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How often do you SHAVE?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 5:27 am
by pinback
You can tell us! We're all friends here!
Re: How often do you SHAVE?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 5:40 am
by Flack
I shave once a month at this point. There's no trimming, either. Once the hairs start to curl I grab the shears and shave it all off. This was not my normal routine back when we left the house every day, nor will it be the norm when we start leaving the house regularly again. But for now, nobody knows of cares.
Re: How often do you SHAVE?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:04 am
by RealNC
I trim once every three weeks or so. I'm very hairless in general. No body hair, and my facial hair growth is very, very slow. Basically if I wanted to grow a short beard, it would take me about a year. For the last couple of years, I maintain a stubble that only needs trimming every few weeks. In the past, I used to do shave every week. It was enough for me look clean shaven. Then I've put on some weight and the stubble is better for FAT people :P
Re: How often do you SHAVE?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 5:06 pm
by AArdvark
Nobody cares at work if I'm a scruffa-luffagus but it gets annoying.
Re: How often do you SHAVE?
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:27 pm
by Tdarcos
They were using electric clippers on me, then it was strongly suggested I buy my own. I found out you can get a nice cordless which will cut hair or beards for $19,95 ($21.15 with tax). The advantage being they'll always be here, and I don't have to worry if they're properly sterilized (since they're mine and only used on me, they don't need terilization). So I bought them. They use them on me about once a month, and they recharge them about every two uses.