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Cracked a rib
Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 3:48 pm
by Jizaboz
This morning with a beer buzz still kickin from the night before I took a bad fall. Wind knocked out and it hurt. Got in the bed a while. Had a VERY hard time getting out of it. Apparently I cracked a rib in my back. Typed This with left hand. I will be OK but probably not very active online this week. More details later.
Re: Cracked a rib
Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 5:36 pm
by bryanb
Damn, that sucks, Mike. I hope you aren't in too much pain and make a quick recovery. I've always had a phobia about breaking a rib, arm, or time I briefly thought I had broken an arm after a hard fall while playing volleyball, and that pretty much soured me on the sport of volleyball permanently. Granted, I was terrible at it and didn't have legions of fans begging me to make a comeback or anything. Classic sitcoms used to make it seem like breaking an arm was practically a rite of passage. You got a cool cast and got to have people sign it and everything! Still, I always knew I wanted no part of that particular scene.
Re: Cracked a rib
Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 9:12 pm
by Jizaboz
Hey thanks Bryan. Did not even mention anything his occurred skateboarding (while VERY hungover) on a half pipe. I’m almost 42 and it’s obvious I will have to change some habits!
Already feeling slightly more comfortable after a day of bed and TV. I’ve just never felt this kind of insane pain if I do not do things slowly and a certain way. I’ll be honest you man, I was pretty damn scared not only with the pain but the breathing. Coughing is totally off limits. But yes, lesson learned! If ever I start to do something like that again I remember this day. And now it hurts to hold the phone so back to bed and monster shows on travel channel haha
Re: Cracked a rib
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 7:36 am
by Jizaboz
Wednesday was completely awful pain-wise, mainly due to having to sit in a chair for work using kb/mouse for almost 12 hours. Today so far is much better after taking it easy as much as possible. Today feels like mostly muscle pain in back/stomach area that I supposed have been over-compensating while having to stand up and sit down like Frankenstein.