Dialogue printing question.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:00 am
One thing that I've noticed in some comics written by Brian Bendis as of late, is the use of the parenthesis in mid-sentence. For instance, he might do something like this:
The stuff in parenthesis, I imagine, is supposed to be dialogue that is spoken underneath Jessica's breath. (I could be totally wrong, and it could be a way to display text which is being thought and not said aloud... but I don't think that's it.)
Anyway -- does this bug people? Is it annoying to have text written that way? I have a couple places where that very thing is going on in the game I am working on, but if it's a mimesis breaker or whatever, definitely let me know. I am wondering about this like the guy who invented the thought bubble is wondering about his use of that.
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Daredevil: I'm really surprised that you didn't want to help out Ka-Zar.
Jessica: I'm sorry, I just couldn't do it. I -- I have no interest in getting in a goddamn plane and going to the Antarctic (regardless of how hot your friend is) and the thought of getting eaten by a dinosaur while doing it doesn't help either.
Anyway -- does this bug people? Is it annoying to have text written that way? I have a couple places where that very thing is going on in the game I am working on, but if it's a mimesis breaker or whatever, definitely let me know. I am wondering about this like the guy who invented the thought bubble is wondering about his use of that.