A rather amusing IRC conversation
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 8:42 am
Okay, so I'm in #chat on irc.mircx.com, and this guy comes in asking about "a script for hacking". Normally I would have probably joined in with the rest of the luggs in mocking the kid, but I was feeling rather melicious at the time, so I attempted to contact him with a private message. At this point, several people in the chat were mocking him, telling him that there were no IRC scripts for hacking.
Session Start: Wed Jun 11 21:05:44 2003
Session Ident: Ready_Boy
Session Ident: Ready_Boy (~Guest9236@cm85.omega69.maxonline.com.sg)
>don't listen to them.
<Ready_Boy> Who
> These fools who think that ther is no script for hacking.
> Now...
> What exactly are you looking for?
<Ready_Boy> I'am looking for a script which can hack
> Hack what?
> What are you interested in hacking?
> We must know, you see, so you do not abuse this power.
<Ready_Boy> ok
<Ready_Boy> Like de op a person
> Hmmmmm.
> Interesting.
<Ready_Boy> and all the other stuff
<Ready_Boy> I just wanna learn
<Ready_Boy> i've tried finding in kazaa how to hack e-mail, but the hacking they thought doesn't work
> You see, we've once given this power to people before.
> It turned out to be a disaster.
<Ready_Boy> ok
<Ready_Boy> Do you know how to do this stuff
> You see, they went rampant.
> Ended up taking down an entire chat network.
> Temporarily.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> A very major chat network went down.
> It was very nerve-wracking.
<Ready_Boy> i just wanna know like how to de op a person and how to kick or ban without being a op
> Yes.
> You see, these people ended up making too high a profile of themselves.
[What I was referring too here was the time that dalnet got shut down temporarily due to a massive amount of DOS attacks. I was hoping he would recognize it, but I was wrong apparently.]
<Ready_Boy> ok
<Ready_Boy> Which country are you frm
> Now I may make this happen for you, but you need to understand.
> People who make high profiles out of themselves get no shelter from us.
<Ready_Boy> Sure
<Ready_Boy> which channel you go in mirc
> Some peope, those who make too high a profile...
> ...get hunted by us.
> For you see, they are endangering us.
<Ready_Boy> What you mean by high profile
> Don't be too obvious about it.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> If you go banning people left and right, people are bound to notice.
> And make complaints.
> If too big an investigation ocurs... it could be very bad.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> Good.
> Now...
> Also, I must give you a list of people you may not ban, kick or deop.
<Ready_Boy> well can you teach me
> Because they are us.
<Ready_Boy> ok sure
> That's good, that's good.
> you're willing to cooperate.
<Ready_Boy> Yes
> We'll work out those details later.
> Now...
<Ready_Boy> ok
> You see, we can't just give out these things to everyone.
> We have to ensure your loyalty first.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> A little... test, if you will.
<Ready_Boy> sure
> For all I know you are an agent for an investigation agency.
<Ready_Boy> What
> Well...
> What would you do to prove it?
<Ready_Boy> k
> That was a question.
<Ready_Boy> well what makes you think i'am from and ivestigation agency
> The fact that you haven't done anything to convince me otherwise.
<Ready_Boy> Ok
<Ready_Boy> Let me think
> Do not take too long.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> I do not have time to waste.
<Ready_Boy> Well my country does not have investigation agency
> \And where is your country?
<Ready_Boy> Singapore
> Fair enough.
> But how do I know you're really from Iingapore?
<Ready_Boy> Well you can check my connection
> Hm. Yes.
> However, what does it really matter?
> Its entirely possible that you are an agent of anther government living in another country.
> Let me rephrase.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> Its quite possible that you are working for the investigation agency of a country such as America, but just happen to live in Singapore.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> So you see, this is not helping.
> Hell, words are shallow.
> What we need are actions.
> How far would you go to prove to us that you are not working against us?
<Ready_Boy> hold on
<Ready_Boy> If i was working for and agent i wouldn't be coming here i would be in mirc stright
<Ready_Boy> i've really been trying to be a hacker
> Well, perhaps.
> However, it is quite possible that you are a "mole", as they are referred to.
> Someone attempting to spy on us from within.
<Ready_Boy> I've try searching the webs
> Yes, yes, yesyesyes, please don't waste our time with such babblings. The web is useless for this sort of thing.
<Ready_Boy> There is no need for me to spy
> They can try putting this sort of thing on public web sites but could they really last long?
> Well, no.
> That is, if you're a hacker.
> However, you must prove that to us.
<Ready_Boy> But i'am not i just wanna learn]
> Yes. You see, we do not belive you.
> We default as not believing people like you.
> As such, you must earn our trust.
