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Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 8:18 pm
by Ben
Oooh. I probably should have played DnD once or twice in the 31 years I've been alive before I tried playing this game, shouldn't I have?
I have a 13 AC, by the way. And no XP penalty for multiclassing.
Uhhh. What?
I've figured out how to move the camera, though. I am +11 WIZARD OF AWESOMENESS at the camera.
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 2:58 am
by Lex
Yeah, I was going to ask you about that. Not actually a niche game, but you really want to have some experience.
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 9:43 am
by Ben
I read two reviews of the game.
One said, "And the great thing is, it makes it so easy for newcomers to get into it!"
One said, "One problem is, it's not too easy for newcomers to get into it."
So far, I vote for contestant #2!
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 9:46 am
by Ben
But wait!
I used to play a lot of Nethack. That should count for something.
So far (one quest in) the game seems a lot like Nethack, except with much better (well, ANY) graphics, and a lot more arcane numbers and letters which I don't know what they mean.
I have managed to master the art of "walking into a room and clicking on the bad guy", which seems to be sufficient up to this point.
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 11:35 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
The thing is... well, all the games I mentioned in that "pre review" thing I wrote probably would have been a better introduction to D&D games on the computer than Neverwinter Nights is.
But I'm not sure. You're pretty much hacking stuff up in this one, right? Are there are a lot of side quests? Are you a bad enough dude to rescue a cat from some old lady's attic and, by the way, fight the contigent of orcs that are holed up in said attic (ha ha)? Stuff like that was the meat and potatoes of the other D&D games that were released. I'm not sure if they have side quests like that in NWN or what.
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 3:30 pm
by Ben
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The thing is... well, all the games I mentioned in that "pre review" thing I wrote probably would have been a better introduction to D&D games on the computer than Neverwinter Nights is.
Except since it ain't really my thing, I thought I'd go with the be all 'n' end all of DnD games, just in case I decided I liked it. I wouldn't have to go buy ANOTHER game afterwards. Of course, that's terribly flawed logic, since at this point I'm wondering if I'll ever fire that puppy up again in my life.
But I'm not sure. You're pretty much hacking stuff up in this one, right?
Well, so far. But keep in mind, I'm still at the stage where every new NPC I meet is saying, "Oh, aren't you a WONDERFUL little dwarf! Yes you are! Who's just the cutest little dwarf in the whole wide world? Is it you? Is it? Yeeeees, you are..." and then they tickle me under the chin.
Are there are a lot of side quests?
So far, I will say: Yes. I say this having no context within which to make that statement. But by the time I'd gotten through the first element of the Main Quest, a couple other people had come up to me and bothered me to run their own stupid little errands for them.
But since I am "chaotic good", I felt compelled to help them out. (AND THEN TORCH THEIR CHILDREN!!!)
I'm not sure if they have side quests like that in NWN or what.
My favorite part is, the first line in the manual says: "If you'd like to learn about how to play this game, and also learn about the world in which it's set, please buy the following books from the regular DnD people:"
Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 2:33 pm
by loafergirl
Are you making use of your quickslots? You can use them for actions, inventory, equipping weapons, spells and whatnot. Also examine stuff you buy befor you buy it by right clicking on it and highlighting the eye.
If you're not all that familiar with D&D I suggest starting with an easier class like a fighter. I did ranger, which might also be good, because spells don't get into it until your 5th lvl or so. Also remember to raise levels. Read your little book.... it should help =) And make use of your quick keys and pause option.
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2002 12:21 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Is this game in the bargain bin yet? I just know they (Infogrames, or whoever published it) is gonna drag this thing out. GODDAMN THEM.
It also appears to have thrown Parrish off the whole "computer games" thing. That's just damned notorious.
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2002 1:58 pm
by Ben
That is quite an interesting (and accurate) observation. I was all hot and heavy into WC3, my love of games reborn for the five hundred seventy-third time, and then I popped in NWN, played it for two hours, and haven't even so much as turned on my PC once since then.
Atari: YOU will have to answer for this.
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2002 7:09 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Is this game in the bargain bin yet? I just know they (Infogrames, or whoever published it) is gonna drag this thing out. GODDAMN THEM.
Alas, I'm *this* close to buying a NEW PC just so I can run NWN. If my vehicle repairs really *are* covered under warranty....
And it's not even that I want to play NWN all that bad. It's that I want the EDITOR all that bad.
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 1:58 am
by bruce
bruce wrote:
Alas, I'm *this* close to buying a NEW PC just so I can run NWN.
So, um, I did.
And I'm at the start of Chapter 3, and this game <i>rawks</i>. The story is nowhere near as compelling as <i>Planescape: Torment</i>, which was thoroughly magnificent and a half, but I'm really enjoying this a whole bunch.
The 3d Edition mechanics engine is great. I finally understand how attacks of opportunity are supposed to work! It's also going to be worth trying at least some of the game as a different class; so far I've been playing a straight-ahead monk (level 13 so far, bay-bee!), and enjoying the great thing about D&D monks. The early levels are annoying, but by the time you're about 8th level, you throw away all your weapons, wear no armor, and just go punch everything to death. It's like being the guy in Vampire Hunter D or something. However, if you have Daelan around early on to beat on things when you're too weak to, and then switch to Tomi to do little things like open doors and find traps for you, then who needs spells? Spells are for losers and Worthless Mopes of Men. And what's the gnome's name? Bodyfondler Fartknocker? Useless!
Grimgnaw is pretty damn cool, though. Too bad I am already a monk and don't need a SCARY LITTLE DWARVEN DEATH FETISHIST TOADFUCKER following me around.
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:38 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I really like the monk class in D&D. It was fun in Baldur's Gate II as well.
If you start designing scenarios, let me know. That would get me playing it again, I believe.
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 1:47 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 4:02 pm
by Worm
I heard it takes three hours to script a scene the people can get through in four minutes.
Frankly, I prefer Morrowind ... a good game with an editor rather and a mediocre game with an editor.
NWN just really bothered me. One party memember whom refuses to do what I want me to. My halfing thief buddy rushes into battle all the time. The game WOULD be fun if it just wasn't for the drudgery aspect.
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2002 12:19 am
by bruce
Finished it.
Not bad. Weakish ending though.
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 2:39 pm
by Ben
I seriously haven't played NWN once since that first night.
Would anyone like to buy a barely used NWN from me? $15 plus shipping! What a steal!
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 6:09 pm
by Worm
Try selling that at #retards.