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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Some of you may remember this thread. It seems like someone pretty much hijacked it at the end, however. Thus this new one.

EB states that it's a pre-order for 8/26/03. But wait! That was yesterday! So who knows the real truth?

(Actually, I have taken to going to for my release date info. That's kind of sad in a way. But if it shows up on Usenet it's a good bet that it will show up on the shelves soon after.)

Maybe trying to figure out just when the game is available is the first "puzzle" of Republic:The Revolution. We'll soon know for sure!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I got it. This'll pretty much be the last y'all will be seeing of me for a couple weeks here. If I am gone longer than that someone go get Lowtax to take my place. Da, comrade. It's on!
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Post by Worm »

Gee, is it really quite good?
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Dunno yet. Still at work. Got some things to accomplish and possibly secure when I get home and then, comrade, the Revolution Begins.

So to speak.

The only way I'll be disappointed is if the thing clearly falls into the boundaries of another genre. If it does I am going to be pissed. Everything I have read indicates that it's a bit different in that regard.

I should also note that they left out women from this game. This will be the first game I've played since NFL2K3 where I have not been controlling a chick as the protagonist. I have no idea what that says about me, so I'll just leave that out there.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Zangief »

Da, comerrad! Vee shal go together and crrush thee opposition! Forr no whone cahn stahnd against the mighty powerr of ZANGIEEEF!!!


DAN: Street fighters have bunk houses?
REBECCA: Well, Zangief usually just goes around to places and arbitrarrilly declares that he's sleeping there. Few people argue.

From: MiSTed: Street Kombat Rangers by "James" <>
MiSTed by Elmer Studios, A.K.A Alex Fauth <>

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

You betcha, Zangief!

OK, off to go procure some adult refreshment. How did Ben used to play these things? COMPLETELY HAMMERED? So that's that. The Revolution has begun, my friends, and it's a meeeeeeeeeeeeeean drunk.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It definitely does not fall into a genre. I am reading the instruction manual to a game for the first time in years.

Huh. Don't know quite what else to say, too early yet. This looks like it's going to be just what I had in mind, though.

STATUS: Anticipatory (Was: Dreading Cookie Cutter Genre)
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Post by Debaser »

If you could provide me with an actual opinion on this game by... say tomorrow, midnightish, I'd appreciate it. I was too busy awaiting my inevitable disappointment with Lionheart to really involve myself in following this one, but the bits I've read on it tonight look interesting, and I debating picking it up Friday.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Debaser wrote:If you could provide me with an actual opinion on this game by... say tomorrow, midnightish, I'd appreciate it. I was too busy awaiting my inevitable disappointment with Lionheart to really involve myself in following this one, but the bits I've read on it tonight look interesting, and I debating picking it up Friday.
I just gave it another session. It's the weirdest game I have played in a long time.

I started off answering personality questions, like in Ultima VI. I wanted a guy who could cause revolt by his words as opposed to his fists, so I answered them that way.

You then go and have to recruit a few operatives. You do this by selecting them on the map (I think) and then waiting for the next day to arrive.

I had breakfast with this one guy. My character and the guy then spoke in what sounded like Russian, but I don't know how genuine it was. My guy pissed him off, so he left.

My guy then went to go have lunch with some other guy, and all of a sudden I am doing things to try to "win" the coversation. So I click on the "joke" button and then the "tempt" button and sure enough, this second guy becomes an operative for me.

I honestly don't know what to think. It's fascinating, definitely. More tomorrow on this, to be sure.
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Post by Debaser »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I had breakfast with this one guy. My character and the guy then spoke in what sounded like Russian, but I don't know how genuine it was. My guy pissed him off, so he left.

My guy then went to go have lunch with some other guy, and all of a sudden I am doing things to try to "win" the coversation. So I click on the "joke" button and then the "tempt" button and sure enough, this second guy becomes an operative for me.
So, it's like the Sims, only without all the lesbian watersports?

Ah, fuck it. I'm buying the damn thing, it's only 40 bucks. I don't think I've ever wasted 40 bucks on a bad video game. I've wasted 50 bucks on a bad video game plenty of times, but this is going to be a new experience for me, either way.