> You see?
<Ready_Boy> ok
> If we went giving people this stuff the instant they asked, we wouldn't be very successful now would we?
<Ready_Boy> ya
> Well...
> As you see, we must have you actually do something to prove your worth.
<Ready_Boy> Well how did you learn to hack
<Ready_Boy> By your friends
> Like I'm going to tell you that?
> Please, don't insult our inteligence.
> Okay.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> We have traced your IP, we konw your location.
> We see that you are near the location of a certain William Renard.
<Ready_Boy> where
> He has been a rather annoying pain in our collective side for quite a while.
> so, to prove your worth...
> You must kill him.
<Ready_Boy> who is he
> THat doesn't concern you.
> That's part of what makes it a test of loyalty.
> Also, it is security.
<Ready_Boy> Well if that the test of loyalty there wouldn't be anyone alive
> I didn't say he was a part of us.
> He has, in fact, been rather annoyingly been working against us.
> As such, we must eliminate him.
> And your arrival is somewhat of a boon to us, as you see.
<Ready_Boy> what you mean by boon
> YOur location is very helpful.
<Ready_Boy> i'am in singapore
> Precisely.
> You see, if you do this, that measn that if you turn on us later you will be guilty of murder.
> It is a security measure.
> You see?
<Ready_Boy> How is my location helpful to you
> ecause he is nearby.
<Ready_Boy> where is he
> Do you agree to do it?
<Ready_Boy> Do wat
> Murder a man you have never known before in cold blood.
> Are you willing to do it for the power to kickban anyone you so choose?
<Ready_Boy> Well i'am not stupid
> ...How's that?
> \
<Ready_Boy> well
> I do not type to see my own text, welp. I expect an answer. NOW.
<Ready_Boy> wat ans you wab
<Ready_Boy> what answer do you want
> What is the meanign of your statement "i am not an idiot".
<Ready_Boy> what you want me to reply
> Well, are you willing to murder a man you have never met before in cold blood?
<Ready_Boy> NO
> Well, then.
> We cannot trust you.
<Ready_Boy> why must i murder a man in order to gain my trust
> If you are not willing to pretect our interests we have no use for you.
> I am afraid that I must severe all communications with you.
<Ready_Boy> why not teach me other things maybe i will be gd in tat
> A shame... you had such potential.
> No, no, we've been over this before, plebian.
> we cannot teach oyu what we know if we are not certain that you well not go blabbing it off to the highest bidder.
<Ready_Boy> i won't
<Ready_Boy> I just wanna know
> But you see, we cnnot trust you.
> Words mean nothing.
> This, you see, a test of loyalty.
<Ready_Boy> ya i know
> It is a necessity.
> And it will help our ends.
<Ready_Boy> But.................................
<Ready_Boy> Nvm
<Ready_Boy> I understand you
> What is the problem?
> Morals?
<Ready_Boy> Thanks for spending ya time
> YOu are a hacker. You have no needs for such things.
> I do not enjoy having my time wasted, plebian.
<Ready_Boy> I wanna learn how to be one
<Ready_Boy> Ok can you at least teach how to hack into e mail
> Well, if you are not willing to stay loyal to us you cannot learn anything from us.
<Ready_Boy> Pls
> No.
> BOttom line.
<Ready_Boy> Only just one simple hack
<Ready_Boy> Where are you frm ]
> Bwahahahahaha!
> Oh, my god, this is priceless!
> I strung you along like a baby!
> You are such a moron!
> YOu think you're a hacker? God, you're pathetic!
<Ready_Boy> What you mean
> Looking for stuff on kazaa? Where's your fucking ambicion?
<Ready_Boy> i've tried on looking at kazaa
> Have you even hacked anything yet?
<Ready_Boy> Nothing But i've tried
> You haven't even managed to hack hotmail?
> *everyone's* hacked hotmail!
<Ready_Boy> Hacing into porn sites
<Ready_Boy> But didn't get it
<Ready_Boy> I've also tried hacing into hotmail but the method in kazaa wasn't right i guess
> Dude, you don't get it!
> You still don't get it!
> I have no idea where you can find scripts!
> I've dooped you!
> And you know what?
> It was the easiest fucking thing I've ever done!
> You, my friend, are officially the *stupidest hacker ever*.
<Ready_Boy> wat
> I've met lamer wannabe hackers from *AOL* that were smarter than you!
> Ther eis no group known only as "us".
> We do not exist.
> There is only me.
> I've made a fool out of you.
> And the log of this chat will be making the rounds of every ebsite I can think of.
> Well, my sad, sad delusioned little friend, you have been an amusing little deversion to people.
> Now... I must depart.
