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Give me your Unbias Real look at this info...

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 9:41 am
by danzaland

I was looking up Brave New World to get more familiar with it and came across the link above.

Can anybody prove or disprove any of this? I read probably 50% of this page alone and I really can't tell. I haven't even gone to the Tom Bearden site Cheniere to read what is there.
On one hand I see movie of the week yet on another I see connections to things happening around the world and it doesn't seem that far fetched.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:17 am
by Worm
"4. Mind control on a mass scale has now become possible, and the machines to do it are already in place in certain nations. It has become possible to mentally enslave whole populations with the twist of a few dials."
That negates it's truth for me. I simply think that one point is so absurd that I can't believe the rest of the stuff on that page. I don't care about explanations. It is just too like James Bond movies.

Basically it is all part of this whoop la when the government took ALL of Tesla's documents and what not. Seems like they have a belief in 'ether' somewhere in there. There is a load of crap about Tesla and that array in Alaska.

This website looks like that old hoax.

Yea, this reeks of Alex Chiu. Look where they are hosting the patent I mean FUCKING CHRIST!

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:31 am
by DavidK
I used to do research in a physics lab, and we got *tons* of this sort of stuff in the mail. Endless pages of it, filled with equations and gibberish in equal measure. Never sure whether it was funny or sad that people spent their days writing it all out.

Perpetual motion machines were always very popular, or at least devices that extracted unlimited energy. Possibly because that way resistance to these "theories" can be explained away as conspiracies of vested interests, I guess.

But it doesn't mean anything. Quote: "time itself is actually compressed energy". It sounds good, sure, but it's nonsense. You could ask questions like "compressed in what sense?" but you might as well try to reason with a weasel. The guy is just a loony. Longer disproof:

But hey, I'm part of the science establishment (or was, anyway), so I expect I'm part of a conspiracy to keep this quiet. Just don't tell anyone, okay?


Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:48 am
by Bond villains and weasels
That negates it's truth for me. I simply think that one point is so absurd that I can't believe the rest of the stuff on that page. I don't care about explanations. It is just too like James Bond movies.

Quote: "time itself is actually compressed energy". It sounds good, sure, but it's nonsense. You could ask questions like "compressed in what sense?" but you might as well try to reason with a weasel.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:58 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I do wish that my high school or college Physics courses had spent more (actually, any) time on Nikola Tesla. It seems like he's depicted every time some crackpot has a theory about anything that can approach what Blue from Blue's News likes to call "Wild Science." His picture showing up on that page is sort of like Che Guevara being depicted on the homepage of an anarchist's. It doesn't quite fit, but you're not sure if you want to fire off an anonymous e-mail from your backup Hotmail account because there aren't enough hours in the day to truly get involved. It would be nice to really get a handle on what Tesla did and did not do & research and invent.

I would like one of those Motionless Electromagnetic Generators, though. If the page can be believed, a patent went through for it, so I guess it's just a matter of time before the kids port Linux to it and it can be used as a discount Divx player. I don't know about "free energy forever," but if it can play the Tick episodes I downloaded off Usenet then I'm all for it and I don't want to see "the man" hold it back from production.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:08 pm
by danzaland
DavidK wrote:Longer disproof:
This was the sort of thing I was looking for in making this post. I will read more on it but wanted to see what resources this board could provide!

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:42 pm
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty

Plenty of stuff. Recently:
Take a peek at the site: ... Bogus_PhD/ and see that the pseudoscientist who has been peddling the "MEG" free-energy machine, Tom Bearden, appears to have obtained his Ph.D. by rather simpler means that most.

A reader has observed that Bearden's undergraduate and MS degree are apparently legit, but based on his own e-mail and the time frame (1999 to 2000) when he began claiming a Ph.D., Tom Bearden apparently received (or more accurately, purchased) his bogus Ph.D. degree from "Trinity College and University" in the U.K. Now, until April 2000, you could find this diploma mill at, after which it vanished from the web. Fortunately, the Wayback Machine web archive ( still contains the old web pages from Trinity College and University.

