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Ruth's FREAKING Chris.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:09 pm
by pinback
We are meeting at Monte Carlo brewpub at PRECISELY 3 PM. We will be going to Ruth's Chris that night. A DIFFERENT one, in fact, than the one I am familiar with. So I'm mixing it up a little.
Now. What time shall I make the reservations for? And for how many?
Keep in mind: I ain't paying for any of you deadbeats' red meats. And it DOES get expensive. Particularly since we're all basically alcoholics.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:15 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Make it for... let's see... me, Bruce, Roody, Dayna... that'd be four.
EDIT: And you. Five.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:16 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
On Friday, right?
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:36 pm
by pinback
Friday. At... SIX? Okay. You know, they don't have an "early bird special" there, right?
But okay. Six o'clock. For five. Also, who are all you people? "Dayna". Who's that? What's Roody's real name? What's going on here?
Who are you people?
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:39 pm
by pinback
Also, what am I supposed to call you people? God, I hate this.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:48 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jesus, it's not that difficult. You need to slosh down a bottle of zoloft before the antici...
... pation of this date of yours tomorrow KILLS you.
To answer your question: I have been refered to as "Robb," "Jonsey," "ICJ" and -- according to the Infocom 'Suspect' manual -- "Hollywood" in real life.
"How am I supposed to feel about all of this?" -- Holden McNeil
"How are you supposed to feel about it? Feel whatever the fuck you want about it!" -- Alyssa Jones
Pick one. It doesn't really matter.
No, wait, I know the problem: you're not actually aware of the real names of Bruce and Roody, are you, you self-absorbed throck of gelatin? Hee, hee, hee.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:49 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:Friday. At... SIX? Okay. You know, they don't have an "early bird special" there, right?
Are you saying we should get there later? Like at 8:00, then?
But okay. Six o'clock. For five. Also, who are all you people? "Dayna". Who's that? What's Roody's real name? What's going on here? Who are you people?
Make it 8:00, then.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:51 pm
by pinback
Hey, I'm only asking for YOU PEOPLES' benefit here. I'll call you whatever the fuck I want, but because I'm a gracious host in my hometown-away-from-hometown, I like to make people feel comfortable and welcome.
So, you all tell me what you want to be called, or I'll just do whatever the hell I want.
Fine, blame me for trying to be hospitable.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:52 pm
by pinback
Are you saying we should get there later? Like at 8:00, then?
Well, 8:00 is more, you know "dinner-timey". However, it's sure to be less crowded at 6. I certainly don't have a problem with less crowded, you know me.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:54 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:Are you saying we should get there later? Like at 8:00, then?
Well, 8:00 is more, you know "dinner-timey". However, it's sure to be less crowded at 6. I certainly don't have a problem with less crowded, you know me.
Yeah, that's cool then. Eight O'Clock it is! FOR EIGHT O' CLOCK IS TH E TIME OF DEAMONS SIRR
Demons and dinnertime. Boo-yeaaaaaah.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:55 pm
by Freddie
pinback wrote:Hey, I'm only asking for YOU PEOPLES' benefit here. I'll call you whatever the fuck I want, but because I'm a gracious host in my hometown-away-from-hometown, I like to make people feel comfortable and welcome.
Pinback, how would you define the "magic" of trying to be gracious host who calls people whatever the fuck he wants?
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:55 pm
by pinback
What the hell are we supposed to do until 8, then?
Do you ever THINK about the things you say before you just blab them out, or what?
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:00 pm
by bruce
pinback wrote:What the hell are we supposed to do until 8, then?
As you yourself pointed out, we're all basically alcoholics.
I know I am. And since all my knowledge of Las Vegas comes from <i>Leaving Las Vegas</i> I'm sure I'll be drinking very heavily indeed.
Speaking of which--does Ruth's Chris have, you know, a <i>dress code</i>? I ask only because all of my good clothes are out at the cleaner's, because they all got sooty in the fire a couple weeks ago and the cleaning company hasn't brought them back yet.
Also, my name is Adam.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:03 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I am planning on wearing a hockey jersey into this shithole, and if management doesn't like it, then Ruth and Chris can suck my Johnson and Johnson and we'll see who blinks firs--
No, actually, I don't care, but yeah, it would be helpful to know whether or not I need to wear a tie into this place or not. If I do, that's of course fine and I plan on packing a couple anyway, but having the "intel" beforehand would be fine.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:05 pm
by bruce
I must be getting ready early. I have a <i>nosebleed</i>, no doubt in anticipation of the coke I will be snorting off the breasts of the chick who looks like Janine Garafolo (or Julianne Marguilies) but for whom knowledge of the Intellivision is a massive turn-on.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:05 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
bruce wrote:pinback wrote:What the hell are we supposed to do until 8, then?
As you yourself pointed out, we're all basically alcoholics.
I plan on drinking like prohibition is going out of style and after this weekend, it really will have to be.
(Unless I am driving. In which case the only discount fluid in the "Safeway" Safeway bottle that I'll be bringing with us will be EXTRA BLOOD for LATER SOBERING PURPOSES.)
Also -- is anyone planning on bringing an IV to the event? I ask merely out of interest.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:07 pm
by pinback
bruce wrote:I know I am. And since all my knowledge of Las Vegas comes from <i>Leaving Las Vegas</i> I'm sure I'll be drinking very heavily indeed.
We shall go down to the corner of Flamingo and LVB, where all of the outside shots were taken! We will then drink martinis while sitting on a bench, and proposition hookers (but only those with hearts of gold) with a handfull of $20 bills!
Speaking of which--does Ruth's Chris have, you know, a <i>dress code</i>?
You're going to want to look, you know, RELATIVELY together. Last time I went in with sneakers, shorts, and a button-down shortsleeve shirt, and they gave me a little look, but allowed me to eat at the bar. I'm just saying, if you can kick it up to "business casual", I think you're going to want to do that, if possible.
And please, no Atari t-shirts. ("Why, do they have a rule against that?") No, I do.
Also, my name is Adam.
Then I shall call you... "Adam".
(Or "Bruce".)
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:07 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
bruce wrote:I have a <i>nosebleed</i>, no doubt in anticipation of the coke I will be snorting off the breasts of the chick who looks like Janine Garafolo (or Julianne Marguilies) but for whom knowledge of the Intellivision is a massive turn-on.
Garafolo and the E/R chick.
Well, nobody's going to give you shit for daring to dream, m'man.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:10 pm
by pinback
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:whether or not I need to wear a tie into this place or not.
Oh, heavens no. Business casual, I'm telling you. That's where it's at. And you can make it in there with LESS than that, but I'm sure that's not the sort of statement you're going to want to make, your first night in town. Or second, whatever it is.
Am I right?
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:14 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Hey. Is it just me, or have I put on a clinic in this base tonight? A content clinic?
This single handedly staves off death for the Castle. I'm gonna go in the back rows now and smooch up with Berthilda.