New roller coaster.
Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:49 pm
These are not great questions, these are fantastic questions.
There is! It defaults to that, but at some point I must have disabled that. This is on me. Once I do up some scenery I will re-do this with the shake effect activated, as it should be.Is there a shake filter? All the woodies Ive ever ridden shake the crap out of you. And by riding woodies, Commander, I mean roller coasters. The simulation is too smooth for reality, is there a camera shake kind of thing?
It is absolutely true that the Skyliner inspired me to get back into this, but other than fitting into the genre of "classic out-and-back", this coaster ended up diverging pretty far from the inspiration. Mainly I wanted to do an out-and-back, but the most intense and compact version I could come up with. I'm happy with the results, mainly in the sense that most of my time was spent fixing the track so that people's heads wouldn't be immediately lopped off due to hitting other track around them.What is your inspiration for that coaster? It looks a LOT like the Skyliner, but I guess they all do, really.
Though I'm sure there's a way to hack riders into the cars, and perhaps even script those horrid events into the simulation, at its core, No Limits 2, the program on display here, has little interest other than simulating roller coasters. Which is not to say amazing things can't be done with it, just that I don't know how to do them:Can you put sim-people in the cars? And will they scatter like magpies and leave shallow craters if the ride is designed poorly?