Wow am I behind on my posts! Soooooooooooooo I've been working with a friend to collect cool / good yet obscure games for him to play on his YouTube channel: I won't be mentioning names per say as this is a paid gig, but it has been an interesting ride so far - we've put together a couple different bundles for him:
The Mattel Hyperscan
- Probably the first person who'd admit to having a full collection including the cards.
Pod Wheel Click Games
- Spoiler: it requires a 5th Gen iPod, "patched" firmware, and out of the 50 or so games released for the "platform" only 23(ish) are jailbroken thus are playable.
This thread isn't about ol' systems like the Commodare 666 or the Vic 69 though, but a "it is new to me!" system I've been enjoying quite a bit: the New Nintendo 3DS XL (yes, "New" is part of the official name.) Being honest this sort of system isn't up to my friend's usual specs as he prefers niche platforms such as the Pocket PC and or poorly made third pirated versions of video games ala the NES Chrono Trigger "demake."
HOWEVER! A few factors for the N3DS (compared to the acronym for the previous model, the O3DS) make it pretty awesome as a "want to play obscure and wacky games on it?"
1. Native 3DS and original Nintendo DS compatibility.
-- Citra and other emulators exist for either system, but the fact it is hardware compatible with these systems AND exemplifies a rather wonky dual screen stylus form factor that there is maaaaaaaaaaybe one true alternative for, means as a platform for these 2000+ games it can't be beat.
2. Native Gameboy Advance "emulation."
-- The original Nintendo DS (the Phat and Lite versions if you will compared to the DSi) contained a GBA slot BUT had hardware onboard to allow you to play these games as opposed to emulation. Thankfully while the cartridge port was lost to the Variation Monster, the hardware remains and there is native boot ability to play GBA games without emulation.
3. Video out is available even if it requires a hardware mod.
-- is a hardware video out / USB-C charging mod that gives direct streaming to OBS or similar software via computer connection. Meaning that with all of the compatible games available for the handheld, there is a All in One streaming device for three distinct system variants.
4. Custom Firmware (CFW)
-- provides a pretty robust and straightforward method of jailbreaking and being able to play erm... Non-ethically sourced 3DS games on the system without too much pain PLUS (and this is important for the next section) it lets you swap out the Japanese OS for the American / English OS meaning you can pick up (relatively speaking here) dirt cheap (compared to the US models) of the system and switch them to good ol' Americana.
All that being said with an actual budget comes great responsibility and in researching the ins and outs of the New Nintendo 3DS XL (whew... What a name!) I've started to grow into a philosophy of building the ULTIMATE versions of a given system for my friend's perusal.
"Okay unpronounceable random Jolt Country user, what is so different about YOUR system that makes it an Ultimate version of a long dead handheld that is so old people in their 20s' and 30s' are reminiscing about having played it in their teens?" Thank you for asking Narrative Plot Device!
There are a couple things that are making this version The Supremo Uno Super Modded and Tricked Out New Nintendo 3DS XL:
1. It is the New Nintendo 3DS XL / LL:
-- Compared to the O3DS (being the hacker vernacular) this version has far larger screens, updated processor that is on par with the Wii (though they didn't upgrade the GPU nor do most games take advantage of the increased computing POWA!) and most importantly head tracking so that 3D effect doesn't require you to crick your neck by keeping it perfectly aligned with the screen at all times.
2. It is the dual screen IPS variant of the New Nintendo 3DS XL / LL (the latter being the Japanese version of the handheld.)
-- Before the explosion of IPS / OLED displays, TN type panels still reigned (Nacho) Supremo. HOWEVER! There were a few (very, very small) batches made of the New Nintendo 3DS XL with either a top, bottom, or two screen IPS panels. Sadly the in the US only the "it goes for at least $450" Hyrule Edition of the console has a high rate of chance of being dual IPS thus for less than half the price, purchasing and then modding with Custom Firmware a Japanese N3DS LL was the way to go.
3. Ever see that stick stylus that slots into the bottom of the handheld system? That is weaaaaaaaaak SAUCE and has gotta go!
-- We upgraded that baby to a high end stylus based on a famous model of fountain pen - the Lamy Safari. ... k-emr.html
4. Modding it with Custom Firmware (or CFW as the kids call it.)
-- The only way to switch the OS from Japanese to English. Used to cause problems with the 3DS eShop as it was region locked (as are the games,) but as that is now completely dead it doesn't actually matter too much (although switching versions does cause problems with sharing Pokemon saves across consoles but... Eh... Whatevs. There are other 3rd party methods if that is an itch we ever have.)
5. Hori Monster Hunter XX Grip.
-- Big hands equals severe palm and finger cramps. Getting a "grip" that makes the system that much larger and much easier to hold is kinda a given. Of all the options available to you the easiest is purchasing a 3D printed variant but those never have support for shoulder buttons, don't have that neat double pronged metal stand for the system, and look kinda janky. The catch here is that those are around $20 as opposed to the exclusive Monster Hunter XX grip that will cost around $110 (and current listings put them at around $120.)
6. USB C Charging and Video Out.
-- Besides being able to record straight to a computer, you're also able to play the games on a stupidly large screen if you so wish. It also removes the horrendously odd proprietary charging port for a USB-C alternative.
7. Custom made leather case with stylus and external battery compartments.
-- Essentially this puts every piece of kit you'd need for play into one package and looks pretty nice to boot!
If you noticed the majority of these additions in regards to the Supremo Numero Uno New Nintendo 3DS don't require hardware modding and instead just paying out the proverbial ying yang for high prices components. Which is where we currently are: everything except the leather case and USB C / Video out kit has been procured and those two components will be arriving shortly.
Pictures? Soooooooooooooon!
Thank you for reading.
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