Cyberganked 2025 updates
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2025 10:16 pm
Here was my Github log for 2024.

I had 337 Github contributions in 2024. This is down from 375 in 2023 and 390 in 2022. As explained in other places in the BBS, 2024 was a horrible year for me for many reasons and I suppose I need some sense of things going well to work on this project.
I started using Asana again in December to track tickets. It is very obvious what my problem is. I laid out work to do. I did almost everything BUT the work I organized. So while I got things done like a "dark mode" and another encounter with a new singular enemy NPC, the original work that has to be done is still sitting there. I can clean that up.
In the last words of all failed Kickstarters, I will attempt to make a prediction about how often I update this thread. I'll try for once a week, when my self-selected weekly "sprint" ends and those are ending on Friday. In theory, see you on 1/10/2025 if not sooner.

I had 337 Github contributions in 2024. This is down from 375 in 2023 and 390 in 2022. As explained in other places in the BBS, 2024 was a horrible year for me for many reasons and I suppose I need some sense of things going well to work on this project.
I started using Asana again in December to track tickets. It is very obvious what my problem is. I laid out work to do. I did almost everything BUT the work I organized. So while I got things done like a "dark mode" and another encounter with a new singular enemy NPC, the original work that has to be done is still sitting there. I can clean that up.
In the last words of all failed Kickstarters, I will attempt to make a prediction about how often I update this thread. I'll try for once a week, when my self-selected weekly "sprint" ends and those are ending on Friday. In theory, see you on 1/10/2025 if not sooner.