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Post by Debaser »

Debaser wrote:Ah, fuck it. I'm buying the damn thing,
Or else I'll drive around to three seperate stores on my way home from work and not find a copy. On my way home, I was going to work up a huge long rant about how this particular suburb is the worst of all possible worlds to live in and how I desperately, desperately needed to move but I know I'm not going nowhere so I guess I'll just eagerly await the arrival of Banzai Bug II.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Debaser wrote:
Debaser wrote:Ah, fuck it. I'm buying the damn thing,
Or else I'll drive around to three seperate stores on my way home from work and not find a copy. On my way home, I was going to work up a huge long rant about how this particular suburb is the worst of all possible worlds to live in and how I desperately, desperately needed to move but I know I'm not going nowhere so I guess I'll just eagerly await the arrival of Banzai Bug II.
Get a load of this:

Republic: The Revolution just got released.

Tron 2.0 is apparently GOOD. And I'll probably be buying it. But it's out.

The demo for XIII, which took my #1 anticipatory spot once Republic made it to the shelf is out

Banzai Bug II... well, if you get a chance, throw "banzai bug II" into Google.

What a great time to be a gaymer!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

XIII Could be great if someone makes a The Punisher Mod.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

1. This thing seriously needs a tutorial. I mean, it's just ridiculous that one wasn't included. They *say* there is a tutorial, but it's a bunch of still screens that tutor you in nothing except frustration.

2. Interface bugs. My shitty PC can't run it at 1024x768. So I go down to 800x600, even though that's ridiculous. The cursor -- the fucking CURSOR -- then breaks. I mean, who the fuck is still having trouble rendering a cursor? It's 2003 for Christ's sake!

3. I swear my in-game fag is ignoring me. I deduced that I have to recruit three guys. Great! I chose the "headhunt" action and clicked on some fag. Nothing happens. Nothing continues to happen.

They needed to sit someone down with this game who hadn't played it or was involved with its development at all and learn from what the person encountered. But they didn't. This game pretty much justifies why everyone else has thrown their game into a neat little genre in the last four or five years. Frustrating as fuck.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Jack Straw »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:My shitty PC can't run it at 1024x768. So I go down to 800x600, even though that's ridiculous.
You're gonna be fucked up in the Bonzai II game mang. 1024 will only cut it on one side!

Prolly making about as much sensi as Lexi right thurr...

carry on..

I was really hoping that shit wouldn't last more than 24 hours. Phew. It was phpBB default (Silver?) overkill.


Post by Greg »

Ok, here's a question.

Would you recommend the game to someone who really doesn't play a lot of games any more, but would be up for an interesting and well-made game? Someone who has a fair amount of interest in the Soviet Union's collapse?

If that person hadn't played a new game since Fallacy of Dawn, would this be a good one to pick up?


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

My instinct is to say, "yeah, go get it." The interface thing pissed me off, but it didn't run much better in 800x600. I guess the ole 1100 P3 is just killing me. I have an AMD 1.4mhz processor right next to me, I really ought to go install it.

That being said: I have read a couple threads on the game on a couple different boards, and nobody is reacting violently with anger. I personally can't figure out how to do things in this game yet. My last session involved me trying to recruit three guys and nothing happened. However, I don't know if I cancelled out my orders as I gave new ones (e.g., can orders be "stacked"?) and I didn't know that my guy has to wait till the next third of the day before something happens.

The game is kind of like a board game, then.

I'm going to give it a lot of time tonight as I don't have to go to work tomorrow. Hopefully I will have encountered lots and lots of breakway Soviet magic.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Debaser »

You can't run a fucking strategy game decently at 1100? Fuck that noise, bitch.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Debaser wrote:You can't run a fucking strategy game decently at 1100? Fuck that noise, bitch.
It runs OK at 1600 MHz, I learned the other night.

Still utterly incomprehensible, though. I was just floored that I spent that much money on a game I barely played, so I tried to run it last weekend.

My guy is DEFINITELY ignoring me.

Someone really needs to make a walkthrough for the beginning portion of the game, because I am utterly lost. I can't even get back to where I was last summer -- nobody will have breakfast and shout at things with me.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:My guy is DEFINITELY ignoring me.

I can't even get back to where I was last summer -- nobody will have breakfast and shout at things with me.
Sounds like you need a good dating sim. Or a boyfriend.

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