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Hey Robb

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:51 pm
by Debaser
Since you and I aren't quite best web buddies enough to exchange e-mail, I have no clue whether beaver@zombieworld is still your primary or if it languishes unchecked these days. If the latter is the case, be sure to check it today, for my "future update week" contribution.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 4:14 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yeah, is definitely a fine e-mail address to use. The only other one that I have is, but they are essentially the same box as everything gets dumped into the same spot on my hard drive through Eudora when I get home.

I can't begin to express the <strike>raging ere--</strike> levels of pumpitude I have after seeing what you sent me. You're the freaking man. I have refrained from installing Word on this computer here at work due to all the kiddie scripts by script kiddies that enjoy using Word as a sort of launching pad for annoying attacks, so I am going to get home and give it a read through. I sent off my questionnaire for Bruce yesterday, so we actually have *FOUR* slots for "Update Week" currently nabbed. Previous "Update Weeks" have had us updating three times at most in a given week, and I had to struggle to do it. Let me see if I can churn out a few thousand words (and a few hundred swear words) over Jinxter or something, and we will have a number of updates for "Update Week" that I previously thought unreachable.


.. Also: GOLDEN AGE.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 4:31 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Just re-reading my post, I wasn't quite as forward with "Update Week" plans as I could be, especially with PTX and James Bond set with content for the Content Beaver to devour:

I'm going to do my best to get everything set for June 16th. We actually probably could have started this week, but I blew it by missing Monday and Tuesday. I'll throw up one update per day, etc., and then presuming there isn't an Update Week II: Cruise Control and so forth, leave the links on the front page of the RFTK site, as they tend to get the most hits.

In true update week tradition, I will take the lead on inserting the name of a piece of Anime into one of the pages and then insulting those who have experience said piece of Anime. I will attempt to do this in my as-of-yet unwritten personal update, and will endeavor to:

1) Make it so that not only fans of this to-be-determined piece are harshly and unfairly slagged, but also anyone whose eyes have merely scanned the broken-English inscribed, ditto-machined box copy

2) Be horribly and trollishly inaccurate, which is a departure from Debaser's earlier precedent

For great justice, I remain your friendly neighborhood system operator.