From Ants to Zombies: a book about video game horror
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:41 pm
I was interviewed for this book, which is going to be released soon. ... ame-horror

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More than 130 horror titles are analysed and contextualised across thirteen thematically-divided chapters, covering a variety of genres (from rail shooters to open-world RPGs), settings (from haunted mansions to infested space stations) and shades of fear (from creeping existential dread to stomach-churning outbursts of violence). The discussion is enlivened by exclusive commentary from pioneering horror developers such as Keiichiro Toyama (Silent Hill), Jane Jensen (Gabriel Knight), Ken Levine (System Shock 2), Sandy White (Ant Attack), David Riordan (It Came from the Desert), Paul Norman (Forbidden Forest), Graeme Devine (The 7th Guest), and many more.
Spanning 600+ beautifully-illustrated pages, From Ants to Zombies offers an opportunity to revisit venerated classics and discover unfairly overlooked gems, tapping into the inexhaustible riches of six decades of video game horror.

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Adam Birch, Airdorf, Anna Anne Anthropy, Ben Cocuzza, Bob Johnson, Bryan Eggers, Charlie Cleveland, Clem Chambers, Danielle Dorsey, Dave Lebling, Dave Lloyd, David Riordan, DontFightDucks, F.J. Lennon, Graeme Devine, Graham Reznick, Ivan Zanotti, Jane Jensen, Jasper Byrne, Jeff Tunnell, Julien Névo, Keiichiro Toyama, Ken Levine, Kitty Horrorshow, Larry Fessenden, Laura Hunt, Lode Coen, Lynda Cowles, László Szenttornyai, Malcolm Evans, Michael Lutz, Mike Richardson, Octavi Navarro, Paul Norman, Robb Sherwin, Sandy White, Scott Adams, Ted Hentschke, Thomas Möhring, Tim Cowles, Tim Keenan, Trevor Storey, William McDonald and Wright Bagwell.