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The time for infighting is over. The age is over.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:56 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Tdarcos, how can we broker peace between us?

Re: The time for infighting is over. The age is over.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 1:06 pm
by Tdarcos
"How can I convince you
What you see is real?
Who am I to blame you
For doubting what you feel?...
The search is over
You were with me all the while."
- Survivor, The Search is Over
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:56 am Tdarcos, how can we broker peace between us?
Gee, I never had someone sue for peace before!

First, I have never carried any ill will against you. However, I have a low level of tolerance for either being abnormally obtuse or intentionally being stupid and unfunny. Funny covers a lot of sins, but, if you say something which is provably wrong and present it as if it was correct, well, if I notice it, I'm going to say something.

Like the incident with the traffic ticket. I pointed out that when you sign a ticket, it's a promise either to pay or appear, and if you break that promise, there are consequences, including license suspension in that state, and a capias. I also stated that if you don't sign the ticket, you go to jail until they can get you in front of a magistrate. You then complained that you have no choice, if you don't sign the ticket, you go to jail, and that I didn't understand this, when I had already told you that's what would happen.

I also then offered you potential solutions to this problem, which you blew off. So, I decided to be sarcastic and point out that if you didn't want a solution, or didn't want to understand why there was an issue, you could have said so, but since you did, then complained I was offerng a solution, I then made the stereotypical presumption that you were a woman complaining instead of a man asking for advice. You also then proceeded to tell me that everything I said about tickets was literally totally wrong. That's a direct quote. So, since you-said that you were not kidding and that I do not know what i am talking about, I asked you to teach me where I am wrong.

Seriously now, maybe you can be saying things that you don't really mean, and presume others should know that. But, if a person says something is literally a particular condition, is it reasonable for me to presume because they said it was literally a certain way, that they said what they meant and meant what they said?

Now if when you said "literally," you-didn't really mean it was intended to be taken literally, you can say that, or explain how I am wrong.

Otherwise, tell me what you think you should do, if anything, and what I should do, if anything.