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I Have Descided Ion A New Challenge (Newd hahaah"
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 9:02 am
by Lex
Everyone givbe you ideas for bideogamesa, and I will make it. A simple shooty-one please, because I already have an engine sitting by I can modify to do that (NO CERTAINLY NOT THE LEAKED HL-" ENGINELOL!")
And it will be godawful.
I am going to spend each weekend working on it, and only work on it when I am completley fucking drunk.
So, y'know, nuns that shoot pitchforks out their asses, check, I can do whatever you want.
Do you want the main character to be a crossbow? Or a tank? I was thinking of putting it in a church.
Seriously, say some stupid htings, and I swaer a computer games will appear with those in it, within a month.
Go on. I figure a 2-hour drunk-coding session every 3-4 days hsould get it done.
Oh yeah I need a story too.
Re: I Have Descided Ion A New Challenge (Newd hahaah"
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 9:44 am
by Worm
Lex wrote:Everyone givbe you ideas for bideogamesa, and I will make it. A simple shooty-one please, because I already have an engine sitting by I can modify to do that (NO CERTAINLY NOT THE LEAKED HL-" ENGINELOL!").
It was just the source code.
I'd like to see an X-Men FPS at least as good as the mod for Quake .
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 12:08 pm
by Guest
That mod was fucking stupid. The X-men were the baddies, and there were 100 clones. but the gun was cool.
That's a little bit high for a completley drunk person to aim, to have out in less than a month, m'man Worm.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 9:36 am
by Keza
A nunnery child driven mad by the realisation that Catholicism is a load of bollocks contrived to make her feel more comfortable with her pitiful existence goes rampant in her local church, killing all present, complete with plentiful hallucinations.
Main character morphs randomly at intervals depending on her progressive hallucinatory insanity. Can you do that? Like, make her randomly turn into a penguin with a chaingun? Failing that, I want the enemy nuns to morph periodically into penguins with chainguns, and other such entertainingly random iterations.
This is why I write about games and don't design the tings...
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 1:11 pm
by Lex
You said ting.
Yeah, okay, I can do that; "morph" I don't think I can do, but I see no reason why there can't be some penguins *as well*. Felicity allows me to do some sweeet morphing, but I cannot move my MagicDigiBrush when pissed. Seriously, it'd be godawful. And the point of this is the game is awful. That's how bad.
I am going to give some of the penguins jumbo-jet wings, and they will appear in later levels.
This will happen, people.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 1:34 pm
by Keza
Lex wrote:You said ting.
I went Irish. Going back to my Kelly heritage, and all.
As long as there are penguins and distraught Catholics, I'll be happy.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:13 pm
by Lex
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:36 pm
by Teufel ZeKK
How about pink tanks, Yellow moons, green clovers, and purple chemical weapons?
Or possibly, Asscock?
What? Ass means Donkey.
I want a game to be really really bad, Make it about the california Govenor's race...Have a bunch of women with blacked out faces chasing Ahhhhhnold around the city of LA with tasers, stun guns and paternity suits. It could be exactly like the old ET game for atari. And Maria Shriver could play the part of Eliot.