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A tossed salad of information needed.....
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:34 pm
by milker
Several things have been occuring in my mind lately as I ponder my Christmas list.
I was hoping one of you outstanding individuals could add insight to the following "Milker's Christmas list" candidates.
Game System: Which one should I get. I like the price on the Gamecube and I get to use my Gameboy with it.
The #1 criteria in selecting a system is if games are burnable via my DVD burner. Based on this, is the Gamecube a good choice?
My little brothers have recently taught there 27 year old brother about this game called Magic the Gathering. Has anyone heard of it? :)
Anyway, I was greatly impressed and have now been buying cards like a hooker buys condoms.
So my question to this awesome little community is, has anyone played Hero Clix or Creepy Freaks. Is it fun?
That is all at this time. Thanks for your cooperation in my daily endeavours.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 2:55 pm
by Lex
THE GC is a great choice if you've got a wrtieable cart: A li'l extra cash (you can usually work out a deal if you're buying at the same time) could get you the Game Boy Player: That and the official Wireless controller means hours of telekenetic fun with FIRE EMBLEM and nothing but FIRE EMBLEM.
Xbox is good if you're gonna chip; then it does everything you need a console to do: Make sure you get a switch fitted if you chipaficate, because Xbox Live completley kicks ass but you cant' use it if you're chipped. Doing so also means that, yeah, you can download a game and then directly transfer it to the Xbox via Ethernet -- The Xbox has an Ethernet port built right in there. It also does huuuuuuege amounts of emulation, including PS1, if that's what you're into.
The PS2...
...See, I would've said it had the Legacy of Kain series, but those're all on DC & Xbox, and even 'Cube now, so I don't know. Unless there are some specific titles you gotta have, such as Gran Turismo (remembering that GTA recently shipped to Xbox), that's not really what you're looking for, I feel. It'd certainly be the best console if you had a lot of friends with it: The one thing it's got going for it is a huge fanbase to swap with. But I think youre going for the more antisocial approach. POP ON XBOX HAS POP1 &&&&&& POP2 AS GOODIES! NOT JUST ONE! NO!
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:00 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I understand that Lex is a bit biased, however, as he is starring in Project Gotham Racing II.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:49 pm
by Jack Straw
Lex wrote:such as Gran Turismo (remembering that GTA recently shipped to Xbox),
Gran Turismo series, and FF series are the best exclusives the PS2 has going for it right now. There's also a ton of good platformers like Jak and R&C. But overall, you know which one I'd recommend.
GC doesn't have regular size DVD's and there's not really a chip yet.. you can play bootlegs in a roundabout way but it's not fully realized yet.
But for price/performance ratio, you can pick up a GC this holiday season with ALL of the Zeldas for like $70-75. Add RE:make for 20 bucks and pick up Metroid Prime for $20 at Blockbuster, grab a Wavebird and you're still less than the cost of either Xbox or PS2.
Re: A tossed salad of information needed.....
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:30 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
milker wrote:Ok,
With you so far, champ!
Several things have been occuring in my mind lately as I ponder my Christmas list.
Really! Indeed, this is excellent for you. I admit to being a little concerned for you as late, as the only times we really "chat" is when you are taking a growler in real life and you happen to have your Sidekick on you. But no matter! Finally! We get a chance to communicate!
I was hoping one of you outstanding individuals could add insight to the following "Milker's Christmas list" candidates.
Sometimes "douche bricks" only
sounds like "outstanding individuals"!! Haw haw haw!
Game System: Which one should I get. I like the price on the Gamecube and I get to use my Gameboy with it.
Sure, the price on the Gamecube is pretty solid. Lower than the others. Can't argue that.
But let me ask you something.... have you considered the price on the Atari Jaguar? Have you done any research on what that 64 bit system is going for?
The #1 criteria in selecting a system is if games are burnable via my DVD burner. Based on this, is the Gamecube a good choice?
Well... maybe. But keep this in mind: The DVDs can get
scratched. And they are so small on the Gamecube that there's less "dead" area there! They need every bit they can muster!
