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Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:55 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I, like most of us here, have control and power issues. This is why we are all destined to remain unloved and uncared for. However! There is a game that makes up for all of this, and it's coming shortly! Yes, indeed, Republic: The Revolution is the latest game to get highly -- hotly! -- anticipated by a member of the JC Killaz Zoo Crew.

This of course means the game is probably doomed to suck shit, like Warcraft III and Grand Theft Auto III.

But no matter. Here's a blurb on the game!
The game's premise is deceptively simple - raise a revolution in the remote Soviet Republic of Novistrana, overthrow the president (who, incidentally, murdered your parents - bad man!), and take his place. Based on the boardgame Junta -- a favourite of Hassabis at college -- that simple premise conceals a cacophony of actions so vast, we're more than aware it will take more than a short demonstration to grasp them all.

One thing's for certain - nothing about the game is standard, from character creation onwards. "Character selection will feature a short psychometric test, which effectively decides your initial ideology, what your starting statistics are for your main character - your avatar," explained Hassabis. These statistics increase in power as you gain in levels in the game, but to start a game with a physical representation of yourself that's more accurate than not is a novel experience to say the least.

You start in the small town of Ekaterine - your childhood hometown, as it happens. Recruiting from amongst old friends, you create your faction, and begin to move against the dominant factions of the day - the Democracy Now Party, the government itself, and others. Of course, events take their turn, and you must consolidate your power in an increasingly hostile environment, as you progress to a larger city, then on to the nation's
Stolen from Gamesdomain!

Here is Eidos' summary of the game:

Following the fall of the mighty Soviet Union, the Republic of Novistrana verges on collapse and numerous factions struggle for power.

Starting with nothing more than a small base of local support, build a nationwide faction powerful enough to oust the President and enforce a new any means necessary.
Er... thanks, Eidos!

Republic: The Revolution is scheduled to arrive on 6/24/03. Fascism Fever... catch it!


Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:04 am
by Debaser
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I, like most of us here, have control and power issues. This is why we are all destined to remain unloved and uncared for.
Wow, so much of my life summed up in two sentences.
However! There is a game that makes up for all of this, and it's coming shortly! Yes, indeed, Republic: The Revolution is the latest game to get highly -- hotly! -- anticipated by a member of the JC Killaz Zoo Crew.

This of course means the game is probably doomed to suck shit, like Warcraft III and Grand Theft Auto III.
And Master of Orion III (yes, I'm ready to admit it, now). Quite the pattern developing here.
Republic: The Revolution is scheduled to arrive on 6/24/03. Fascism Fever... catch it!
Hey, cool. But please please please let this not be like Tropico where you're never given any reason to oppress or murder anybody.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:10 am
by pinback
Grand Theft Auto III sucked ass.

Grand Theft Auto III sucked ass?

The greatest game in the history of computers sucked ass?

This is my last visit to JC BBS. Have a nice life.


Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:37 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Debaser wrote:This of course means the game is probably doomed to suck shit, like Warcraft III and Grand Theft Auto III.
And Master of Orion III (yes, I'm ready to admit it, now). Quite the pattern developing here.
I knew there was another "3" I was forgetting.
Hey, cool. But please please please let this not be like Tropico where you're never given any reason to oppress or murder anybody.
The game's story states that you are trying to, at some point, overthrow the man who killed your father. So I think that motive is "built-in" ahead of game, like all the motivation to kill demons in Doom (dey kilt ur buddies!!!, as it said in the readme.txt file that came with it).

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:41 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:Grand Theft Auto III sucked ass.

Grand Theft Auto III sucked ass?
Those who hear my words, live.
The greatest game in the history of computers sucked ass?
The greatest games in the world feature SAVE ANYWHERE.

Front Page Sports Football 96: SAVE ANYWHERE
Civilization II: SAVE ANYWHERE

Sorry, GTA3!!!

Besides, Vice City is so good that it will make you hate GTA3 like I do. Go get it, dammit! You'll see that I am right!

This is my last visit to JC BBS. Have a nice life.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:50 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey

"Ships on 8/14/2003"

Oh! August now! Fantastic! Just change that previous date! Ha-ha! Nothing's the matter! Hee hee!

Don't get me wrong -- I couldn't care less if a game is late and definitely prefer that to a buggy game, but EA and EB can lick'em for getting my damn hopes up and changing the release date one day before its original target.

Bastards. Rat-fink bastards.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 9:57 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Annnnnnnnnd they changed it to 10/14/03 now.

Fuck it, I'll just go attempt to manipulate a breakaway Soviet republic on my own, then.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 1:00 am
by Vitriola
Is this the right time to state that I'm drunk off a foty (yes, I spelled it right) of Mickey's and I have control issues? Shopuld I give up? I mean, like, should I make dinner plans?

It really pisses me off that all you geeks have women problems. I'm sitting here thinking, damn, not a single guy is geeky enough for me, where are they all? On the BBS, of course...

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:00 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Vitriola wrote:Is this the right time to state that I'm drunk off a foty (yes, I spelled it right) of Mickey's and I have control issues? Shopuld I give up? I mean, like, should I make dinner plans?

It really pisses me off that all you geeks have women problems. I'm sitting here thinking, damn, not a single guy is geeky enough for me, where are they all? On the BBS, of course...
I think that the fine folks putting together "Republic: The Revolution" would be better served by concentrating at the task at hand, and not your brazen advances, Ms Vitriola.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:46 am
by bruce
Vitriola wrote: It really pisses me off that all you geeks have women problems. I'm sitting here thinking, damn, not a single guy is geeky enough for me, where are they all? On the BBS, of course...
So, you coming to Vegas?


Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 5:45 pm
by Vitriola
Yeah, I am, and for the record I don't remember writing the aforeplaced statement bearing my moniker. Though it does indeed resemble statements I have made ad excessivum to those unfortunate enough to be around me under said influences, and it is not beyond the scope of things I may actually write here, I'm just saying, you know, that that was one large beer.

Back to work, peons.