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Fuck you, Wall-mart!

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 4:29 pm
by Lysander
So, I go into a Wall-Mart TM to go get a fighting game, that being the only type of game I play anymore. Except text adventures, natch. Anyway, I look through every different game they have for Playstation, and Playstation 2. The only fighting games I find are Tekken 3, Tekken Tagteam Tournament, and Soul Caliber 2 (for $50, even.) I look in the FoD-style bargain bin. Not a single fighter in the bunch.
What the fuck? No King of Fighters? No Street Fighter? No Fatal Fury? No Darkstalkers? No Samurai Showdown? No Guilty Gear X? Not even Battle Arena Toshindan or fucking *Time Killers*? Jesus, Wall-mart. Do you have something against Capcom? I saw Silent Hill and Silent Hill 3. I saw Final Fantasy 7. I saw Parasite Eave. I did not see any of the Resident Evil series. I did not see anything of the Breath of Fire series. I didn't see Oddworld, Megaman, or indeed a single sidescroller. I did, however, see Finding Nemo. Yeah, I know. Fuckers are fast. Oh, yeah, and plenty of shooters. Max Pain, Medal of Honor, Rainbow Six 3 (?), Evil Dead 2: a fistfull of Boomstick, and a shitload of other shooters. I ended up settling for Tekken TagTeam Tournament.

So, Wall-Mart? You can take this $20 bill I was planning on spending on Marvel VS. Capcom 2, shine it up reeeeeeeeeal nice, turn it sideways, and stick it *straight up* your candy, commercial ass.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 12:10 pm
by Worm
Really, what did you expect? To find fucking Vectrex carts?