My roommate assaulted me!
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:27 am
My roommate, one Mr. John Cooper of bed 330 A, has for some reason taken a personal dislike to me. Now, ever since I was taken off catheter back in July, I"ve been using a bottle urinal. As I am flat on my back and can"t move, it means I have to hold the urinal at a 90 degree angle. Since I don't want to have to call for emptying evert time I take a leak, I have two urinals. When I use the second one. I empty it into the first. If that bottle is less than half full, I wait; once it is more than half full, I call it in (use the call button.)
A few weeks ago. Mr. Cooper acts strange, taking one of my urinals and is going in the bathroom, probably to use it, and when I call for am aide, he becomes very beligerent. He complains how I went over to his bed and took his urinal! They solve the problem by sympathizing and promising to give both of us two brand—new urinals, and they do.
Well, anyway, since I have to get access to connect a urinal, I can't have my diaper fastened. Which means I am sometimes exposed. Usually I have a sheet, but sometimes not. Being in the "B" bed, means I can't be seen from the corridor, but anyone walking to our toilet could probably see my genitals. Well, a week or two ago he apparently saw them, as he threw a pack of bed pads at that area, wanting me to cover it up. I did not realize I was exposed, and would have covered myself if he had said something.
Also, Cooper has a speech impediment, probably from a stroke. He talks like Boomhauer from the King of the Hill cartoons, i.e. he mumbles all of the time. So I can't really undersand him all that much.
At some point before this, he asked to borrow my scissors; I figured he had to open a package, I said ok. He then tried to use them in a threatening manner on someone or himself, I'm not sure. What I am sure about is the head of nursing came to see me, and I told her I had no idea he had a problem or I'd never have said he could borrow them. In any event, under protest I let her "temporarily" confiscate my scissors for the duration that Cooper is here, with the promise that when I need them I will promptly get them back to use.
A couple of days or so ago he got angry at me, and I did not know how he would act, so I told him I have my (Nifty Nabber) stick — a green aluminum pick—up stick a meter long — and told him if he did anyrhing to me I'd use it. Later I'm told it's just talk, he's not violent, so I should just ignore him.
I don't know if that was a good idea, as later — to my screams for help — they restrain him after he grabbed the Nifty Nabber out of my hand, under my arm, and smashes it on the bedpost, bending it in half. This is quite a feat, as it is a solid aluminum tube, not a folding stick.
I'm asked if I want to move. I say no, the last time I was moved into quarantine they lost some of my stuff and I don't want that to happen again.
So now they have him on 24—hour watch. Not good enough, as he walks by to use the toilet, and — unbenownst to me — sees my junk again. He mumbles something I don'r understand. He then gets a pan —about the size of a dish pan — and fills it with water. We've been having problems with the water and I thought maybe the toilet wasn't able to be flushed. That wasn't it. Instead. He takes the bucket of water and throws it on me!
I am absolutely livid — in addition to being soaked — and I announce that I'm callimg the cops to have him arrested for assault. Well, the head nurse talks me down, but I issue an ultimatum; I'm not moving; he is, today, and either he will be gone (as im moved to another room) or he will be gone (as in arrested).
Now maybe throwing a bucket of cold water doesn't sound like much, the next time it could be boiling water. Or worse. And maybe it's not enough for an assault charge. But, there is one other thing: the Nifty Nabber he grabbed out of my hand retails for $19.99 from Amazon or Home Depot, where I had bought them before.
What is so significant about the price? A few years ago I was doing some research and discovered in the Commonwealth of Virginia, if you take something from someone to deprive them of it, if it's value is less than $200, it's misdemeanor petty theft, but thefts of $200 or more are a felony. However, if you steal something off someone's person — something they are holding — that is worth more than five dollars, that is a felony.
I did not actively mention that, but for the moment he's under close watch until they can pack up his things and move him. Coincidentally. He's moving to room 240, the room I had after I came back from my amputation.
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A few weeks ago. Mr. Cooper acts strange, taking one of my urinals and is going in the bathroom, probably to use it, and when I call for am aide, he becomes very beligerent. He complains how I went over to his bed and took his urinal! They solve the problem by sympathizing and promising to give both of us two brand—new urinals, and they do.
Well, anyway, since I have to get access to connect a urinal, I can't have my diaper fastened. Which means I am sometimes exposed. Usually I have a sheet, but sometimes not. Being in the "B" bed, means I can't be seen from the corridor, but anyone walking to our toilet could probably see my genitals. Well, a week or two ago he apparently saw them, as he threw a pack of bed pads at that area, wanting me to cover it up. I did not realize I was exposed, and would have covered myself if he had said something.
Also, Cooper has a speech impediment, probably from a stroke. He talks like Boomhauer from the King of the Hill cartoons, i.e. he mumbles all of the time. So I can't really undersand him all that much.
At some point before this, he asked to borrow my scissors; I figured he had to open a package, I said ok. He then tried to use them in a threatening manner on someone or himself, I'm not sure. What I am sure about is the head of nursing came to see me, and I told her I had no idea he had a problem or I'd never have said he could borrow them. In any event, under protest I let her "temporarily" confiscate my scissors for the duration that Cooper is here, with the promise that when I need them I will promptly get them back to use.
A couple of days or so ago he got angry at me, and I did not know how he would act, so I told him I have my (Nifty Nabber) stick — a green aluminum pick—up stick a meter long — and told him if he did anyrhing to me I'd use it. Later I'm told it's just talk, he's not violent, so I should just ignore him.
I don't know if that was a good idea, as later — to my screams for help — they restrain him after he grabbed the Nifty Nabber out of my hand, under my arm, and smashes it on the bedpost, bending it in half. This is quite a feat, as it is a solid aluminum tube, not a folding stick.
I'm asked if I want to move. I say no, the last time I was moved into quarantine they lost some of my stuff and I don't want that to happen again.
So now they have him on 24—hour watch. Not good enough, as he walks by to use the toilet, and — unbenownst to me — sees my junk again. He mumbles something I don'r understand. He then gets a pan —about the size of a dish pan — and fills it with water. We've been having problems with the water and I thought maybe the toilet wasn't able to be flushed. That wasn't it. Instead. He takes the bucket of water and throws it on me!
I am absolutely livid — in addition to being soaked — and I announce that I'm callimg the cops to have him arrested for assault. Well, the head nurse talks me down, but I issue an ultimatum; I'm not moving; he is, today, and either he will be gone (as im moved to another room) or he will be gone (as in arrested).
Now maybe throwing a bucket of cold water doesn't sound like much, the next time it could be boiling water. Or worse. And maybe it's not enough for an assault charge. But, there is one other thing: the Nifty Nabber he grabbed out of my hand retails for $19.99 from Amazon or Home Depot, where I had bought them before.
What is so significant about the price? A few years ago I was doing some research and discovered in the Commonwealth of Virginia, if you take something from someone to deprive them of it, if it's value is less than $200, it's misdemeanor petty theft, but thefts of $200 or more are a felony. However, if you steal something off someone's person — something they are holding — that is worth more than five dollars, that is a felony.
I did not actively mention that, but for the moment he's under close watch until they can pack up his things and move him. Coincidentally. He's moving to room 240, the room I had after I came back from my amputation.
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