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The Longest Year

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:47 pm
by pinback
This is a placeholder. 2022 was my longest year. So many bad and good things happened, I remember things from January like they were a decade ago. This year never ends. I'll write about things here as I feel like it.

Most of the things I will report here are bad, but some were very good, and I hold no grudges against 2022. Just, enough already.

Re: The Longest Year

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:16 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
It was a very long year.

Re: The Longest Year

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 8:26 am
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:16 pm It was a very long year.
2020 was worse. To top off all the other problems, it was a leap year, adding another 24 hours of misery.

Re: The Longest Year

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 9:02 am
by pinback
2020 was one of the best years of my life.

Re: The Longest Year

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 9:20 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I want to read your take on the year so bad!!! Badly!

Re: The Longest Year

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:07 pm
by pinback
Maybe best to just move on.

It was a long year. The process of moving was painful and stressful (though I still love the new house!), being forcibly moved to a new company was stressful, having a foster dog destroying the house (though I still love it!) was stressful, two dogs and a father in law dying in the space of a month and a half was stressful, and for several months I felt, physically, like I might actually drop dead at any moment. That makes things tend to drag on a bit.

Also somewhere I lost interest in doing anything, so that also draws the days out just a tad.

Also I got a cut on my toe that never healed and it turned into an oozing growth which is still there because my surgery was called off because my insurance wouldn't cover it.

Best to just move on.

Re: The Longest Year

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:14 pm
by pinback
Oh, also, for the last couple months I've been waking up at 3 AM with my mind racing with fear and anxiety, unable to get back to sleep for more than one or two more hours of restless tossing and turning, and I'm nervous all the time, even when everything is great, which it is. This, too, slows down the clock quite a bit.

Perhaps it would be better to just move on.

Re: The Longest Year

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:09 pm
by pinback
Oh also I passed out and fell on my face and cracked my front tooth. Just once, though, not every day. Then it would have been even longer!