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Official Jolt Country CGE 2K4 Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 4:44 pm
by bruce
So, like, we're going this year too, right?

I'm completely and totally up for it.

Should we think about staying someplace hipper, like the Super 8 <i>on the Strip</i> and day-tripping down to Jackie Gaugin's Plaza Hotel?


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 5:39 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I'd like to, of course, but I'm not sure I'll be able to swing it financially. We'll see...

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 8:48 pm
by pinback
Can I like, go, and then play some craps and eat a good steak and cream everyone at video games and then blow the fuck out of town before I have to go to any godawful nerd-coagulation?

Cuz, that might work for me.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 10:36 pm
by bruce
pinback wrote:Can I like, go, and then play some craps and eat a good steak and cream everyone at video games and then blow the fuck out of town before I have to go to any godawful nerd-coagulation?

Cuz, that might work for me.
Yeah, I guess you could.

As long as you don't let your friends turn good steaks into SHOE LEATHER, anyway.


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 11:46 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
bruce wrote:As long as you don't let your friends turn good steaks into SHOE LEATHER, anyway.
The lineup worked so well last time. We all pretty much felt we could kick back, relax, make Ultima III references and give out "hot" or "not" shots to at-call models featured in the scads of pornography we obtained for free.

I'm just glad I never promised to do an article about the CGE. Because it would be six months late at this point.

But we *should* do one for 2K4. We really should. Annnnnnd, going a second time, I now have someone to travel with when I drive a fourth of the way across the country.

All signs point to "Yes!"

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:03 pm
by Worm
I'd dig going just to show of my newly polished Joust skills. What do I do to kill the fucking Perodactyl? Let it bite my ass or what?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:37 pm
by bruce
Worm wrote:I'd dig going just to show of my newly polished Joust skills. What do I do to kill the fucking Perodactyl? Let it bite my ass or what?
No, you let it bite your <i>lance</i>




Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 9:36 pm
by Worm
bruce wrote: IYKWIM.


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 9:21 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:
bruce wrote: IYKWIM.

If you know what I mean.

And I think you did.


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 1:17 pm
by Worm
Yea, I looked them up but I figured I'd use "Huh?" anyway.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 6:13 pm
by Lysander
If I could manage to go, that'd be, like, really cool. The chances of it are about nill, though; I kinda doubt that my dad will be "up" for the idea of me going off to Vega$ to meet a bunch of yahoos I only know from the internet. 'Course, I'll be 18 by then, so I could just *go*... but I don't want to do that. Thoughts?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 6:45 pm
by Casual Observer
Lysander wrote:If I could manage to go, that'd be, like, really cool. The chances of it are about nill, though; I kinda doubt that my dad will be "up" for the idea of me going off to Vega$ to meet a bunch of yahoos I only know from the internet. 'Course, I'll be 18 by then, so I could just *go*... but I don't want to do that. Thoughts?
Suggestions? Yeah. . . I was going to say this to you on that other thread about you being to scared to go to Seattle for a concert (but I got too lazy and didn't). Grow up and quit suckling on your dad's dick. Get some balls, really. Besides, he'd be thrilled to know you've got people like worm to keep you from doing drugs and ICJ to keep you from getting food poisoning at Ruth's Chris.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 8:35 pm
by bruce
Casual Observer wrote:Besides, he'd be thrilled to know you've got people like worm to keep you from doing drugs and ICJ to keep you from getting food poisoning at Ruth's Chris.
And people like Bruce and Vitriola flipping through our huge Pokemon decks of hooker cards to chip in to rent you the one you want.

And Roody doing whatever he does to corrupt the youth of America.

"Dirty needles and cheap cocaine." God, I love the Drive-By Truckers.


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:13 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Casual Observer wrote:Suggestions? Yeah. . . I was going to say this to you on that other thread about you being to scared to go to Seattle for a concert (but I got too lazy and didn't). Grow up and quit suckling on your dad's dick. Get some balls, really. Besides, he'd be thrilled to know you've got people like worm to keep you from doing drugs and ICJ to keep you from getting food poisoning at Ruth's Chris.
Quoted for emphasis.


Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:41 am
by bruce

CGE2K4 is in San Jose, not Las Vegas.

That bites.

I don't especially want to go to Nerdville. I worked there often enough during the dotcom boom.

I have another suggestion:

It's an Apple II, more or less, conference.

It's in Kansas City which is conveniently located on I-70 about a third of the way from St. Louis to Denver.

Yeah, we'd have to bring our own entertainment, but, hey! Imagine the fun we'd have with a couple cases of hard liquor and a bunch of free time. Plus Apple IIs.

Plus, if I went, and if the Denver Contingent (including Pinner?) went, then ICJ could drive out to St. Louis afterwards and buy my Bubble Bobble and take it home with him.


Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 9:33 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
bruce wrote:AAAARGH.

CGE2K4 is in San Jose, not Las Vegas.

That bites.

It's an Apple II, more or less, conference.

It's in Kansas City which is conveniently located on I-70 about a third of the way from St. Louis to Denver.
Hmm... well, I do have a friend in Kansas City who played electric guitar in the seminal 90s progressive rock / pop band "Beaver"...

Yeah, we'd have to bring our own entertainment
I'm not sure, but I think you're telling us all that we have to bring our own blackjack dealers, chips and strippers.


Imagine the fun we'd have with a couple cases of hard liquor and a bunch of free time. Plus Apple IIs. Plus, if I went, and if the Denver Contingent (including Pinner?) went, then ICJ could drive out to St. Louis afterwards and buy my Bubble Bobble and take it home with him.
I'd be more inclined to go if the Apple II disk drive were a little smarter. Kidding.

I'd totally buy that Bubble Bobble mofo.

What does everyone else think?

I think thank goodness I can abuse my moderating privileges to remove my fucking up and putting my name, not my handle, in the post and then having you quote it.--Bruce

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:42 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: I'm not sure, but I think you're telling us all that we have to bring our own blackjack dealers, chips and strippers.
Pretty much.

I'm sure KC has strippers. And it does have one of the world's best barbecue joints. According to Calvin Trillin, Arthur Bryant's isn't just the best barbecue in the world, it is the best restaurant in the world.

There are, actually, a few casinos in KC, or, well, moored in the Missouri River in and near KC.

July 20-25. Take the week off work, round it out with a trip to St. Louis, it'd be perfect.


Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:53 pm
by bruce
bruce wrote: July 20-25. Take the week off work, round it out with a trip to St. Louis, it'd be perfect.
O' course, the conference is $200 all by itself. With a single (dorm) room and (dorm cafeteria) meals it's $330. With a roommate, it's $265 each.

Still, cheaper than flying to Las Vegas. Of course, *you* drove....But what did we spend there? About $200 on accomodations and $25 on the tickets, right, so, well, OK, it's $100 more than Las Vegas before transportation costs are figured in.

On the down side, they probably don't have plastic footballs full of beer or the Fremont Street Experience at Avila University. On the plus side, they probably don't have plastic footballs full of beer or the Fremont Street Experience at Avila University.

I'm leaning towards going, myself.


Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 8:29 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
Of course, my vote is for .

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 10:07 pm
by Worm
Yea, that sounds better Roody. It's too late to go on map quest, but that isn't a fuck load far away from PA is it?


Is going to Las Vegas just because it is Vegas not gay enough or something?