The Jaguar? Well, well, well, there'll be no scratching of discs there, my friend! It uses this remarkable form of technology called the CARTRIDGE. It's really pretty solid, and I'm actually quite a fan. Also, get this!
There are no load times with the Jaguar! It "boots" right up!
Weird, I know!!
My little brothers have recently taught there 27 year old brother about this game called Magic the Gathering. Has anyone heard of it? :)
FACT: There is a game a lot like MtG for the Atari Jaguar. It is called "Iron Soldier."
Anyway, I was greatly impressed and have now been buying cards like a hooker buys condoms.
So my question to this awesome little community is, has anyone played Hero Clix or Creepy Freaks. Is it fun?
Here's my HeroClix story: I bought the woman I'm a little sweet on the "Blue Beetle" HeroClix d00d. Recent developments previously unspoken on this bulletin board have rendered me a little "scarred" and sort of turned me into a goblin, so my hopes of her having a picture of myself when she gets hired is effectively, essentially zero. Instead, I am hoping that she will take the "Blue Beetle" HeroClix into work with her and sort of put it by her workspace, as kind of a framed picture by proxy.
Goddammit, I am really regretting sticking my head into that burn furnace the other day because I was told some pink taffy and chapters were down there. Shit. I AM CRIPPLED AND DIsSfIGURED OH DAMN YOU GOD HOW couLD I ioaHAVE KNOWN FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
FUCK FUCK Fiuflc f..
That is all at this time. Thanks for your cooperation in my daily endeavours.
You bet, bud! "Have you played your Atari today?" -- Atari Jaguar Marketing Slogan
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:22 am
by Keza
For your needs, Xbox. it's the most customisable/easiest-to-mess-with console. The GameCube won't suit your needs as it's ultra-protected, because Nintendo Hate Everyone and on't think that its consumers are entitled to mess with their product. However, pirate PS2 games are ridiculously easy to get.
Only thing you'd really end up using your GameCube for is the Game Boy Player, and that's really not worth the investment unless you have the writeable cartridge. Doesnt really outweigh the advantages of the Xbox.
Xbox is high on the list
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 11:06 am
by milker
I need something that is easy to get games for. I have spent enough money on video games over the years to feed a small country in Bangladesh.
Re: Bangladesh
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 11:27 am
by Casual Observer
milker wrote:I have spent enough money on video games over the years to feed a small country in Bangladesh.
How many countries are in Bangladesh? I thought it was one country.
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:58 pm
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
PC? TV-out port (which most cards have now)? And yer done!
Re: Xbox is high on the list
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:02 pm
by Keza
milker wrote:I need something that is easy to get games for. I have spent enough money on video games over the years to feed a small country in Bangladesh.
Xbox games are still easy to get, just less prolific. For God's sake don't waste your cash on a PS2, though it is marginally the cheaper option, and you really need a chip to get the most out of the Box.
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:54 pm
by Vitriola
Also for the record, although there is a little blue man staring at me from atop the monitor, the introductions betwixt us went more along the lines of 'Hey! look what I bought!' than the aforementioned 'Hey! Look what I bought you.' This is the first I've heard that this thing might be mine; in fact, when you exited the comic store on that cold, cloudy October day, I had to ask you 4 times to show me what you bought, because you didn't want me knowing you'd gotten a little blue man. Seriously.
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:07 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Vitriola wrote:In fact, when you exited the comic store on that cold, cloudy October day, I had to ask you 4 times to show me what you bought, because you didn't want me knowing you'd gotten a little blue man. Seriously.
That was because I wasn't prepared to reveal my inner lisp to you at that point.
No, actually, it was supposed to be a surprise and a gift, but you Nuremberg Trialed it out of me, so I just handed it over.
(Not really, but I just wanted to use Nuremberg Trial as a verb.)
He is the Blue Beetle. He makes jokes and shoots people with his flash gun.
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 1:44 am
by Lex
That sounds kinda like Laser Squad Nemesis.
Just sayin'!
Re: Xbox is high on the list
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 7:29 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Keza wrote:milker wrote:I need something that is easy to get games for. I have spent enough money on video games over the years to feed a small country in Bangladesh.
