Being a Twitch moderator is hard work
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:52 am
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Today, 2:50:33 PM
frapuchino001: Hi
pinback99: Hey there!
frapuchino001: Can you unban me please
frapuchino001: I didn’t do anything wrong
pinback99: From coach?
frapuchino001: Yes
frapuchino001: Can you unban me
frapuchino001: Can you
pinback99: I'm asking.
pinback99: But probably not.
frapuchino001: Why do you need to ask
pinback99: Apparently everyone hates you like poison.
pinback99: What are you up to?
frapuchino001: Why
frapuchino001: I was just asking questions
pinback99: I feel like you're not being fully honest with me here.
frapuchino001: I got banned for asking a lot of questions
pinback99: What kinda questions are you getting banned for?
frapuchino001: I was just asking his rating a lot of times
frapuchino001: Because he didn’t answer me even when I asked once
frapuchino001: Can you unban me please
frapuchino001: I promise I will be good
pinback99: No chance.
frapuchino001: Why
frapuchino001: What did I do wrong
pinback99: Because nobody can stand you. Grow up and get a life.
frapuchino001: I didn’t do anything wrong
pinback99: Grow up and get a life. Immediately.
frapuchino001: What does it mean no one can stand me
frapuchino001: I grew up and got a life
frapuchino001: Why do they hate me
pinback99: You're annoying, and need to get off the computer. You suck, and everyone hates you.
pinback99: You're ANNOYING.
pinback99: This conversation is ANNOYING.
pinback99: Are you 12 years old, or less than 12?
frapuchino001: Last time or in chat I was annoying?
frapuchino001: 14
pinback99: Get off the computer. Go get a life. Get outta here.
frapuchino001: Why should people hate me just because I ask a lot of questions?
frapuchino001: I got a life
pinback99: You're being very annoying right now.
pinback99: If I could ban you from this conversation, I would.
frapuchino001: I am just asking you to unban me
frapuchino001: It is not annoying to ask to get unbanned
pinback99: Yes, I hear you. It will never, ever happen.
frapuchino001: Why
pinback99: Don't ask "why" like a goddamn baby.
frapuchino001: Did someone complain to you
pinback99: Is your mom there?
pinback99: Put her on the computer.
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: I need to talk to her immediately.
frapuchino001: What is the problem
pinback99: Dad? Is Dad there? Gethim on here.
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: They abandoned you too, because of how annoying you are?
pinback99: I understand.
pinback99: Tell them I understand.
frapuchino001: What annoying things did I do
pinback99: Have a great day.
frapuchino001: I am sorry
pinback99: Agreed.
frapuchino001: Is it always horrible to ask a lot of questions?
pinback99: Have a great day.
frapuchino001: Please be nice to me
pinback99: I still want to talk to your mom, what's her phone number?
pinback99: What's her number?
frapuchino001: Why do you need to talk to her
pinback99: Is it annoying to keep asking?
pinback99: Why is it annoying to want your mom's phone number?
pinback99: Can I have the number please
pinback99: Why can't I have your mom's phone number
frapuchino001: I will not give you
pinback99: I just want to know why
pinback99: Why not
pinback99: Can I just have the number please
frapuchino001: I don’t want she to know what I do
pinback99: I need to talk to her though
pinback99: Can I have her number
frapuchino001: I will not let you
pinback99: Why not
pinback99: Please give me the number
frapuchino001: Because I don’t want to
frapuchino001: I am afraid
pinback99: Can I have the number please
pinback99: I will be good I promise, just give me your mom's phone number and address
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: do you have any pics of her you can send me
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: can I see your mom
frapuchino001: Stop asking the same questions
pinback99: give me her number maybe she will send me pics
pinback99: why is that annoying
pinback99: i just want your mom's phone number, address, and pictures.
frapuchino001: Because it is annoying to ask the same questions
pinback99: i'm sorry okay but can I have her number
pinback99: (and pictures)
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: (and address and social security number)
pinback99: why
frapuchino001: I didn’t do anything wrong
pinback99: give me her number immediately
frapuchino001: Stop asking why
pinback99: i will report you to twitch if you do not give me your mother's phone number, address, SSN, maiden name, and favorite ice cream flavor
pinback99: why
frapuchino001: Why do you need to talk to her
pinback99: i think I left my wallet in her bedroom last night and want to know when I can come pick it up
pinback99: Also to tell her that her son is a fucking retard.