Regrets and how to help others
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:01 pm
Most of us look back on High School as either really fun or really traumatic. Either way here are some tips/rules for everybody entering their high school years.
1. Nail every girl possible. High School is one huge boiling sex pot. The more girls you screw the better chances you have of sleeping with someone who later becomes famous. And that’s one of life’s precious feathers in your cap when you’re 30 and working at Applebee’s.
2. YOU WILL regret not screwing every decent looking girl you had at least a 5% chance to "GIT" with.
3. If you’re a jock or popular be nice to the freaky/hippie/lonely/gothic and/or smelly kids. They will be less apt to blow up your school on April 20th, and they are the kids you will be buying your drugs from in college.
4. If you are one of the Freaky/hippie/lonely/gothic smelly kids, be nice to the jocks and popular kids, you can sell them dope, they can score you hot chicks.
5. Shave your head, right now. Otherwise every time you visit your mom for the next 30 years you will have to stare at whatever horrible haircut you had that was “IN”. (If you don’t believe me ask anyone who graduated in 1989).
6. Make sure someone dies in a horrific DWI accident after your Junior Prom. It makes a decent yearbook and you’ll have something funny to talk about for years.
7. Smash whoever bullies you the most, across the face, with a pair of brass knuckles. He will always remember not to fuck with the little people when he’s a middle manager.
8. Remember if you’re not a good student, the chicks are dumber and hotter at Community College.
9. If you’re a high school Hockey player or Wrestler, for God’s sake SODOMY IS NOT A PART OF HAZING!
10. You better get on that Spanish exchange student buddy; they don’t have hot Spanish exchange students at work.
11. And finally never, ever go down on a chick in high school, she feels awkward about her body and won’t appreciate it.
1. Blowjobs= Popular
2. Be mean to fat girls, they will develop an eating disorder. You’re doing them a favor
3. If you have to get pregnant, get knocked up by a smart kid; at least he’ll provide a decent child-support check for the next 18 years.
4. If you’re ugly see No. 1
5. If you’re not “ready” and your boyfriend is- break up with the poor bastard. No guy should have to go to college a virgin.
6. Wow you are All-County in girl’s basketball. Nobody gives a fuck.
7. No girl over 14 should ride the bus to school, find the biggest loser with a car, he’ll be more than happy to give you a ride.
8. IF you’re a decent looking girl you should never get less than a B in any class taught by a middle-aged guy teacher.
9. Embrace your women hood. It will get you out of Phys Ed once a month.
10. When you feel you can’t take it anymore and you don’t know what to do. Remember rule #1.
1. Nobody in High School likes gays. Wait till college to start wearing pantyhose(guys)/stop shaving your arm pits (girls). They love gays in college.
2. Make sure you actually are and aren’t one of those guys who just enjoy chorus.
3. Your parents aren’t interested either.
4. If you must be gay, at least be a chick.
5. If you happen to be a gay guy, go to Catholic school. It’s chock full of gays, even some of the students are.
6. If you happen to be a gay guy see rule#1 for girls.
I hope this helps.
1. Nail every girl possible. High School is one huge boiling sex pot. The more girls you screw the better chances you have of sleeping with someone who later becomes famous. And that’s one of life’s precious feathers in your cap when you’re 30 and working at Applebee’s.
2. YOU WILL regret not screwing every decent looking girl you had at least a 5% chance to "GIT" with.
3. If you’re a jock or popular be nice to the freaky/hippie/lonely/gothic and/or smelly kids. They will be less apt to blow up your school on April 20th, and they are the kids you will be buying your drugs from in college.
4. If you are one of the Freaky/hippie/lonely/gothic smelly kids, be nice to the jocks and popular kids, you can sell them dope, they can score you hot chicks.
5. Shave your head, right now. Otherwise every time you visit your mom for the next 30 years you will have to stare at whatever horrible haircut you had that was “IN”. (If you don’t believe me ask anyone who graduated in 1989).
6. Make sure someone dies in a horrific DWI accident after your Junior Prom. It makes a decent yearbook and you’ll have something funny to talk about for years.
7. Smash whoever bullies you the most, across the face, with a pair of brass knuckles. He will always remember not to fuck with the little people when he’s a middle manager.
8. Remember if you’re not a good student, the chicks are dumber and hotter at Community College.
9. If you’re a high school Hockey player or Wrestler, for God’s sake SODOMY IS NOT A PART OF HAZING!
10. You better get on that Spanish exchange student buddy; they don’t have hot Spanish exchange students at work.
11. And finally never, ever go down on a chick in high school, she feels awkward about her body and won’t appreciate it.
1. Blowjobs= Popular
2. Be mean to fat girls, they will develop an eating disorder. You’re doing them a favor
3. If you have to get pregnant, get knocked up by a smart kid; at least he’ll provide a decent child-support check for the next 18 years.
4. If you’re ugly see No. 1
5. If you’re not “ready” and your boyfriend is- break up with the poor bastard. No guy should have to go to college a virgin.
6. Wow you are All-County in girl’s basketball. Nobody gives a fuck.
7. No girl over 14 should ride the bus to school, find the biggest loser with a car, he’ll be more than happy to give you a ride.
8. IF you’re a decent looking girl you should never get less than a B in any class taught by a middle-aged guy teacher.
9. Embrace your women hood. It will get you out of Phys Ed once a month.
10. When you feel you can’t take it anymore and you don’t know what to do. Remember rule #1.
1. Nobody in High School likes gays. Wait till college to start wearing pantyhose(guys)/stop shaving your arm pits (girls). They love gays in college.
2. Make sure you actually are and aren’t one of those guys who just enjoy chorus.
3. Your parents aren’t interested either.
4. If you must be gay, at least be a chick.
5. If you happen to be a gay guy, go to Catholic school. It’s chock full of gays, even some of the students are.
6. If you happen to be a gay guy see rule#1 for girls.
I hope this helps.