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Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:27 pm
by Jizaboz
For the 3rd or 4th time in my life this happened again tonight..
Sitting in my trailer and totally minding my business.. 2 beers in and getting relaxed.. then I see a small black shadow.
I look down and for some reason my first thought is “Oh a little friend” despite me hating pests in general.
When I look down my next thought is “ehh.. shit. I have a rodent to deal with.”
About 1 second later I realize that’s a fucking bug. We call them “water bugs” out here but resemble a black roach longer than my index finger. You could probably make an appetizer out of this thing. Of course like 1/3 out of these prehistoric alien bastards, he escapes my sight before I can find something to slay it with. Let’s just say I’m vaping both lime and roach poison now because I’m sending him a message. And I’m wearing my shoes indoors atm.
About 45 miles before you get here, you see multiple signs along the road for “Got snakes?” And “Snake Gone”. I guess it could be worse.
What’s the biggest bug you’ve had to deal with?
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:19 pm
by Tdarcos
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:27 pm
About 1 second later I realize that’s a fucking bug. We call them “water bugs” out here but resemble a black roach longer than my index finger. You could probably make an appetizer out of this thing.
What’s the biggest bug you’ve had to deal with?
About 41 years ago, my family was traveling and stopped at a motel in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Our next-door neighbor is the Coca -Cola bottling plant. We were unloading the car to put stuff in the room, including our two dogs. One of them, a mixed breed named Bridget, ran straight for the cage containing the motel owner's birds (I'm guessing she saw them as a quick snack.) Anyway, we drag her away (we didn't have her on a leash, she's normally very well-behaved.)
The next thing she noticed was what I guess you would call a water bug but I just figured it was a typical large cockroach. Typical Texas or New Mexico Jumbo sized. Probably the size of a grown man's thumb. May have been black, I don't remember. I do remember that Bridget goes over, takes a sniff of the "insect of unusual size" and goes "slurp."
Scratch one jumbo roach. My mother is trying to stop her, saying "Bridget, give me that." Meanwhile, Bridget is enjoying her tasty treat. You can hear the roach cracking as she chews away on it, she's smacking her lips, her tongue licking them as she's wagging her tail. I gather it was delicious as Bridget was looking for more.
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:33 pm
by RealNC
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:27 pmWhat’s the biggest bug you’ve had to deal with?
A tarantula. Not those black, hairy ones people think of. It looked more like a crab, but it still scared the living crap out of me. It was just walking on the pavement. My buddy, who is completely insane btw, picked it up and kept it as a pet for about a year. It died when he tried to feed it a mantis. (The mantis is what considered the tarantula as dinner, not the other way around. It literally cut the tarantula in half.)
I guess tarantulas aren't bugs, but still.
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:06 am
by Casual Observer
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:27 pmmy trailer
Cool, you live in a mobile home? I think that's awesome. If I didn't have a wife I would live in either a trailer or preferably a live-aboard boat in a nearby marina (marina's are the trailer parks of the sea). I would be saving at least $1700 per month and since I don't really care about lots of physical possessions I wouldn't mind the size. In fact, my $2100 2 bedroom apartment has fairly similar square feet to the trailer my parents lived in when I was born. Where do you actually live? Would love to see some pictures of the area and the 'park in which you live.
Also, try some diatomaceous earth to dehydrate those fucking bugs to death without using pesticides.
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:32 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Great question. Biggest bug, if I may use that term, was a giant ass spider that appeared in a place we booked for a couple nights in Costa Rica. I don't blame anyone here, I was in the jungle for chrissake. It was as large as a normal drinking glass, because that is what I used to transport him out of the house and put him back into the jungle where he belonged. My wife slept through the entire thing. That was on the same day that we got drink on rum and Orange Slice and went to some natural hot springs and I handed her my wallet to put away and she dropped it and it went sailing down the river, my ID and credit cards gone in a foreign country. :(
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:58 pm
by Tdarcos
Attention please: a "bug" is defined as a six-legged insect. Spiders are not bugs, and if praying mantis' only have the two front and two back legs (haven't checked) then they aren't. (Wikipedia confirms, only four legs not counting wings, which not all mantis have.). §o let's agree to simplify this discussion by revising the question to
What’s the biggest insect you’ve had to deal with?
