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QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:58 pm
by Jizaboz
Now that the experimenting is over, it's time to get an official thread for our Jolt Country Quake 2 servers. Each server should have the following format:
URL or IP: (x.x.x.x:port or
Game type: (deathmatch, osp, jail, whatever)
Description: (describe the mod running on server and why it's cool)
Startup Instructions: (As dumbed down as possible. Server should provide most or all downloads, but add links if not)
Special Instructions: (Special console commands, weird key bindings, etc)
Also, we can announce meetup times for trying to join up like:
Day/Time: 03/20 8:30 EST
Game: WTF ever game mod we are plahing
URL: The url to the game
Some general Quake II notes:
- Hit the ~ (tilde) key to open the console. There are many console commands.
- In the console, type: name myname to change your name
- Alternatively, you can hit the ESC key and in multiplayer options you can change your name and player model
- Important: Make sure your multiplayer options for allowing downloads are all set to "yes", especially "allow http downloads" for modern servers.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:12 pm
by Jizaboz
Gametype: OSP Tournament
Description: Small maps. Railguns and blasters only. Railguns are 1-shot kill (insta-gib). Laser grapple hooks allow you to grip and swing from walls and ceilings. Permanent high score saves with backups to Amazon cloud. High-speed http downloads instead of the original Q2 UDP upload protocol.
Startup Instructions:
- (Windows) Download the "Quake II Starter" installer from and install it.
- Run the q2pro executable.
- Type: connect
You should now be connected.
Special instructions:
- To enable the laser grapple hook, type the following into the console: bind mouse2 +hook
- This server has map voting enabled. To vote for a new map, type the following into the console: vote map
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:52 pm
by Jizaboz
Match scheduled for tomorrow!
OSP Tournament
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:33 pm
by AArdvark
I was laughing so hard at that last one I got the hiccups!
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:59 pm
by Jizaboz
haha yeah it was a blast! That grapple hook match lol I had a 1 on 1 with a late co-worker after the rest of you guys left. He'll try to make the next game.
I have discovered there ARE Linux binaries for the "Rocket Arena 2" team-based mod! This mod is best with about 8 people (4 per team) so it'll be got "big game nights". Will update when I get time to install it and get it working.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 5:39 pm
by Jizaboz
For future reference: ... loads.shtm
This is a cool mod. Basically you join a red or blue team, and Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat counts down from 3 and FIGHT! You start out with 50 rockets for your rocket launcher (I also recommend also adding grenade launcher but NOT using machine guns, shotguns, or railguns) and 50 or more armor. You have a set amount of time to eliminate the other team before the round ends. I can also set # of rounds per "game" before the map changes, etc.
This will use a completely different set of maps meant for this style of play. They are more open (yet not just square death boxes like the insta-gib server usually loads) and encourage vertical movement via rocket-jumping rather than using laser grapple hooks.
I've thought about Action Quake 2 team matches but there are lot of extra keybindings and bullshit involved with that which I do not think many of us have patience for at this time. "Weapons of Destruction" may be a cool everyone-kill-everyone mod to play along with the OSP, but I need time to test it and want to make Rocket Arena 2 the priority right now. I'd like to allow for 16 players on it, so when I do launch it I'll probably increase the bandwidth (ie; more money) of the instance so this would be a "OSP Mon-Thur and RA2 Fri-Sun" thing to keep costs under control while ensuring we maintain a ping of 30 or less like we are getting on the OSP Linux server with around 6 people on.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:24 pm
by Jizaboz
Attempting to set Rocket Arena 2 up again soon. First attempt resulted in basically a "files don't match" error from the server last week.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:13 pm
by Jizaboz
Figured it out! It's running default settings for now that can be changed later. Open for suggestions.
Gametype: Rocket Arena 2
Description: Team-based game. 30 minute game time limit (because of shorter "rounds"). No frag limit (can be changed) Players choose a team and then spawn with extra health, armor, all enabled weapons and ammo for them. Each map has multiple arenas to choose from! Once at least 2 teams are established, a count-down begins. Then, opposing teams try to eliminate each other. Once a team has been eliminated, the round ends.
