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Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:09 am
by Jizaboz
Restoration blog started! "Better to make shit than talk shit." as good ol' Clive said; so I put off making a blog until real progress was made. ... ation.html
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:08 am
by Flack
So far so good! Glad to see you making headway!
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:58 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
In the game, are you - the player - the Bosconian?
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:08 pm
by Jizaboz
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:58 pm
In the game, are you - the player - the Bosconian?
I have no idea! I do not think the Japanese dude that programmed it did either.
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:54 pm
by AArdvark
I'm betting they came up with the game first and stuck a name on afterwards. It's one of my favorites, except for the continue feature. Go for the space record now! WTF!
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:44 am
by Jizaboz
AArdvark wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:54 pm
I'm betting they came up with the game first and stuck a name on afterwards. It's one of my favorites, except for the continue feature. Go for the space record now! WTF!
I'd also take that bet, friend. Didn't get time to work on it today but hope to do more sanding and Bondo application tomorrow! I want that done and a layer or 2 of clear coat applied by this weekend so I can stand the cab up and start working on the fun stuff.
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:47 pm
by Jizaboz
The floor got done! There are a few wood screws I used to re attach the feet plates in the front that are about half an inch too long and visible inside, but it’s no big deal as they only hit the old floor I had to glue and Bondo.. plus no one will see them unless they have their head inside of it. Seems very solid as I already accidentally hit my patch with a hammer and it didn’t budge lol.
Got the cabinet standing by Saturday morning. Went to work on wiring Sunday and had to backtrack due to not wanting to use janky connectors from a new wall cord to the AC filter along with stabbing myself in the fucking thumb with a Swiss Army knife working on that new wall cord haha! Thumb is now healed and new cord is fire-proof

I did manage to prep my new switching power supply with an adapter and tap-in lines for bypassing the ancient power supply circuit board and loop power from the monitor AC into the switching power supply to power the game itself.
Had to double check wiring from ends of wall cord to ac filter connection (where the juice starts feeding the machine) and after nearly 2 hours and think I ha e confirmed for this machine the order is ground / neutral / hot which is unlike diagrams of other similar machines such as Galaga cocktail machines which have ground in the middle.
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 4:57 pm
by Jizaboz
Had plenty of time today to get serious with the monitor. FINALLY got the damn chassis (circuit boards) out today. Total pain in the ass. Going to clean it up some tonight and start replacing old capacitors tomorrow.
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 1:07 am
by Jizaboz
..and it looks like monitor should be complete by tomorrow evening.
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 7:26 pm
by Jizaboz
Monitor has been reassembled! Tomorrow I will finish cleaning the PCB contacts with a fiberglass pen and Windex on a q-tip (cant buy any rubbing alchohol these days). Getting close to first startup!
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:32 pm
by Jizaboz
Ehh work a bit too busy and because of overcast there isn't a lot of light in that room today. Probably putting off another day.
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 12:37 am
by Jizaboz
While the monitor parts themselves were re-assembled, I only had a couple of things plugged in and knew I had had to actually finish "plugging things up" within the whole monitor itself before I re-installed it into the cab. Tonight I looked at the cell fone pics I took of the 3-4 molex connector positions from the neckboard and other places to ensure I hooked all that back up properly. This is exactly why you take a picture of EVERY wire you disconnect on a new and unfamiliar cabinet. I honestly would have wasted a lot of time second-guessing or just saying "well fuggit, the wire is bend this way to the connector must go this way!" and fucked something up either way had I not slowed down to take pictures.
Then I started to actually install the monitor.. by myself, with no gloves. Nearly cut myself, set it down, realized it was 3 am, and decided to have one last beer & smoke nightcap rather than shattering the monitor or myself. If it was my Taito cabinet it would have been as simple as setting a TV without a plastic case on a shelf, but as any of you know that has ever owned something like a standup Pac-Man or a variety other early 1980s arcade games.. the monitor in this cabinet sits at a very weird angle. It's in a sort of reclining in a lounge chair position with the tube neck diagonally pointed at the floor. You can't grab the side handles and just set-er in unless maybe you had wrists like a pr0n star and forearms like Popeye.
