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Sleep is for the weak
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 1:27 am
by PTX
So I chance to see the "Most users ever online was..." heading on the front page for the last few days, and after languishing at 5 for over a month, it's taken several sharp ticks upwards. And the time on all of them seemed to be around midnight. I know why I'm up this late, but what about all of you?
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 1:30 am
by Protagonist X
I think I've hit the wrong buttons and fucked things up. Thankfully this city has more tattoo parlors than donut shops, so I can just step out briefly and have them put "NEWB" in 2 inch capitals on my forehead.
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 2:01 am
by Protagonist X
Thanks to Lex for noticing my screwup on the other one and rushing to the fore with assistance.
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 10:22 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I think the new version of PHP may be messing up its determination of how many people are accessing the site at once. I can't imagine that 13 distinct IP addresses connected last night, especially since we have been losing approximately 2.3 readers per day according to that other thread.
(Actually, I have it on reasonably-good authority that I have been duped by a nigh professional who was in our midst this entire time on that other thread.)
But back to the topic -- it's been awful trying to exist out here this summer. I guess it's been like this all over the States. But I tried to take a nap from like 7:00pm -- 11:00pm each night so I could be awake for a few hours thereafter in heat that wasn't approaching 100 degrees, but that's not working too well. So tomorrow, I buy a swamp cooler.
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 9:33 pm
by Protagonist X
I can sympathize with the heat issue -- I live in Arizona, where theres a 4-5 month span of rather intense summer weather. The house I share has two swamp coolers on the roof, and they do a fairly good job most of the time.
Which makes me ask: is it humid in Colorado as well? Evaporative cooling sucks during humidity -- the process just won't chill air that's got moisture in it. Here in the desert it's bone dry most of the time, but when monsoon season started up a week ago, I holed up with people who had actual genuine Air-Conditioning, and my sigh of relief was much like that of Azrael in Dogma.
Just curious, as I've never been to the state, but if it's anything like certain others with ghastly humidity (I spent two weeks in Florida once, nearly drowned on dry land), maybe A/C is a better choice.
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 11:46 pm
by gsdgsd
Colorado's pretty dry. Having lived in both Colo. and AZ, Colorado's a little more humid (as is almost every place on earth), but when compared to the rest of the states, it's really, really dry.
Part of why it's in flames now, I guess. Neither state got me adequately ready for living in Georgia.
As for why I'm up: I work the night shift. So Friday through Monday, from 10 pm (EST) to 7:30 am, I'm here, baby.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 11:56 pm
by loafergirl
Not that unusual an hour for me...