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Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:08 am
by milkunits
WHAT A FUCKING CITY. Ok I am tired again, back to sleeping on my desk!
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:10 am
by milkunits
THAT IS THE BEST GAME! Hit 3 double zeros at the Alladin and came back with nice coke laced dollars!
Good night again, back to sleeping on my desk :)
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:11 am
by milkunits
I wish I had a pair here on my desk to rest my head upon.
I also like silicon alot. It looks good with tan flesh!
Ok, more sleeping on my desk.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:13 am
by Milkunits
It gives me a place to wake up to as I sleep here at my desk.
This forum needs more PORN!
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:47 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Oh wow, you and Pinback were in Vegas at the same time. Remarkable, Captain.
As always, Milker, you're more than welcome to team up with the JC crew August 8th-11th and hit up the Classic Game Expo that Saturday. I'm driving out, so you've got transportation all taken care of.
What are some of the plans should I decide to go?
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:55 am
by milkunits
I had the best time this weekend. I love that damn place. Went to the Ghost Bar @ the Palms, a ton of casinos and saw the Blueman Group. I would want equal or better plans :)
Give me the plan stan, get off the bus gus!
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 12:00 pm
by pinback
I am never going again.
5 hour drive each way, all ending in misery.
Fuck Vegas. Fuck everything.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 12:02 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
The plan:
Thursday: I and you arrive. If I remember right, Bruce and Roody arrive that day as well, so we pick them up from the airport. I am hoping that Ben drives in that night as well.
We rage.
Friday: All day to rage. All night to rage.
Raging is done.
Saturday: the CGE. Milker, you're a bit of a retro gamer, now aren't you? I am personally hoping to pick up some nice hardware that I missed out on when I was living in the 80s and had no money. Dig me here? Course ya do! You're into this stuff just like the rest of us.
That night? Oh, we rage. Oh how we rage.
Sunday we drive back, dropping off those citizens at the airport that are leaving on Sunday morning, if any.
What do I mean by raging? The usual: casinos, shows, casinos, clubs, casinos, buffets, whatever. I'm up for anything. Here, I let Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish be the conscience: if he deigns an activity as "OMG gay; why would you ever do that if you were in Vegas?" then, well, I would probably be in agreement with him.
Besides, I will probably miss your wedding shower as I will most likely be moving that weekend. So give the -=[ jc kIllaZ ] =- a chance (well, give me a chance) to get you out on the kind of adventure you normally see people have only in the movies.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:06 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The plan:
Thursday: I and you arrive. If I remember right, Bruce and Roody arrive that day as well, so we pick them up from the airport. I am hoping that Ben drives in that night as well.
We rage.
We need to make a decision. I'm currently booked at the Plaza Thursday night.
But the Plaza is downtown, which, Ben assures me, sucks rancid goblin ass.
So we should probably plan to stay at a hotel on the Strip Thursday night. Question is, which one? I'm totally happy with whatever, but I need to know so I can change my current reservation.
I'm also at the Plaza Friday and Saturday, but that makes more sense, because CGE2K3 is at the Plaza Saturday and Sunday.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:13 pm
by pinback
Luxor is south strip, right in the money section of town, and they usually have the best prices in that area. Accomodations are not fancy, but who cares, right?
Also, if you happen to catch room 4331, that's where I banged that chick last weekend who then proceeded to rip my still-beating heart out of my chest.
Monte Carlo is my favorite casino, due to it having its own brewpub, as well as the best poker room in town. Again, not fancy, but I could have a great week in Vegas without leaving that hotel.
Bellagio is the swankiest.
Mandalay Bay is the "hippest".
MGM Grand is the hugest.
Mirage is the homosexual magicianest.
Past that, you're on your own, but I beg of you, stay near the south side of the Strip. This means, no:
- Stratosphere
- Sahara
- Stardust
- Anything else up there in "downtown south", as I call it.
Circus Circus is definitely as far north as you want to go. And that's stretching it.
If you find a room south of Flamingo, grab it. That's where you want to be.
I, of course, will never go to Vegas again, because of the horribly painful memories it now holds for me.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 10:23 pm
by Jack Straw
Oh, quit yer whining you pussy! You got a hotel room with two bitches for the sole purpose of banging them out. Just because you haven't got laid in 3 years is no excuse for turning into an emotional little girl when it's over.