Anyway.. tomorrow (er, later today) I'll throw on the work gloves and get my girlfriend to watch to make sure I'm clearing the edges to get this beast of a Wells Gardner K4600 slid back in the cabinet. Then, I finally get to power up the monitor (I have a PCB test bench but I don't have a spare isolation transformer yet for a monitor test bench. I should get on that) and see if I get magical CRT "neck-glow" before I wire the rest up or put a fire out.
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 8:43 pm
by Jizaboz
Haha it's ALIVE! It's alive it's alive
*jolts next to everyone reading this and shakes them*
Note: you will have to click the actual tweet to see the video. Embedded video on this is broken.. for.. some reason?
So just as luck would have it, I had to measure the new power supply before hooking up the gameboard after seeing monitor neck-glow (woo!) and that shit was giving me crazy high readings. Finally common sense kicked in and I tested the power supply on my bomb making apparatus looking thing I call a PCB test bench. Also gave me crazy high readings. Go to change the battery in the multimeter. Multimeter completely dies lol
So, tomorrow I have a busy day but still gonna try to squeeze in getting a new multimeter to make sure voltage is right, get that vert hold issue adjusted out, then probe the game PCB as to why I see "F 000000" instead of "Free play" and cannot seem to start the game. Demo mode works fine. The colors in the picture of the CRT I rebuilt look fan-fucking-tastic so I am happy for tonight.
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 3:53 am
by AArdvark
very cool. It's nice to see stuff like this getting saved, rather than sitting half -dead in a basement. ( like my jukebox)
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:43 pm
by Jizaboz
AArdvark wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 3:53 am
very cool. It's nice to see stuff like this getting saved, rather than sitting half -dead in a basement. ( like my jukebox)
Hey thanks! This is a rare machine that deserved a good fixing up. I was so happy to see the screen fire up so pristine after that monitor restore.
What kind of jukebox do you have?
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:50 pm
by Jizaboz
Today after visiting my friends arcade I bought a new multi-meter on the way home. When I got there, I tested my workbench PS first and dialed it back in then did the same on Bosconian to ensure 5.10 volts at the connector going to the PCB. Ah, sanity!
My friend Chris came over to hang out and check out the game a bit. While we were talking about things such as where to adjust the V-Hold my hand drifted close to the left side of the back of the monitor area and for a split second I felt as if my hand entered a force-field. Before I realized what was happening, my fingers were trembling involuntarily and my hand starts to burn. Slipped my hand back and turned to him and said "Dude, I just started to get electrocuted.. IN THE AIR." My Wells Gardner K-7000s make the hair on my arms stand up but this was a whole other level with this k-4600. Man, I love working on these things haha
Disclaimer: My shit is grounded at least 3 ways so don't even go there with "maybe there is a problem."
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:57 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Disclaimer: My shit is grounded at least 3 ways so don't even go there with "maybe there is a problem."
This is you irl now:

Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 11:03 pm
by Jizaboz
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 10:57 pm
Disclaimer: My shit is grounded at least 3 ways so don't even go there with "maybe there is a problem."
This is you irl now:
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 11:07 pm
by Jizaboz
Me: "Yeah you know that feeling when you fire something up like this for the first time? Your heart is pounding and you feel like you gotta shit?"
Friend: "Eh..."
Me: "Well when it works yr like.. Holy shit it works? It fucking works?! Followed by WELL OF COURSE it fucking WORKS! I fucking fixed that shit!" (as if you had any ounce of confidence going into it)
Re: Bosconian for real 2020
Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 3:54 pm
by Finsternis
I'm glad you're doing this. I always loved Bosconian. I wish I had the money for a cabinet. But I may fire up the old enulator.