Hidden Resolution #2
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:15 pm
Long-term denizens of this board that knew me back in the day -- and those who knew me even before -- know that relationships with the fairer sex never came easily to me. I was a virgin until I was 24. Socially awkward, shy, and self-doubting to this day, I just never quite figured out how to get on with da ladiez. But oh, how I wanted to. And in my mind, it was never primarily a sexual thing. What I remember wanting most was a partner. A friend. Someone to hold, and care for, and be cared for back. Though The Office got a little sappy with Jim & Pam, it was really that perfect union that I think is so popular because it's so universal.
Before I met my wife, to my name I had one "serious" relationship, and a couple emotionally devastating short-term "flings" which seemed fun at the time, but looking back I have nothing but painful memories of.
Then Kathy came into my life, and I was given everything I wanted. We've spent the last fourteen years together, married for eight of them, galavanting around the country, bringing all manner of animals and Chinese humans into our lives. We watched BSG all the way through TWICE, fer Chrissakes.
Before I met her, I knew I was going to be the best husband the world had ever seen, giving 100% to both the financial well-being, and more importantly, the emotional care of the woman so special that she'd actually choose me to be her mate.
Not once did I ever think that I would instead wind up lying to her on a virtually daily basis, for years.
This, kids, is one of the special joys of alcoholism, particularly when your partner is not real happy about it, and you very much want her to be happy.
1. Flat out, to-your-face lies. "Did you have a beer already?" "No." Pretty simple. The pinnacle of this came back when I was drinking liquor, and an absurd amount of it (unlike the last couple years where I was only drinking an absurd amount of beer and wine. A veritable health-nut!) and she said "Have you been drinking today?" and I said "No", even though I'd already put down a fifth of Jim Beam. Her response, through quivering voice, was, "I think I'm going crazy." She knew I was hammered, but I still said "no". They both couldn't be true, and it was destroying her.
2. "Soft" hiding. This is where you're not technically HIDING alcohol, just sort of, keeping your imbibing out of view. The best example of this is, buying a 12 pack of beer, and sipping a couple of them during the evening. Then she'd go to bed, and when she got up, whoa, where'd those other seven beers go? Weird! (One trick for this is, before you go to bed, take the cans out of the 12-pack and just shuffle 'em around in the fridge somewhere so it's not immediately clear how may of them are left. If she starts to count them, she'll feel bad about herself, so everybody wins! Wine boxes are also great for this, since there's no way of knowing how much is left by looking at it, and if she started picking them up to weigh them, she'd feel bad about herself. See above.) I also got remarkably good at sneaking two beers out of the fridge, walking upstairs as if I was going to the bathroom, chugging both of them in less than a minute and coming back downstairs like nothing had happened. It's amazing the skills you can learn when you really apply yourself.
(Note: In retrospect, I don't think any of those "tricks" actually worked, but they seemed like a reasonable idea at the time, and as long as I was never confronted about it, I could continue to carry a smug pride in my devious brilliance.)
3. "Hard" hiding. Just plain hiding alcohol around (or even outside!) the house, and/or buying and drinking it without her knowledge. This was by far the most fun one. If I went to the grocery store in the evenings, there was literally a zero percent chance I wouldn't pick up a 24 oz Mike's Harder Lemonade or something similar with the groceries and pound it in the car on the way home. Mina and I had a routine after her Taekwondo lessons, where we'd stop by the gas station for a fun little kids juice that came in cartoon character-shaped bottles. Daddy would also get his own juice. Finally, an accomplice, and one who couldn't rat me out! As far as hiding alcohol around the house, here were some of my favorites:
- A box of wine fits great in the lower left-hand office drawer. Cliche, but effective.
- An opened moving box out in the garage that everyone's forgotten about. "Gonna take the trash out!"
- In the back of the spice drawer in the kitchen. I do all the cooking, so there's no way she'd ever find that. I could say the same thing about the cleaning supplies, am I right, fellas?
- Actually IN the trash cans in the garage, in a bag that looked like it'd been thrown out. Boy, I loved the garage.
- Countless others.
Do this enough, and it becomes almost impossible to enjoy alcohol UNLESS it's hidden. It's like a game. A little extra excitement, to add a little spice to it. Some juice, some action.