Xbox games are still easy to get, just less prolific. For God's sake don't waste your cash on a PS2
How is it wasting your cash? Jesus Christ, you make it sound like it's be the worst buying decision ever made by a gamer, worse than buying Daikatana for the online play. It's still a competent machine, with far,
far more games available than there are for any other system.
My God, I've got fucking game systems at my house older than this chick, and she's calling out the most successful game machine of all time as a "waste of cash." What is the world coming to?
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 7:31 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Oh, and I almost bought the Dorothy figure from the "Twisted World of Oz" from FAO Schwartz a couple weeks ago.
Next time, I shall seal the deal.
But I ain't bringing home some obscure blue superhero figure.
(Shit, the Tick is an obscure blue superhero. OK, try again.)
But I ain't bringing home some faggy, obscure, hasn't-had-a-comic-in-the-past-20-years, shield-stroking blue superhero figure.
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 2:42 pm
by Keza
My God, I've got fucking game systems at my house older than this chick, and she's calling out the most successful game machine of all time as a "waste of cash." What is the world coming to?
At no point did I call the PS2 a waste of cash. I advised this particular gentlemen not to buy one right now, for several reasons, the chief one being that it is the highest priced of the current generation of consoles and is pretty sure to come down in price just after Xmas. I am trying to save him the bother of spending fifty quid (seventy, ah, dollars, whatever) extra.
Also: You've got consoles that are older than me? Harsh, man. ;-)
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 3:58 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Oh, and I almost bought the Dorothy figure from the "Twisted World of Oz" from FAO Schwartz a couple weeks ago. Almost. Next time, I shall seal the deal.
Yeah, I saw one at the comic place in Longmont. They put like a veil or a little piece of dark fabric over her tits so you can't see them in the store.
Which is weak.
McFarlane, you fucking pussy. Grow a fucking spine.
But I ain't bringing home some faggy, obscure, hasn't-had-a-comic-in-the-past-20-years, shield-stroking blue superhero figure.
The Blue Beetle doesn't carry a shield, you unmeme fruit poof.
Anyway, it was a Blue Beetle "HeroClix" thing. It's like less than an inch tall. I don't subscribe to any illusions that I am ever going to get Vitriola to read and enjoy along with me a copy of "Formerly Known as the Justice League" but I'll be nailed to a Jewish cross before I allow her to not at least be able to point out who the Blue Beetle in said comic is.
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 4:10 pm
by Lysander
Something is seriously fucking wrong with Tod McFarlane. The man was responsible for the three seasons of the Spawn anime, which is just two steps shy of the coolest fucking thing in the world. Then he goes and ends it after the third seasons--on a cliffhanger, for God's sake!--for no discernable reason. And then he goes and makes that (bolerrrrgh) Spawnlive-action movie. Gods. That was the most pathetic, sad movie I have ever seen in my life, and Tod has the gaul to act proud of it.
And then the Spawn cammio in Soul Calliber 2, whcih is the *second*-most idiotic thing I've seen, ever.
And now this.
I am forced to conclude that this is not the real Tod McFarlane. This is in fact a clone.
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 10:32 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Keza: To those of us who don't have our country ruled by a fucking
QUEEN, the PS2 and the XBox are the same price.
That is, $180 Ammmurrikkkkan dollars. Not rubles or pence or guineas or vatus or tightly-clenched leaves.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOLLARS. The currency that makes the world go around, now with sexy new "pink" highlights on the $20 bill!
As for the Blue Beetle, so he doesn't carry a shield. Maybe I was thinking of
Barry. He still hasn't had a comic published in Keza's lifetime. I mean, he's even more obscure than Jervis Tetch.
"HeroClix... for those who can't get RealChix!"
So, what's the deal with that? Is that one of those games where the game is, buy more shit to win? Like Pokemon or Magic? Good Lord, RobB, you need more hobbies out there if you are succumbing to such nonsense. I mean, I love HP Lovecraft but you don't see me spending my Friday nights huddled over a board, rolling dice, playing Cthulhu, and shooting the Elder Gods version of Magic Missile.
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 10:50 am
by Roody_Yogurt
It was weird when I went to a zoo party the other year and the host's cat was older than several of the highschool girls there.