> Adeu.
<Ready_Boy> Fuckk off
> When I get through with you, my friend, you won't be able to get on *google*.
Session Close: Wed Jun 11 22:07:26 2003
Session Start: Wed Jun 11 21:05:44 2003
Session Ident: Ready_Boy
Session Ident: Ready_Boy (~Guest9236@cm85.omega69.maxonline.com.sg)
>don't listen to them.
<Ready_Boy> Who
> These fools who think that ther is no script for hacking.
> Now...
> What exactly are you looking for?
<Ready_Boy> I'am looking for a script which can hack
> Hack what?
> What are you interested in hacking?
> We must know, you see, so you do not abuse this power.
<Ready_Boy> ok
<Ready_Boy> Like de op a person
> Hmmmmm.
> Interesting.
<Ready_Boy> and all the other stuff
<Ready_Boy> I just wanna learn
<Ready_Boy> i've tried finding in kazaa how to hack e-mail, but the hacking they thought doesn't work
> You see, we've once given this power to people before.
> It turned out to be a disaster.
<Ready_Boy> ok
<Ready_Boy> Do you know how to do this stuff
> You see, they went rampant.
> Ended up taking down an entire chat network.
> Temporarily.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> A very major chat network went down.
> It was very nerve-wracking.
<Ready_Boy> i just wanna know like how to de op a person and how to kick or ban without being a op
> Yes.
> You see, these people ended up making too high a profile of themselves.
[What I was referring too here was the time that dalnet got shut down temporarily due to a massive amount of DOS attacks. I was hoping he would recognize it, but I was wrong apparently.]
<Ready_Boy> ok
<Ready_Boy> Which country are you frm
> Now I may make this happen for you, but you need to understand.
> People who make high profiles out of themselves get no shelter from us.
<Ready_Boy> Sure
<Ready_Boy> which channel you go in mirc
> Some peope, those who make too high a profile...
> ...get hunted by us.
> For you see, they are endangering us.
<Ready_Boy> What you mean by high profile
> Don't be too obvious about it.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> If you go banning people left and right, people are bound to notice.
> And make complaints.
> If too big an investigation ocurs... it could be very bad.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> Good.
> Now...
> Also, I must give you a list of people you may not ban, kick or deop.
<Ready_Boy> well can you teach me
> Because they are us.
<Ready_Boy> ok sure
> That's good, that's good.
> you're willing to cooperate.
<Ready_Boy> Yes
> We'll work out those details later.
> Now...
<Ready_Boy> ok
> You see, we can't just give out these things to everyone.
> We have to ensure your loyalty first.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> A little... test, if you will.
<Ready_Boy> sure
> For all I know you are an agent for an investigation agency.
<Ready_Boy> What
> Well...
> What would you do to prove it?
<Ready_Boy> k
> That was a question.
<Ready_Boy> well what makes you think i'am from and ivestigation agency
> The fact that you haven't done anything to convince me otherwise.
<Ready_Boy> Ok
<Ready_Boy> Let me think
> Do not take too long.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> I do not have time to waste.
<Ready_Boy> Well my country does not have investigation agency
> \And where is your country?
<Ready_Boy> Singapore
> Fair enough.
> But how do I know you're really from Iingapore?
<Ready_Boy> Well you can check my connection
> Hm. Yes.
> However, what does it really matter?
> Its entirely possible that you are an agent of anther government living in another country.
> Let me rephrase.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> Its quite possible that you are working for the investigation agency of a country such as America, but just happen to live in Singapore.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> So you see, this is not helping.
> Hell, words are shallow.
> What we need are actions.
> How far would you go to prove to us that you are not working against us?
<Ready_Boy> hold on
<Ready_Boy> If i was working for and agent i wouldn't be coming here i would be in mirc stright
<Ready_Boy> i've really been trying to be a hacker
> Well, perhaps.
> However, it is quite possible that you are a "mole", as they are referred to.
> Someone attempting to spy on us from within.
<Ready_Boy> I've try searching the webs
> Yes, yes, yesyesyes, please don't waste our time with such babblings. The web is useless for this sort of thing.
<Ready_Boy> There is no need for me to spy
> They can try putting this sort of thing on public web sites but could they really last long?
> Well, no.
> That is, if you're a hacker.
> However, you must prove that to us.
<Ready_Boy> But i'am not i just wanna learn]
> Yes. You see, we do not belive you.
> We default as not believing people like you.
> As such, you must earn our trust.
> You see?
<Ready_Boy> ok
> If we went giving people this stuff the instant they asked, we wouldn't be very successful now would we?
<Ready_Boy> ya
> Well...
> As you see, we must have you actually do something to prove your worth.
