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Resolutions Lost
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:42 pm
by Favre of the Month
I just realized that sobriety is not all that it's cracked up to be. Therefore my resolution will not involve one of my favorite past times. Nor will it involve losing weight or smoking, going to all my classes, getting a life, keeping my room clean, smiling more, stress reduction, etc.
You know what? Fuck it. I really don't want to make a resolution.
Good goddamn luck with yours, suckers.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:31 am
by Vitriola
I've never met anyone who resolved to smoke.
My resolutions:
Exercize more: check
Eat less: check
Be more productive (get life): Ummmm...
Drink less: i've been drinking less of everything except wine, however, that consumption may have gone up. But, it's so
good for you.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:12 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Resolutions for 2004:
o Finish current game in development by 1/26 (Pending!)
o Finish a game with Mike Sousa (No progress yet)
o Finish another game with cel-shading graphics (Even less progress than above)
o "Port" the board game 221B Baker Street to Hugo (No progress at all)
o Get in better shape (trying)
o Stop nail biting, permanently (a-ha!)
o Quit driving like a menace (no progress)
o Make this BBS good again (trying, sorta)
o Take a lone college class towards B.S. degree (no progress)
o Pay all my bills on time (sliding backwards)
o Keep "roots" from manifesting (sliding backwards, presently)
o Get the initials "BUTT" off my fucking Crystal Castles game (no progress)
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:22 pm
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Jesus Christ. Someone help this boy out.
A manifold destiny is not a list of things that you're trying to do, it's an inevitable, unchangable conclusion that is backed by no less than your Divine being of choice.
It's also very likely that "BUTT" can be referred to as "initials" unless the person's name is Beatrice Ulready Tankini Tartikoff. Hell, it's not even an acronym, really. How about, "the word butt"?
It takes more than "all caps" to make a word into initials.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:30 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:A manifold destiny is not a list of things that you're trying to do, it's an inevitable, unchangable conclusion that is backed by no less than your Divine being of choice.
Mainfest destiny, dammit. ManiFEST.
Anyway, I said what I ment and I meant what I said. It is my destiny to get those things accomplished.
"My words are backed with nuclear weapons!" -- Civilization II
Only, it's God. Not nukes. YET.
It's also very likely that "BUTT" can be referred to as "initials" unless the person's name is Beatrice Ulready Tankini Tartikoff. Hell, it's not even an acronym, really. How about, "the word butt"? It takes more than "all caps" to make a word into initials.
Actually, it's "BUT." That is what Pinback put in as the Crystal Castles hi-score after he flashed my RAM and grabbed the top spot. You are being pedantic. You put "initials" into a video game, even when they do not "stand" for something. It's an expression that people use to communicate effectively.
Also, WTF was up with that "key lime pie" thing and the Florida keys? That was a joke, right?
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 2:40 pm
by Pie History Maven
Key Westers have enjoyed this delicious dessert for over 100 years! Many early settlers of our island made the voyage from the Bahamas bringing with them the unique recipe that (with one alteration) would become a "tangy treat" made famous throughout the world. Those early Bahamian settlers made a pie using the freshly squeezed juice of another tropical fruit, the sour orange. Although the sour orange once grew abundantly on our tropical landscape the Key Lime Tree was the local favorite.
The combination of the old Bahamian recipe and the tangy juice of our very own Key Lime was just the beginning of a Keys tradition that has continued to grow strong today. In fact, the Key Lime Pie is now the official state pie of Florida and nobody makes it better than the folks at the Key West Key Lime Pie Co. . They have been serving Keys residents and visitors their original family recipe that dates back 100 years. Now that is tradition!
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 3:21 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Stating that "food x tastes worse the further it is from where it grew" is patently ridiculous. You'd have to go apply for a patent for such a ridiculous comment. You'd have to apply and wait a good three or four months until the government approved it, WHICH THEY WOULD, because it was so demonstrably unique.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:04 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
You made it sound like "BUTT" was carved into the wood or something. Of course, anyone with any respect for history would enter the industry standard "ACE" if they wanted to show off, or "ASS" if they wanted to be, y'know, dangerous.
"BUT" is just a contrary word.
As for Key lime pie, I would have to be an idiot to make a joke about it if it weren't true. I have had Key lime in southern Florida, and I have had Key lime in the North. It's incomparable. It is better when you get it in its home. It's not like friggin Hawaiian Punch, where it's the same even half a world away from the place it's named for.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:46 am
by Casual Observer
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:As for Key lime pie, I would have to be an idiot to make a joke about it if it weren't true. I have had Key lime in southern Florida, and I have had Key lime in the North. It's incomparable. It is better when you get it in its home. It's not like friggin Hawaiian Punch, where it's the same even half a world away from the place it's named for.