Note that many legitimate universities have the word "Trinity" in their names. Legitimate Ph.D. degrees granted by such institutions require actual graduate course credits, at least one year of residency at the university itself, and an oral defense of a dissertation in front of a qualified faculty examination committee.

On the other hand, there isn't a legitimate university in the U.S. or the U.K. that will give a person a doctorate based on "lifetime achievement" and the submission of a dissertation by mail, particularly when that person doesn't even live in the same country!
James Randi fucking rules. He's got a million bucks ready to go to anyone who can prove any paranormal, supernatural, or occult occurance. Perpetual-motion machines would count, as they go against the laws of nature. Nobody's been able to prove anything yet...

As for ether, it was pretty much disproved a few decades ago, wasn't it? Nobody today seriously believes in such nonsense.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 1:52 pm
by DavidK
It would be nice to really get a handle on what Tesla did and did not do & research and invent.
He came up with the design of workable AC generators and motors that's basically unchanged today. And radio stuff I don't recall the details of. And the Tesla coil. Basically everything electrical around you is powered by what he came up with. Sad end though, he died mentally disturbed and penniless, as I recall.

As opposed to Mr. Bearden, who appears to be favouring the going mad first, and then inventing second approach...
As for ether, it was pretty much disproved a few decades ago, wasn't it?
That was pretty much finished off by Einstein and the Michelson-Morley experiment at the turn of the last century, I think.

Is it me, or is this thread lacking in abuse and/or tales of personal misery?


Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 2:39 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
We're on better behavior in Danza's threads, and when someone new drops by (welcome to the BBS, BTW).

Although, if this thing gets to two pages and sputters I am cracking open the old Nikola Tessmanski gimmick account and having him speak a bit about how he never would have wanted to have been even partially responsible for Blue cutting off Jack Straw's electricity in this thread. But that's more of a "Plan B" for this thread.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 3:19 pm
by DavidK
(welcome to the BBS, BTW).
Thanks. Good luck keeping the thread going: here it's late, and there's a Red Dwarf repeat to be watched...


Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 5:26 pm
by Worm
David, what was that story about Tesla dumping as much energy as he could into the earth to see what would happen? I think that is where this death ray in alaska horseshit comes from.

EDIT: Introduced 'h' into the word that previously was were.
EDIT: Omitted 'y' from the word that previously was deathy.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:11 pm
There you are Mr. Koresh. Youcan't post on message boards like this. We need you to continue to play Sadda.. er Osam... err. The Korean Dictator yeah that's it... now away with you.....

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:27 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
DavidK wrote:
(welcome to the BBS, BTW).
Thanks. Good luck keeping the thread going: here it's late, and there's a Red Dwarf repeat to be watched...

I wish they ran Red Dwarf out here. They did for a little while back in 1999 and 2000 or so, but the public broadcast station inexplicably stopped doing so one day and I've never found it again.

The season I and II DVDs help get through the stretches where I am really jonesing for a rerun, though. It's just unfortunate that it won't be until 2006 until they have them all out at this pace.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 5:04 am
by Guest
what was that story about Tesla dumping as much energy as he could into the earth to see what would happen?
I dimly remember tales like that. Not sure where it came from, probably from him running a giant Tesla coil outside his lab. A quick Google search just gets me pages on hobbyists who build coils for fun. Wacky. No worse than playing text games, though, I guess.
The season I and II DVDs help get through the stretches where I am really jonesing for a rerun, though. It's just unfortunate that it won't be until 2006 until they have them all out at this pace
Hadn't realised they'd only got the first two series out on DVD, same here in the UK. Bummer. Guess you won't appreciate hearing that they're starting repeating Series 3 here next week :smile:


Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 8:25 am
by pinback

Timecube was a HOAX??