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:13 pm
by AArdvark
Oh, now there's parameters to everyone's bug stories.
That leaves me out
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:01 pm
by Jizaboz
Tdarcos wrote:
I do remember that Bridget goes over, takes a sniff of the "insect of unusual size" and goes "slurp."
Scratch one jumbo roach. My mother is trying to stop her, saying "Bridget, give me that." Meanwhile, Bridget is enjoying her tasty treat. You can hear the roach cracking as she chews away on it, she's smacking her lips, her tongue licking them as she's wagging her tail. I gather it was delicious as Bridget was looking for more.
Hahaha it probably tasted like a jumbo shrimp to the dog!
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:06 pm
by Jizaboz
RealNC wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:33 pm
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:27 pmWhat’s the biggest bug you’ve had to deal with?
A tarantula. Not those black, hairy ones people think of. It looked more like a crab, but it still scared the living crap out of me. It was just walking on the pavement. My buddy, who is completely insane btw, picked it up and kept it as a pet for about a year. It died when he tried to feed it a mantis. (The mantis is what considered the tarantula as dinner, not the other way around. It literally cut the tarantula in half.)
I guess tarantulas aren't bugs, but still.
This is the most metal thing I have read in ages. Holy shit! Learned something there too.
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:08 pm
by Jizaboz
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:32 am
Great question. Biggest bug, if I may use that term, was a giant ass spider that appeared in a place we booked for a couple nights in Costa Rica. I don't blame anyone here, I was in the jungle for chrissake. It was as large as a normal drinking glass, because that is what I used to transport him out of the house and put him back into the jungle where he belonged. My wife slept through the entire thing. That was on the same day that we got drink on rum and Orange Slice and went to some natural hot springs and I handed her my wallet to put away and she dropped it and it went sailing down the river, my ID and credit cards gone in a foreign country. :(
That’s remarkable you did not just throw stuff at it in a frenzy to kill it and instead handled the thing! You couldn’t pay me 100$ to do that.
Also, how did you manage to get by once your wallet went missing? I want to say you mentioned this to me before but I don’t recall the details.
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:20 pm
by Jizaboz
Casual Observer wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:06 am
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:27 pmmy trailer
Cool, you live in a mobile home? I think that's awesome. If I didn't have a wife I would live in either a trailer or preferably a live-aboard boat in a nearby marina (marina's are the trailer parks of the sea). I would be saving at least $1700 per month and since I don't really care about lots of physical possessions I wouldn't mind the size. In fact, my $2100 2 bedroom apartment has fairly similar square feet to the trailer my parents lived in when I was born. Where do you actually live? Would love to see some pictures of the area and the 'park in which you live.
Also, try some diatomaceous earth to dehydrate those fucking bugs to death without using pesticides.
Hm dehydration makes sense, considering they like to crawl thru drains and stuff. Never heard of that.
I live here roughly a month or little over a year. Few days here and there.. not all at once. It’s more of a “camper” than a trailer technically, but it’s attached to a deck and shed with additional roofing.
I hear you on cutting down. I like my brick house 4 hours away for certain comforts and room for arcade machines, but I could certainly see myself just staying here most the time if I didn’t have the house and such.
I pay 3500$ for rent here.. a year heh-heh.
Here is the location. My place is visible here near the boat ramp.
Re: Radroaches
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:29 pm
by Jizaboz
Should probably add I also let my sisters family and my half-sisters family stay here as well a couple weeks out of the year. Paying that much even per year wouldn’t make much sense with only one person here a total of a bit over a month lol