You do have to be an idiot to think that location has anything to do with what recipe somebody uses to make a food product. For key lime pie, all it takes is a traditional recipe with is not hard to find and real key lime juice. If you go to a restaurant, just ask whether the key lime pie is green or yellow. If it's green then it's not a real key lime pie, if it's yellow it could be good.
As for Hawaiian Punch, you'll have to clear up whether you're talking about the mass-produced soda or one of the many different recipes for something called Hawaiian Punch. If you mean the soda then that's a pretty stupid comparison, not really relevant to a discussion of pie recipes. If you mean the punch then there are many different recipes and again a stupid comparison.
How to make Hawaiian Punch
Rating: 88 % (of 84 votes)
Ingredients: 0.25 oz. Amaretto
0.25 oz. Pineapple Juice
0.25 oz. Southern Comfort
0.25 oz. Vodka
Directions: Fill a mixing glass with ice and add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a glass.
_____________________ ... _bcchj.htm
Hawaiian Punch Recipe
(for 4 persons)
1/2 cup lemon juice, strained
1 cup orange juice, strained
1 cup chopped fresh pineapple
2 cups sugar
1 cup hot water
5 cups cold water
cracked ice
Boil sugar and hot water for about 2 minutes. Let cool off. Add chopped pineapple, lemon and orange juice. Mix with the cold water. Chill with the cracked ice. Serve in punch glasses.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 1:14 pm
by Vitriola
Casual Observer wrote:If you go to a restaurant, just ask whether the key lime pie is green or yellow. If it's green then it's not a real key lime pie, if it's yellow it could be good.
And if it's not in a graham cracker crust,

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 1:16 pm
by Completely Off-Topic
Why's it gotta be so complicated? Dude, just fucking go to Walmart.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:41 pm
by itgirl
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:o "Port" the board game 221B Baker Street to Hugo (No progress at all)
I love that game! Make that a priority.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:45 pm
by itgirl
Not a big key lime pie fan....I was traumatized by an incident between two warring key lime pie factions in Key West. Each claims to the the creator of the "original" key lime pie. Both tasted the same to me. I was told that if you liked one and not the other, you were a traitor (depending on which pie company you were eating at at the time). I became so terrified my taste buds run screaming from mention of key limes now.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:14 pm
by Vitriola
Did they dance and sing? The factions, not the limes, I mean. Dancing fruit is terrifying.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:36 pm
by bruce
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:
As for Key lime pie, I would have to be an idiot to make a joke about it if it weren't true. I have had Key lime in southern Florida, and I have had Key lime in the North. It's incomparable. It is better when you get it in its home.
I really hate to have to agree with this assweasel--it pains me deeply--but, you know, folks, "fresh tastes best."
Specifically, there's a
WORLD of difference between using fresh-squoze key limes and bottled lime juice, and there's probably a world of difference between using fresh-squoze key limes that came from just down the street rather than ones that had to journey from Florida to New York in a truck and then sit at the supermarket for a while.
If you don't believe me, you're welcome to compare the taste of semen freshly sucked from my throbbing choad with the taste of what I spanked into the ice cube tray six months ago and saved for you.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:40 pm
by itgirl
Vitriola wrote:Did they dance and sing? The factions, not the limes, I mean. Dancing fruit is terrifying.
Not as terrifying as monkeys.
Or clowns.
Or monkeys.
Or handmade craft items, much like those Megacunt made.
Did I mention monkeys?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:47 pm
by AArdvark
Look, this is just getting TOO weird. How can one thread go from a to-do list to capital buts to lime pie to frozen baby shake to MONKEYS and CLOWNS!!!
I feel everyone is channel surfing here, and I just can't DEAL with it. I need a day off and a sixpack to keep up...
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:54 pm
by itgirl
AArdvark wrote:Look, this is just getting TOO weird. How can one thread go from a to-do list to capital buts to lime pie to frozen baby shake to MONKEYS and CLOWNS!!!
I'm avoiding the diet I have not yet gone on yet. But I have begun my workouts with my personal trainer with a vengeance. Four times a week I am getting my ass whupped by a skinny muscular chick who is excessively perky and just turned 21, makes me feel old.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:56 pm
by itgirl
Was that back on track for you?
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 8:38 pm
by Vitriola
itgirl wrote:Four times a week I am getting my ass whupped by a skinny muscular chick who is excessively perky and just turned 21, makes me feel old.
What's your slave name again?