfriend's mom's voice.

Strange you mention the dream about your cat. So, since my grandfather died when I was in my early 20s, I'd often have dreams for years where I'm talking to him in the driveway or bedroom of his old house (usually the only 2 places you'd find him aside from the local V.F.W. building). Perhaps a few years before my grandmother died, they just stopped.

Also, when my mother died a couple of years ago.. the night of a bunch of my relatives were all sitting somber staring at a table with a couple of cell phones on it. Crying, etc. Suddenly a cell phone leaps about 3 feet directly into the air, flips, and slaps back down on the table! This lightened up the mood a lot as they joked that mom was a witch (I can explain that later lol) and was trying to tell them to get out of their depressive funk. I was not there that night as it was 4 hours away and needed to feed peoples pets and such here. However, about exactly 1 week later much like your dream of the cat:

I have a dream that I'm in standing in the kitchen of my old house. My mom is standing by the stove, but not cooking. She's just standing there smiling. I am a frequent lucid dreamer (ie; I can usually tell I'm dreaming) but this was one of those where I didn't completely feel like I was in a dream but it made no sense for her to be there, or for me to be in that old house for that matter. She holds out her hands and I feel really, really strange. I just keep looking at her in disbelief. She smiles and says something like "Come here, son." and I start breaking down. Then she starts crying too. "I can't." I say. "Yes you can!" she replies, looking more emotional. So I reach out and grab her hands. I can feel them and she smiles at me. The dream fades out. I don't recall ever dreaming about her since and if I did it certainly wasn't anything I'd remember like that.
AArdvark wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:47 pm Man that's SOOOoo cool! I know it's freaky and everything, but to experience something that hardly anyone else does is worth the freakout. Maybe you're like Whoopie Goldberg in that movie, where everyone comes around to interact with you because you can sense them or something.
ROFL yeah let's end with this instead of that hard-to-type dream. You know, it's odd but I really felt that way after the VHS tape event. Like "Wow, holy shit, I got to experience a ghost or something!" The feeling you get though when it initially happens is hard to describe. It's like your brain goes into can-not-compute mode and momentarily you are in kind of a state of shock and disbelief. As a kid I played with Quija boards, TABOO (A tarot card reading game program for NES), and read a lot of books on the subject but I do not consider myself a psychic or whatever. If I were to believe in such a thing, I think females would make much better psychics because by nature they just more sensitive to things. When I was younger I used to get extremely vivid and correct deja vu dreams about the most mundane of things. Getting off a bus into a parking lot I only visited once in my life, cleaning spilled milk in a certain corner of a room, etc. Not any more. I do still vividly dream and lucid dream though.. and I usually remember every minute of them. It's rare that I talk to any other adult that can even remember their dreams which is kinda sad.

In my waking life I sometimes "detect" something. Like walking into an empty room or area and getting a terrible sense of dread, sadness or uneasiness. Or walking down a hallway you've been down many times but one time you have a strong sense of someone watching you but there's no one there. I don't know what to make of any this and actually think that's common.. even with adults. Perhaps just internal turmoil buried in the subconscious.

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:25 pm
by Tdarcos
bryanb wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:02 pm Those are some creepy stories, Jiz -- thanks for sharing. I'm agnostic so Paul probably thinks of me as being an atheis
Actually, you are an atheist. I too, was an agnostic, for 29 years, until I saw one of Aron Ra's videos in which he says, either you really believe in God, or you don't. If you are an agnostic and don't really believe in your heart of hearts that God exists, then you are a nonbeliever, which makes you an atheist.

Most agnostics are also atheists, and often don't realize it. If you don't believe, you are an atheist.

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:07 pm
by Flack
I identify as agnostic. Death is like a one-way door, and I don't know what's on the other side.

Re: Ghosts & Paranormal

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:33 pm
by Jizaboz
Flack wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:07 pm I identify as agnostic. Death is like a one-way door, and I don't know what's on the other side.
Yeah that’s the way I lean as well. When talking with Paul about death I mentioned something like “even if we have a soul that can reincarnate or we’re in the matrix or whatever.. you know our shit probably gets a RAM format every time we are restarted.”