Matt Good 6:8:3
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:45 am
Robb, see the bold? Your Next Game?
I hit the wrong link on my favorites menu this morning and ended up reading about how Iraqi food rationing is worse now than it was during the UN sanctions. I was trying to get to a website about a video game that I’m playing right now and somehow hit the wrong link. I must remember to delete that link so it doesn’t happen again. It’s ruined my whole god damned morning.
It’s a mess out there kids. There’s a shit storm in the Congo. Palestinian and Israeli hardliners want nothing to do with current peace plans for that region so, as usual, they’re still shooting each other. The Queen knighted Afghanistan’s new President, but no one can seem to find him any money to feed his people (where are those humanitarian loving Yankees when ya need them?). Actually, there’s a whole whack of other shit happening as well, but I’m not going to waste my time mentioning it.
The truth of the matter is that it’s 22 degrees out right now and my near future is all about sitting on a patio and drinking beer. That’s my afternoon. I may get up to go take a slash now and again, but for the most part I’m just going to sit on my ass and drink beer (if anyone that works for a major brewing company’s marketing division happens to be reading this I’d be more than happy to play a few shows, if you know what I mean – cha-ching!)
I have no hard plans tonight to speak of. I might lie on my sofa and watch TV, I might go cruising around in the convertible and throw water balloons at street people, dunno yet. I’ll find something.
Oh, one thing to mention. Stop e-mailing me about the whole downloading nonsense. I don’t care. If you want to e-mail me about beer, or nude pictures of yourself, then fine. Hell, even just simple crazy fan stuff’s good. But no longwinded e-mails please, I just read the first two lines and then delete them.
I was thinking today that someone needs to invent an online game where it’s just anarchy in the streets. You start out in a house and the world is just a fucking disaster and you have to survive. You have a shotgun, an assortment pack of Hostess deserts, and that’s it. So everyone outside your house is someone else in the world that’s also playing the game and you can kill, rob, fuck, bludgeon, cripple, blind, burn, or dismember them as you see fit. Now that’s a good fucking time if ever there was a good time to be had. The best part about it is that you’d be aware of the fact that someone just like you was controlling other people in the game. So in a sense, you’d be doing away with real people (**while drinking beer optional). Now that’s a damn that’s sexy idea if ever there was one.
I have to admit, this whole kicking back, having a good time scenario is brilliant. I should have bought in a long time ago. Anyway, there’s a cold beer out there with my name on it, so I’ve got to go. But maybe we’ll run into each other in cyberspace sometime.
I’ll be the guy with the smile and the shotgun.
I hit the wrong link on my favorites menu this morning and ended up reading about how Iraqi food rationing is worse now than it was during the UN sanctions. I was trying to get to a website about a video game that I’m playing right now and somehow hit the wrong link. I must remember to delete that link so it doesn’t happen again. It’s ruined my whole god damned morning.
It’s a mess out there kids. There’s a shit storm in the Congo. Palestinian and Israeli hardliners want nothing to do with current peace plans for that region so, as usual, they’re still shooting each other. The Queen knighted Afghanistan’s new President, but no one can seem to find him any money to feed his people (where are those humanitarian loving Yankees when ya need them?). Actually, there’s a whole whack of other shit happening as well, but I’m not going to waste my time mentioning it.
The truth of the matter is that it’s 22 degrees out right now and my near future is all about sitting on a patio and drinking beer. That’s my afternoon. I may get up to go take a slash now and again, but for the most part I’m just going to sit on my ass and drink beer (if anyone that works for a major brewing company’s marketing division happens to be reading this I’d be more than happy to play a few shows, if you know what I mean – cha-ching!)
I have no hard plans tonight to speak of. I might lie on my sofa and watch TV, I might go cruising around in the convertible and throw water balloons at street people, dunno yet. I’ll find something.
Oh, one thing to mention. Stop e-mailing me about the whole downloading nonsense. I don’t care. If you want to e-mail me about beer, or nude pictures of yourself, then fine. Hell, even just simple crazy fan stuff’s good. But no longwinded e-mails please, I just read the first two lines and then delete them.
I was thinking today that someone needs to invent an online game where it’s just anarchy in the streets. You start out in a house and the world is just a fucking disaster and you have to survive. You have a shotgun, an assortment pack of Hostess deserts, and that’s it. So everyone outside your house is someone else in the world that’s also playing the game and you can kill, rob, fuck, bludgeon, cripple, blind, burn, or dismember them as you see fit. Now that’s a good fucking time if ever there was a good time to be had. The best part about it is that you’d be aware of the fact that someone just like you was controlling other people in the game. So in a sense, you’d be doing away with real people (**while drinking beer optional). Now that’s a damn that’s sexy idea if ever there was one.
I have to admit, this whole kicking back, having a good time scenario is brilliant. I should have bought in a long time ago. Anyway, there’s a cold beer out there with my name on it, so I’ve got to go. But maybe we’ll run into each other in cyberspace sometime.
I’ll be the guy with the smile and the shotgun.