Gay Marriage and Bulletin Board Posting!
Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:08 pm
I'll get on to gay marriage in the next post.
The internet is not for me.
What Knuckles has gathered.
Apparantley there is group of people (re: sub-humans) who waste hours avoiding personal contact with other humans (and from the looks of it- vegetables too) only to post out every idiotic idea that comes to their cake stained brains on the internet.
Apparently the key to good web site building is to take some lame anti-social activity like gaming, role playing gaming or writing about gaming or role-playing gaming and have a bulletin board for posting LIKE THE ONE YOUR CURRENTLY READING!
Now I’ve enjoyed my brief foray in to the world of Jolt Country and have nothing ill to say here. Rather than responding to others, people here talk about their cats shitting and pissing or selfishly spin any vaguely interesting commentarty in to the banality of there own pathetic lives.
Let me get to the point, my good virtual internet “friend” Ice Cream Jonsey asked me to post on Fine says Knuckles. Only when I get on there and post (most post WASN'T WORTHY AND CAST ASIDE)I start to read the posts of these pus bags,they seem to be the most bitter elitist group of testicle chomppers I’ve ever witnessed in my 35 odd years”.
Case in point
Some homo on there is angered by “trolling”. I believe this is where people just read the messages on a site without registering or posting themselves. “OMG!!!!!!!” THE HORROR!” You’d think these “Trolls” had personally snapped and sodomized this pile of butters cable modem. Also these faggotts like to hand out a little “INTERNET JUSTICE” by ineffectually ganging up on other people who post. They gang up by furiously clickity-clackity the key strokes in a stream of non-sensical adjectives. Most of these limp-wristed rectum rockets would be too scared to yell at the checkout girl at Korgers for short changing them twenty bucks.
I hate the internet because it gives a forum to the physically weak and challenged to spout their worthless opinions without fist flying repurcusions.
The internet is not for me.
What Knuckles has gathered.
Apparantley there is group of people (re: sub-humans) who waste hours avoiding personal contact with other humans (and from the looks of it- vegetables too) only to post out every idiotic idea that comes to their cake stained brains on the internet.
Apparently the key to good web site building is to take some lame anti-social activity like gaming, role playing gaming or writing about gaming or role-playing gaming and have a bulletin board for posting LIKE THE ONE YOUR CURRENTLY READING!
Now I’ve enjoyed my brief foray in to the world of Jolt Country and have nothing ill to say here. Rather than responding to others, people here talk about their cats shitting and pissing or selfishly spin any vaguely interesting commentarty in to the banality of there own pathetic lives.
Let me get to the point, my good virtual internet “friend” Ice Cream Jonsey asked me to post on Fine says Knuckles. Only when I get on there and post (most post WASN'T WORTHY AND CAST ASIDE)I start to read the posts of these pus bags,they seem to be the most bitter elitist group of testicle chomppers I’ve ever witnessed in my 35 odd years”.
Case in point
Some homo on there is angered by “trolling”. I believe this is where people just read the messages on a site without registering or posting themselves. “OMG!!!!!!!” THE HORROR!” You’d think these “Trolls” had personally snapped and sodomized this pile of butters cable modem. Also these faggotts like to hand out a little “INTERNET JUSTICE” by ineffectually ganging up on other people who post. They gang up by furiously clickity-clackity the key strokes in a stream of non-sensical adjectives. Most of these limp-wristed rectum rockets would be too scared to yell at the checkout girl at Korgers for short changing them twenty bucks.
I hate the internet because it gives a forum to the physically weak and challenged to spout their worthless opinions without fist flying repurcusions.