What I find most interesting is how you start a message about something you think is
not OK by starting with "Ok."
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:29 pmTdarcos, you need to tone it down here with all the sex and serial killer stuff.
Serial killer? That I don't remember. I do remember the former, and I realize now I should have toned it down, but I got "in the zone," (and, I admit, was having
way too mch fun than is allowed by law) and thinking about what I wanted the "adult" version of my game to do (or something relatively close to it).
This posting gave me the opportunity to think about some of the dialog and how I would get the game to respond. Having done this now, what I am going to do is implement ADULT MODE or MODE ADULT to enable the "dirty" version, and start in, (or allow the command FAMILY MODE or MODE FAMILY to return to) the "clean" version. It would also mean the more vulgar verbs will be rejected unless the user turns on adult mode.
I hadn't actually implemented adult mode yet and had I simply posted what is already in the game it would have been reasonable.
It also solves one problem I had: how to set up the rape fantasy scenario. I can just restrict the RAPE verb to the adult mode.
As for messages here I shall endeavor to remember to "tone it down" in normal conversation.
Now I am not saying I don't believe you, what I am saying is that I honestly have no memory of posting
anything related to serial killers here, at least not recently. Can you respond with the link to the message(s) posted here during the last week, no, make that during December 2019, in which I mentioned serial killers or serial killing? I have no recollection of referencing the subject.
Now, if either it was hyperbole or you wanted to preempt discussion of that subject in advance, then just say so.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:29 pmPost whatever you want on Caltrops. In fact, I paid you $20
As the saying goes, "When it all comes down to it, it's always about the money, isn't it?" Now if that isn't a quote from a movie, it's such a great line I need to add it somewhere in one of the books I am currently writing. In fat I know which one,
Don't Break the Merger.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:29 pmto encourage you to post stuff on Caltrops
That's right, always send the minorities¹ to the ghetto. Did you hear about the black woman back in the 1960s who got an all-expense paid education by her state to go to a fairly good universaity in another state? Because her state was very racist, and rather than comply with federal court mandates to integrate its (all white) universities, it simply paid for the few black students who qualified for admission to go to any public or private university of a similar cost as long as they went to
some other state.
As for posting on Caltrops, I did that, only I wrote this relatively long message on Caltrops, that probably took a couple hours to hunt-and-peck my way through it, doing a "view posting" regularly, so if something happened I could hit the back button and recover from there. Only problem was that after I finished the message and clicked "post," apparently what happened was, we lost Internet onnectivity, and, with my vision problems, I didn't notice the page (which probably took a while for the "the distant site timed out" message) was a "having trouble finding the site caltrops.com, check your spelling or if this is an actual site, contact your network administrator" page. Thus I thought the message I wrote was posted. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I should have been more careful.
So now - including this message I am writing now - I am composing it using the Atom text editor, then doing right click seelct all, right click copy, then come here and do right click, select all, right click paste, and thus copy the material here and by doing a review every so often, it prevents the BBS from issuing a message indicating the session identifier had expired. And will prevent postings to Caltrops to be lost due to posting failure.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:29 pm And if anything, you have posted more of the creepy stuff here.
Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. I mean, if you think i]that[/i] was bad, wait until you read this…
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:29 pmSo please - every single thing you have posted here that's been related to sex is something we'd rather you post somewhere anywhere on Caltrops.
As the saying goes, "That's right, always send the minorities¹ to the ghetto." I know I've seen that phrase before.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:29 pmUsually what happened when we ask you to do a thing like this is that you have razor-like focus in pretending to ignore our request and barrel on doing what you are doing. So please acknowledge that you read this,
"I acknowledge that you have asked me to cool it on postinmgs of sex and violence, specifically seriaL killers." Although I don't remember any postings about having sex with serial killers.
Okay, I withdraw my acknowledgement, although I can't remember what I was acknowledging. I think I should change my handle to Goldfish, but I can't remember why.
- - - -
¹ As it was (probably) said in
Dragnet, in the end, everyone is a minority in some fashion, because the individual is simply a minority of one.