Why would you want to start a relationship with someone that bangs strangers over the Internet anyway?
I had more faith in you, Ben. Now when I hear the name "Ben Parrish" I envision a big, huge, sloppy wet pussy much like the one you're pining over.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 10:29 pm
by pinback
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:24 am
by pinback
Good morning! Now, with a rested body and clear head, I can get to the business of replying in earnest to Jack Straw's post! Warning to any hypersensitive, apologetic Sysops out there: this could get a little rough!
Jack Straw wrote:Oh, quit yer whining you pussy!
You fucking punk. I put up with life's shit every goddamn day, and have done so for 32 years now, and I don't say boo. Sure, it's an endless, thankless, pointless, futile exercise in tilting at windmills, and no matter what happens, you're going to end up dying a most likely painful and miserable death at the end, before decaying into dirt, but do I complain? No, I just accept it, and move on with it. Try to have a few laughs, make a few friends, drink a few beers, and basically ride it out. And then the
one time something happens which affects me deep enough to actually put me in a non-angsty, no-fooling dumper, and I come on to share it with you people who I largely consider, if not friends, then at least people I don't generally hate, and you? YOU? Come on here and call me a pussy for it? You, some friend of Jonsey who pops in once a month or two and has generally provided about a thousandth of the content and insight and input and interest and creativity into this site in your whole tenure as I do on an average weekday morning, you're gonna start some shit with me? That is a bad move, man. Worse than that, it's a stupid move. It's a chickenshit move. It's bush-league. It's pitiful. It's pathetic.
Just because you haven't got laid in 3 years is no excuse for turning into an emotional little girl when it's over.
I realize that it's the policy of guys with abberently small penises to overcompensate by being all "tough" and beating their chests like nothing can faze them, so I forgive you this transgression, Jack. Just understand that some of us with balls bigger than BBs can actually
have emotions, actually
accept them, and actually try to deal with them, instead of adding three foot spoilers to our shitty hatchbacks and talk about how you'd bang that secretary silly if only he-- oops, if only SHE would give you the time of day, but of course she won't, because you're grotesque, but that just makes her a stupid bitch who'd probably just lay there like a bar of soap anyway. But like I said, I forgive you for that one.
Why would you want to start a relationship with someone that bangs strangers over the Internet anyway?
Ah, not content with just making ridiculously childish, uninformed personal attacks on me, Jack now throws in a genuine
factual error to round it out. Here, Jack, I'll say it slowly so it has a chance to sink in: Thiiis waas nooot aan iiinternet chiiick. Iiii meeeet heeer aaat aaa paaartyyyy. Is it working? We'll quiz you later and see how you do.
I had more faith in you, Ben. Now when I hear the name "Ben Parrish" I envision a big, huge, sloppy wet pussy much like the one you're pining over.
While you're at it, go ahead and envision my foot on your throat.
Okay, now get back to your usual routine of not posting anything, not being funny, not being in any way entertaining or compelling, but also managing to come off as an enormous... okay, I'll say it: "assjack".
It felt
good to say "assjack."
Hey Pinback
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:53 am
by milkunits
At least you didn't lose a liver :)
I mean shit some people go to Vegas and have worse things happen to them.
At least it was a chick and not Liberace.
Keep your head up! There is always porn on the internet.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:59 am
by pinback
Due to my Sysop-mandated "kinder, gentler" nature, I will not reply to the above post.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:15 am
by Roody_Yogurt
Liberace was from my hometown of West Allis, WI, actually. Not that I really am familiar with his music or anything, but I have to respect a guy (even if he's the biggest flamer ever) for making something of himself and getting out of such a working-class normal town.
Also, the stunt man who did the 'being dragged behind and under the truck by a whip' scene in Raiders is also from West Allis.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:19 am
by milkunits
Ricky was a young boy, he had a heart of gold.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:20 am
by bruce
pinback wrote:drink a few beers
What happened to Safeway Safeway Vodka?
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:24 am
by pinback
Alright, that's it.
That is fucking it, people.
I am seriously going to have to take steps.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:39 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
milkunits wrote:Ricky was a young boy, he had a heart of gold.
I... what the -?! Is that a "Cinderalla" reference? Or Ratt or something? I can't recall which hair band you're quoting, but Jesus...
What a perplexing, random comment.