Pinback and ICJ? The next Ambiguously Gay Duo?
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 6:39 am
Yes, I know this is painting a neon bullseye on my chest and standing in front of the mighty duo that is Pinback and ICJ, but does anyone else think they just may be a little bit on the gay-for-each-other side? I mean I have a best friend and I don't go off on him this much, much less anyone else. I at least know when to get off the bulletin board and set him down and say, "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" I mean it seems to me that they care more about this "base", as they put it, than their own friendship. And don't try and scoff this off as just giving shit or "content." You guys are going for each other's throats and I bet it's just as much to blame for the demise of this board as ICJ and Vitriola getting retarded for each other on a public forum. Or for me registering for that matter. (Aside from Lysander, noone's noticed this. So I thought I'd bring it up for debate)
I mean hell, this possibly could of already been adressed before. Months or weeks or years ago. Souffle of Pain could of made it into a poll, but Jesus guys, either move in with each other and make your apartment look like an Ikea catalogue exploded in it, or shake hands and drop this pathetic meandering. You both are the prime content creators on this "base" (That's a silly name for a website) so why butt heads all the time? ICJ, if pinback wants to make his own "base" (I feel like I'm in a RTS forum whenever I say that) Then so be it. to paraphrase something which is NOT a FUCKING religion;
You have to have the ability to let that which doesn't matter, truly slide.
Let Pinback go. If he's successful, be happy. If he's not, welcome him back with open arms. Pinback, if this new "base" (God I feel like kicking my own ass now) is so important to you, why waste time on the "base" you left to create a better one? You're not giving either "bases" (Okay that went just too far over the loser meter ::THWAP:: ) what they deserve by dividing yourself between them. and what's gonna happen when you pull the Kung-Fu routine and "walk the Earth" as Jules put it? You don't sound like you're happy being stop being chicken little and go learn from the mistakes of this board and use that to improve SNT.
Because frankly, these temper tantrums of you two are starting to disgust me.
Shake hands, make up, and if your egos need it, feel free to join your efforts in one monumental slam on me and all my iniquities. I'm a understanding guy. I can take criticism.
And for perspectives sake, and it may just be me that sees it this way, you both are acting like Vitriola and I did before she moved to Colorado. Well, not as bad as I haven't found a post yet about taking semi-nude pics of one of you from the other. ;)
Yeah that's it, Ready...
::Adjusts his bullseye::
::Straddles the train tracks and puts on the blindfold::
I mean hell, this possibly could of already been adressed before. Months or weeks or years ago. Souffle of Pain could of made it into a poll, but Jesus guys, either move in with each other and make your apartment look like an Ikea catalogue exploded in it, or shake hands and drop this pathetic meandering. You both are the prime content creators on this "base" (That's a silly name for a website) so why butt heads all the time? ICJ, if pinback wants to make his own "base" (I feel like I'm in a RTS forum whenever I say that) Then so be it. to paraphrase something which is NOT a FUCKING religion;
You have to have the ability to let that which doesn't matter, truly slide.
Let Pinback go. If he's successful, be happy. If he's not, welcome him back with open arms. Pinback, if this new "base" (God I feel like kicking my own ass now) is so important to you, why waste time on the "base" you left to create a better one? You're not giving either "bases" (Okay that went just too far over the loser meter ::THWAP:: ) what they deserve by dividing yourself between them. and what's gonna happen when you pull the Kung-Fu routine and "walk the Earth" as Jules put it? You don't sound like you're happy being stop being chicken little and go learn from the mistakes of this board and use that to improve SNT.
Because frankly, these temper tantrums of you two are starting to disgust me.
Shake hands, make up, and if your egos need it, feel free to join your efforts in one monumental slam on me and all my iniquities. I'm a understanding guy. I can take criticism.
And for perspectives sake, and it may just be me that sees it this way, you both are acting like Vitriola and I did before she moved to Colorado. Well, not as bad as I haven't found a post yet about taking semi-nude pics of one of you from the other. ;)
Yeah that's it, Ready...
::Adjusts his bullseye::
::Straddles the train tracks and puts on the blindfold::