For a life already defined largely by shame in the best times, the additional shame that came with these daily activities is absolutely incalculable. If I apologized every day for the rest of our lives, it would never even out.
Hidden Resolution #2 is: Do not lie to my wife, about anything.
Before I met my wife, to my name I had one "serious" relationship, and a couple emotionally devastating short-term "flings" which seemed fun at the time, but looking back I have nothing but painful memories of.
Then Kathy came into my life, and I was given everything I wanted. We've spent the last fourteen years together, married for eight of them, galavanting around the country, bringing all manner of animals and Chinese humans into our lives. We watched BSG all the way through TWICE, fer Chrissakes.
Before I met her, I knew I was going to be the best husband the world had ever seen, giving 100% to both the financial well-being, and more importantly, the emotional care of the woman so special that she'd actually choose me to be her mate.
Not once did I ever think that I would instead wind up lying to her on a virtually daily basis, for years.
This, kids, is one of the special joys of alcoholism, particularly when your partner is not real happy about it, and you very much want her to be happy.
The lies came in three forms, which I'll list now, in increasing order of frequency:“Do you ever hide beer around the house?” – Marge Simpson
“Do I ever!” – Homer Simpson
1. Flat out, to-your-face lies. "Did you have a beer already?" "No." Pretty simple. The pinnacle of this came back when I was drinking liquor, and an absurd amount of it (unlike the last couple years where I was only drinking an absurd amount of beer and wine. A veritable health-nut!) and she said "Have you been drinking today?" and I said "No", even though I'd already put down a fifth of Jim Beam. Her response, through quivering voice, was, "I think I'm going crazy." She knew I was hammered, but I still said "no". They both couldn't be true, and it was destroying her.
2. "Soft" hiding. This is where you're not technically HIDING alcohol, just sort of, keeping your imbibing out of view. The best example of this is, buying a 12 pack of beer, and sipping a couple of them during the evening. Then she'd go to bed, and when she got up, whoa, where'd those other seven beers go? Weird! (One trick for this is, before you go to bed, take the cans out of the 12-pack and just shuffle 'em around in the fridge somewhere so it's not immediately clear how may of them are left. If she starts to count them, she'll feel bad about herself, so everybody wins! Wine boxes are also great for this, since there's no way of knowing how much is left by looking at it, and if she started picking them up to weigh them, she'd feel bad about herself. See above.) I also got remarkably good at sneaking two beers out of the fridge, walking upstairs as if I was going to the bathroom, chugging both of them in less than a minute and coming back downstairs like nothing had happened. It's amazing the skills you can learn when you really apply yourself.
(Note: In retrospect, I don't think any of those "tricks" actually worked, but they seemed like a reasonable idea at the time, and as long as I was never confronted about it, I could continue to carry a smug pride in my devious brilliance.)
3. "Hard" hiding. Just plain hiding alcohol around (or even outside!) the house, and/or buying and drinking it without her knowledge. This was by far the most fun one. If I went to the grocery store in the evenings, there was literally a zero percent chance I wouldn't pick up a 24 oz Mike's Harder Lemonade or something similar with the groceries and pound it in the car on the way home. Mina and I had a routine after her Taekwondo lessons, where we'd stop by the gas station for a fun little kids juice that came in cartoon character-shaped bottles. Daddy would also get his own juice. Finally, an accomplice, and one who couldn't rat me out! As far as hiding alcohol around the house, here were some of my favorites:
- A box of wine fits great in the lower left-hand office drawer. Cliche, but effective.
- An opened moving box out in the garage that everyone's forgotten about. "Gonna take the trash out!"
- In the back of the spice drawer in the kitchen. I do all the cooking, so there's no way she'd ever find that. I could say the same thing about the cleaning supplies, am I right, fellas?
- Actually IN the trash cans in the garage, in a bag that looked like it'd been thrown out. Boy, I loved the garage.
- Countless others.
Do this enough, and it becomes almost impossible to enjoy alcohol UNLESS it's hidden. It's like a game. A little extra excitement, to add a little spice to it. Some juice, some action.
For a life already defined largely by shame in the best times, the additional shame that came with these daily activities is absolutely incalculable. If I apologized every day for the rest of our lives, it would never even out.
Hidden Resolution #2 is: Do not lie to my wife, about anything.