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AmeriKKKan Furniture Warehouse
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 12:50 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Apparently it's okay, when moving a couch these days, to shatter the shit out of the light globe outside one's apartment. I wasn't aware of this.
The commercials for this place feature an old guy in his pajamas surrounded by tigers. And furniture! Excellent! Motherfucker.
I can imagine the time I'm going to have trying to collect on this as well. Rather than respond he will probably just send out a pair of old geezer diapers and a rabid bengal.
Re: AmeriKKKan Furniture Warehouse
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 1:10 pm
by Vitriola
Apparently it's okay, when moving a couch these days, to shatter the shit out of the light globe outside one's apartment. I wasn't aware of this.
They probably walked in, saw the plastic lawn chairs that passes for furniture around here, and figured the occupants were way too damned cheap and/or ignorant to tip them. If I had their job, I'd pick something ugly to break everywhere I went, too. It's like Super Troopers, but with swarthy furniture movers, and not a bunch of ambiguously straight artfags.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 1:15 pm
by milker
Can I come over for smores in your living room?
Come on Robb, strap it on. It is time to get a couch with nice arms and a beer holder.
Couches make for good position, xxx.
Re: AmeriKKKan Furniture Warehouse
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 1:21 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Vitriola wrote:They probably walked in, saw the plastic lawn chairs that passes for furniture around here, and figured the occupants were way too damned cheap and/or ignorant to tip them.
Let me ask the masses assembled: are you supposed to tip the delivery guys when you get a new couch? The previous couches I've had, ah, didn't exactly get professionally delivered.
Re: AmeriKKKan Furniture Warehouse
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 1:25 pm
by gsdgsd
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Let me ask the masses assembled: are you supposed to tip the delivery guys when you get a new couch? The previous couches I've had, ah, didn't exactly get professionally delivered.
I don't think it's really common to tip furniture delivery people. Particularly if they break a light.
I can't believe Jake Jabs would do that to you.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 1:36 pm
by Furniture Delivery Guyz
One thought:
I have a friend who delivers large appliances(refrigerators/washing mahines,etc.) for a living. We've talked about tipping in the past and for the most part, he doesn't receive tips. Most people assume the guy is being well paid (rightly so, he makes mucho dinero...), so they don't tip. He does get the occasional $10 and the tipper usually says something like "Here, have a couple of beers on me" or something to that effect. In his case, he has to remove the old appliance first, so he's there for a while, in which case he appreciates being offered a refreshment.
He told me of a time when he delivered in a really hot, 5th floor walkup apartment and the job took forever. The guy gave him a $20 tip as he left, but he says he would have preferred a couple of glasses of cold water during the job.
So I dunno, it's up to you whether to tip or not. They usually make really good $$$, but the job is a monstruous one. Just be sure to be nice to the guy(s). And oh yeah, they really hate it when people don't have everything out of the way. I agree there. If you know something's being delivered, make way for the stuff. It makes the delivery guy's life easier. Hope that helps.
Another source:
Furniture Delivery:
If the delivery guys actually unwrap and set up a sofa or a bed, then $5 to $10 each would be appropriate.
Here's a source not unlike what happened today when we delivered this couch up this ungodly thin flight if stairs to this place with more cats than a Chinese restaurant:
Although he would put up the cash it fell upon her to make the actual payment. She would answer the door in her eye popping tight top and short skirt but the best part (varying perspectives on this point) was when she would have to turn around and pick up some of the money that had fallen on the floor behind her. She kept her knees straight but not too close together and bent at the waist to retrieve the bill. The rear hem didn't have to travel far to expose a bare bottom and her slightly open legs gave a clear view of other parts. More than one delivery person stood open mouthed and speechless as the money changed hands. The final touch was when she would kiss his cheek and thank him for bringing the furniture. Most often he would still be standing in shocked silence as the door closed in his face.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 6:02 pm
by Michael Savage
Re: AmeriKKKan Furniture Warehouse
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 6:08 pm
by Cold bastard
It really depends on whether you intend to have anything else delivered by the same company.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Vitriola wrote:Let me ask the masses assembled: are you supposed to tip the delivery guys when you get a new couch? The previous couches I've had, ah, didn't exactly get professionally delivered.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 6:54 pm
by AArdvark
6 pack for the guyz! Leave one for the sanitation engineers, too
Re: AmeriKKKan Furniture Warehouse
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:12 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Cold bastard wrote:It really depends on whether you intend to have anything else delivered by the same company.
Probably not. I don't have another outside light.