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Jupiter and Saturn
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:29 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jupiter and Saturn are bright in the sky in Colorado and easy to see. I use the app SkyMap to confirm.
Can YOU see them easily?
Edit: at night
Re: Jupiter and Saturn
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:25 pm
by Jizaboz
The last time I saw really cool stuff at night in space was on the kayak trip up on the the border of Virginia. We were laying there looking at stars and thought we were looking at clouds or smoke.. only to realize we saw a bit of the "milk" of the galaxy around what we were looking at. Latest iPhone my buddy had beside me confirmed it.
At the coast I can see stars fairly well too most nights.. but at my inland house there is usually too much light pollution. When I used to live in the mountains I had a more clear view.. but nothing like I could ever see at the elevation you are at. Hell, you may see Northern Lights and shit. LOL
Edit: The last time (and only) I clearly saw a planet was thru a big ass telescope was in Huntsville, AL at Space Camp. It was Mars. The only planet I really notice often with my eyes is Venus.
Re: Jupiter and Saturn
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:54 am
by AArdvark
Rochester is infested with clouds most of the time so when there's a clear sky at night it's appreciated. Since we got the telescope I have, on occasion, checked out Jupiter and it's moons and even had a small but clear look at Saturn. All the other planets and stars are just dots of light so they are boring to look at, especially when it takes some minutes to line them up.
Now that we moved the clocks it's dark early enough so I can check out the night sky again
Re: Jupiter and Saturn
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:55 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I was going out walking every night before the bears started hibernating and I was also shining a light around to find Jupiter and Saturn. I was doing that before I got sick.
Well, I went one night without hacking up chunks of lung B O N U S so that means I gotta start going on walks at night again. I did a preview walk last night and they are still there, guys. And gals? Right, guys. They are STILL THERE. You can see them with the naked eye and it's incredible. I don't know enough about how the solar system works to say if they are going to go away quickly or slowly, but get out there and look at them and think about them and their moons maybe if you want.