Startup Instructions:
- (Windows) Download the "Quake II Starter" installer from and install it.
!! Important !! You need the Rocket Arena 2 client files. My server will not provide these. Download this ... 2250cl.exe and EXTRACT it (it's an old self-extracting executable that won't work on new systems) with your favorite unzipping program. Inside, you will see folders labeled "baseq2" and "arena". COPY both of these folders into your QUAKE2 directory root directory. This will create c:\quake2\arena (for example) and add some arena player skins to c:\quake2\baseq2\players
- Run the q2pro executable.
- Type: connect
You should now be connected! The terminal on the upper part of the screen when you hit the ~ key now looks a rusty red color showing that you are using Rocket Arena 2.
Special instructions:
- A menu will pop up when you join. Hit the TAB key to advance it. Create a new team or join another player's team. Don't join one of the 2 read or blue "pick up teams" or you won't be in the right area. Once the menu is closed, use TAB at any time to open it again.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:34 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I think this weekend we should give it another try.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:09 am
by AArdvark
This is Easter Saturday were talking about right? in between watching teh Ten Commandments we can blast each other on Quake!
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:17 am
by Jizaboz
Let's try for next weekend for the "Big game" as really this game requires at least 4 people, is better with around 8, and the server can handle 16. Also, holiday weekend and all might make it hard for some of us to get away.
However, I'd really like to get a little testing in (I only need one other person to connect for that) before then to prevent disaster! Aardvark if you or anyone else is willing, just hit me up on the Discord.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:59 pm
by RetroRomper
I'm up for a bit of Quake 2 if we can play the Pong mod at some point.
Otherwise HMU! (Though I'll be unable to take part via Discord due to my own stupidity and lack of the proper mental health medication at the time).
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:46 am
by pinback
He's saying he's banned from my Discord, so he can't get on the voice channel there. Does anyone else run a Discord server we could move that channel over to? Retro, why don't you create a new one and we'll all move over there for JC/Quake-related stuff.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 9:29 am
by RetroRomper
I'm not going to ask everyone to move because I was a shit head that deserved what he got.
I'll just duck out.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:25 am
by Jizaboz
Trying get a team game going Thursday evening
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 5:10 pm
by Jizaboz
I've had other things going on but.. the server is still running and playing Rocket Arena 2! Still trying to get a test game in before scheduling a big game.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 8:16 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
OK, I would like to do this again. I know I have at least one weekend coming up where it's just me.
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 9:16 pm
by Tdarcos
What do they call it when someone runs a fake Quake server that sends four viruses to your computer?
(That was a thing from Quake III arena, I don't know if the joke works for Quake II. I'm not really familiar with the game.)
Considering people have been on lockdown for weeks, I'm surprised everyone hasn't been playing deathmatch games for hours at a time. Or is it four hours at a time?
That gives me an idea. (Stop groaning, you haven't even heard it yet.)
For anyone who's interested, would anyone like to try playing a match where they can get the opportunity to kick my ass around the block? Hey, you get the opportunity (to try) to blow me away! (in the game, anyway) For great justice! And if you guys beat me enough times, you can say "All your base are belong to us."
I don't even know if I can play, given I am functionally reduced to use of my right hand only. Get your mind out of the gutter, I haven't been successfully able to do that in a year and a half. My left hand and fingers are locked in a curled up position due to Dupychen's syndrome. Besides, I have a catheter stuck in me.
So it may turn out it's impossible for me to play. In which case I could be a cheerleader. (And no, I will not wear a short dress and carry a pom-pom.)
Re: QUAKE II 2020 - Official JC Thread
Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 10:12 pm
by Jizaboz
You are in luck Paul.. there is also a spectator mode where you can join the server and view the whole arena or follow your favorite player.
Also, I lol’d at the quad damage joke haha. I’ll spare you all the specifics of how this usually happened with keygen programs.