I had a visitor come see me Friday!
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:58 am
I thought I posted this yesterday, but I must have failed to save it.
Around noon on Friday, an aide told me I had a visitor. Well, the only person who's come to visit mer is my friend Davis, who was my landlord for over nine years. So, anyway, since Davis is African-American and this man is caucasian, it certainlt wasn't him!
So he mentions who he is, by his handle her, and I didn't get it, so he says his real name, then I remember.
It's Flack!
I was very happy to see him - I get visitors maybe once every three months on average - so this was a very welcome surprise. He's here on vacation with his wife, who works remotely, but every couple of weeks comes back here to handle issues that require direct personal attention. So they decided to come by for the July 4th weekend.
So we swap stories - I hope I didn't monopolize the conversation - and I show him my setup where I have three computers on a KVM, one of which doesn't work (the video apparently died) which is the newer computer I bought when my first computer wouldn't boot, so I bought a better computer for less than I paid for that one.
I told him about some of my exploits in college on the computers there, some of which, if did them now, would get me a few years in Club Fed. I think I'll tell some of my stories in a later posting.
I also recommended he try Five Guys burgers, and, of course, the "New York style" pizza (Note to Pinback: if it isn't true NY style, it's still delicious).
We also took pictures together, he used his iPhone, I used my 2.7K video/photo camera. My roommate, Leslie Rouse took the pictures for us. He spent about a half hour, but had to leave because he left his wife in the car. So we said our goodbyes, and then Jack Flack escaped!
Thsnk you for the lovely, wonderful, truffle chocolates, Flack. I am deeply touched. Unfortunately, they melted overnight, but I'll still eat them, I'll just be careful so the chocolate doesn't drool off, and I'll lick the spoon err I mean the wrapper. The white chocolate ones are delicious; I haven't had white chocolate in 30 years.
I'm glad we had the chance to meet, and perhaps I'll meet some of the rest of you if you're ever in the Washington, D.C. metro area.
Around noon on Friday, an aide told me I had a visitor. Well, the only person who's come to visit mer is my friend Davis, who was my landlord for over nine years. So, anyway, since Davis is African-American and this man is caucasian, it certainlt wasn't him!
So he mentions who he is, by his handle her, and I didn't get it, so he says his real name, then I remember.
It's Flack!
I was very happy to see him - I get visitors maybe once every three months on average - so this was a very welcome surprise. He's here on vacation with his wife, who works remotely, but every couple of weeks comes back here to handle issues that require direct personal attention. So they decided to come by for the July 4th weekend.
So we swap stories - I hope I didn't monopolize the conversation - and I show him my setup where I have three computers on a KVM, one of which doesn't work (the video apparently died) which is the newer computer I bought when my first computer wouldn't boot, so I bought a better computer for less than I paid for that one.
I told him about some of my exploits in college on the computers there, some of which, if did them now, would get me a few years in Club Fed. I think I'll tell some of my stories in a later posting.
I also recommended he try Five Guys burgers, and, of course, the "New York style" pizza (Note to Pinback: if it isn't true NY style, it's still delicious).
We also took pictures together, he used his iPhone, I used my 2.7K video/photo camera. My roommate, Leslie Rouse took the pictures for us. He spent about a half hour, but had to leave because he left his wife in the car. So we said our goodbyes, and then Jack Flack escaped!
Thsnk you for the lovely, wonderful, truffle chocolates, Flack. I am deeply touched. Unfortunately, they melted overnight, but I'll still eat them, I'll just be careful so the chocolate doesn't drool off, and I'll lick the spoon err I mean the wrapper. The white chocolate ones are delicious; I haven't had white chocolate in 30 years.
I'm glad we had the chance to meet, and perhaps I'll meet some of the rest of you if you're ever in the Washington, D.C. metro area.