<Ready_Boy> Well how did you learn to hack
<Ready_Boy> By your friends
> Like I'm going to tell you that?
> Please, don't insult our inteligence.
> Okay.
<Ready_Boy> ok
> We have traced your IP, we konw your location.
> We see that you are near the location of a certain William Renard.
<Ready_Boy> where
> He has been a rather annoying pain in our collective side for quite a while.
> so, to prove your worth...
> You must kill him.
<Ready_Boy> who is he
> THat doesn't concern you.
> That's part of what makes it a test of loyalty.
> Also, it is security.
<Ready_Boy> Well if that the test of loyalty there wouldn't be anyone alive
> I didn't say he was a part of us.
> He has, in fact, been rather annoyingly been working against us.
> As such, we must eliminate him.
> And your arrival is somewhat of a boon to us, as you see.
<Ready_Boy> what you mean by boon
> YOur location is very helpful.
<Ready_Boy> i'am in singapore
> Precisely.
> You see, if you do this, that measn that if you turn on us later you will be guilty of murder.
> It is a security measure.
> You see?
<Ready_Boy> How is my location helpful to you
> ecause he is nearby.
<Ready_Boy> where is he
> Do you agree to do it?
<Ready_Boy> Do wat
> Murder a man you have never known before in cold blood.
> Are you willing to do it for the power to kickban anyone you so choose?
<Ready_Boy> Well i'am not stupid
> ...How's that?
> \
<Ready_Boy> well
> I do not type to see my own text, welp. I expect an answer. NOW.
<Ready_Boy> wat ans you wab
<Ready_Boy> what answer do you want
> What is the meanign of your statement "i am not an idiot".
<Ready_Boy> what you want me to reply
> Well, are you willing to murder a man you have never met before in cold blood?
<Ready_Boy> NO
> Well, then.
> We cannot trust you.
<Ready_Boy> why must i murder a man in order to gain my trust
> If you are not willing to pretect our interests we have no use for you.
> I am afraid that I must severe all communications with you.
<Ready_Boy> why not teach me other things maybe i will be gd in tat
> A shame... you had such potential.
> No, no, we've been over this before, plebian.
> we cannot teach oyu what we know if we are not certain that you well not go blabbing it off to the highest bidder.
<Ready_Boy> i won't
<Ready_Boy> I just wanna know
> But you see, we cnnot trust you.
> Words mean nothing.
> This, you see, a test of loyalty.
<Ready_Boy> ya i know
> It is a necessity.
> And it will help our ends.
<Ready_Boy> But.................................
<Ready_Boy> Nvm
<Ready_Boy> I understand you
> What is the problem?
> Morals?
<Ready_Boy> Thanks for spending ya time
> YOu are a hacker. You have no needs for such things.
> I do not enjoy having my time wasted, plebian.
<Ready_Boy> I wanna learn how to be one
<Ready_Boy> Ok can you at least teach how to hack into e mail
> Well, if you are not willing to stay loyal to us you cannot learn anything from us.
<Ready_Boy> Pls
> No.
> BOttom line.
<Ready_Boy> Only just one simple hack
<Ready_Boy> Where are you frm ]
> Bwahahahahaha!
> Oh, my god, this is priceless!
> I strung you along like a baby!
> You are such a moron!
> YOu think you're a hacker? God, you're pathetic!
<Ready_Boy> What you mean
> Looking for stuff on kazaa? Where's your fucking ambicion?
<Ready_Boy> i've tried on looking at kazaa
> Have you even hacked anything yet?
<Ready_Boy> Nothing But i've tried
> You haven't even managed to hack hotmail?
> *everyone's* hacked hotmail!
<Ready_Boy> Hacing into porn sites
<Ready_Boy> But didn't get it
<Ready_Boy> I've also tried hacing into hotmail but the method in kazaa wasn't right i guess
> Dude, you don't get it!
> You still don't get it!
> I have no idea where you can find scripts!
> I've dooped you!
> And you know what?
> It was the easiest fucking thing I've ever done!
> You, my friend, are officially the *stupidest hacker ever*.
<Ready_Boy> wat
> I've met lamer wannabe hackers from *AOL* that were smarter than you!
> Ther eis no group known only as "us".
> We do not exist.
> There is only me.
> I've made a fool out of you.
> And the log of this chat will be making the rounds of every ebsite I can think of.
> Well, my sad, sad delusioned little friend, you have been an amusing little deversion to people.
> Now... I must depart.
> Adeu.
<Ready_Boy> Fuckk off
> When I get through with you, my friend, you won't be able to get on *google*.
Session Close: Wed Jun 11 22:07:26 2003