2. I *do* have very strong opinions on important matters such as "cheeseburg" [sic], fries, and "mac", so if you can provide a little more detail, perhaps we can engage in a vitriolic, fiery dialogue which can eventually degrade into name-calling and resentment.
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 9:40 pm
by Vitriola
This is how the 'garbage plate' was described to me 10 years ago by a friend of Robb's: 'Ok! take some mac. Or cole-slaw. Or whatever. Fries. But don't ask. Ask for either a burger, cheeseburger, or hot dog. Don't be picky or high-maintenance. Get another side. Then, some huge, sweaty guy is going to pile it all on one plate on top of each other, wipe his nose, sweat from various pits, and chuck your plate at you'. This tale was told with a full compliment of hand and arm gestures. I spent 10 years wondering if this was all true. Well, the guy that finally served me my first plate was young and cute, but the rest was the same. This is what legends are made of.
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 10:53 pm
by bruce
pinback wrote:perhaps we can engage in a vitriolic, fiery dialogue which can eventually degrade into name-calling and resentment.
Can't we just fast-forward to the cumshot?
You're a syphilitic chancre and your mother undresses you funny.
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:50 pm
by loafergirl
My first ever tahoes experience was new years eve '95, at tahoes #1. Some friends and i had reservations at the Spagetti Wherehouse (which is no more) which were lost, after an hour of waiting we decided to leave and went to Tahoes. Tahoes #1. Pimps and hookers and crack heads oh my! and when one of my companions made the mistake of saying "happy new year" to the man behind the counter who replied with a curt "fuck you" I was very happy we already had our food so that nothing further could be done to contaminate it. And it was tasty. There's nothing like a new years eve eating tahoes while the junkies are eyeing you in a disturbing manner.
Ofcorse, now i go to Tahoes #2 as there is less of a possibility of getting gang raped in the parking lot. Though I'm a wimp, cheeseburger plate PLAIN mac homfries.
Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:31 pm
by nessman
My first trip to Tahous was back in 1989. I was fairly inebriated so I really don't remember much of it at all.
I'll still indulge myself with one every now and then.
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:57 pm
by Da King
There's a show on the Food Network called "Unwrapped" (hosted by Mark Sanders? Sanders? Somethingorother). They're recorded a piece at Tahou's a week or two ago for use in a segment sometime next season.
All of you non-Rochesterians will then be able to revel in the legend that is Nick Tahou's.
Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:30 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Vark. Vark!!!
I was reading up on Nick Tahou's today and saw something about how the Henrietta one closed. It was on the D&C site and they did a thing where you have to answer a survey to read the entire article. This is the free website of a paper newspaper pulling this shit.
Needless to say, I did not answer the survey.
Do you have any insight as to why that one closed? It was great being able to get a plate without worrying about getting raped.
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:20 am
by AArdvark
I truly believe that store closed because it was too clean. Tahou's is more of a city thing and the suburban people in Henrietta are waaaay to upscale to eat that stuff. Traveling in to the city to get it is ok but you don't want a Tahou's in your backyard. Think of the riff-raff it'll draw.
"Oh deah, thaa appears to be a hawmbawgaw in mah macaroon salad."
Plus Mrs. Tahou was starting to cut corners on quality. Not good, even for a place such as that.
Re: Democrat and Chronicle website.
I can't stand that business model of pop overs covering up the article you want to read unless you fork over money or worse, fill out surveys. The NY Times does it as well. So I never go there, I just get news from other websites.
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:48 am
by Flack
Which location did you take us to?
Also, the sentence "cutting corners on their garbage plates" makes me shudder.
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:58 pm
by AArdvark
The original location is on Main St. We visited the #2 location. The #3 Henrietta opened a few years ago and has since been closed. There are a couple Tahou food trucks that go to the festivals and such. (popularly know as garbage trucks or roach coaches) and there was the stand in the ball park and the hockey arena.
By shortcuts I mean smaller styrofoam containers so the portions are smaller and off-brand hot dogs that nobody has ever heard of. I think they are Snout Nationals or something, I dunno. At the #2 they use Zweigles ( another local favorite)
because those guys understand quality. Damn, now I'm getting hungry.
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:05 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Oh, here is how all of this came about.
Pinback wrote to say that he listened to some Neil Rogers radio and a guy called Neil's show to say that the hours changed for Nick Tahou's. (Pinback was listening to a recording of 15 years ago.)
I couldn't get a link or any straight answers out of Pinback but it seems that Neil then went off on the caller for bringing a Rochester thing up on Neil's Florida-based radio show just because Neil is originally from Rochester.
But huh... 15 years ago? Hours changed?
My brother was at the downtown Tahou's with three of his friends 15 years ago. It was after midnight or close to it. I'm sure everyone had been drinking.
They got their plates and cups of Mountain Dew and sat at a table to consume them. A black guy comes up to one of my brother's friends who is half-black, half-white. This interloper snatches that friend's Mountain Dew and says, "THANKS (n-word)!" and starts drinking it.
My brother stands up and punches the guy in the face.
My brother describes what happens next as it seeming like everyone in the place just started to riot. Like instantly, just kicks and punches everywhere. I guess he and his pals crawled out or something. He said the cops were there almost instantly, which I guess is a good thing.
Afterwards they changed the hours so that the downtown Nick's was no longer open 24 hours.
* * *
That is the story that I heard from him years ago. But for accuracy's sake:
- I am sure that wasn't the one fight that caused the hours to change
- I am not sure how soon the hours changed after this melee
- It could have been the "straw that stole the camel's Mountain Dew"
- I am assuming downtown Nick's was open 24 hours and then had to close. It could have been that they closed at 4AM or something.
But it SEEMS like my brother punched a guy and it essentially made Neil's radio show. If only we had a talk show that we could sort all of this out on?
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:13 am
by pinback
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:45 pm
by AArdvark
Reading this thread made me hungry so guess what we had for dinner.
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:46 pm
by Flack
Nice! I think we have one serving of the sauce left -- might be time to prepare some noodles, eggs, meat, Lucky Charms, and whatever else you pile on one of those plates and finish the bottle off.
24 hour restaurants here in OKC are few and far between. We've got Whataburger, McDonald's, and iHop. Most of the Taco Bells close at 4am or something crazy.
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:20 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:
I did like that Neil couldn't believe that anyone would care about irrelevant minutiae like the hours of Nick's and then proceeds to go off on a spittle-flecked rant about local politics.
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:17 pm
by Flack
It wasn't Nick's, but we have a local place that serves a pretty authentic garbage plate. We went there today for Easter breakfast and it was great.
The whole thing was served on fry bread. I was way too full before I even made it that deep.
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:39 pm
by AArdvark
Oh yeah! Anything that looks like that has GOT to be awesome. I know of a few places that advertise breakfast plates but have never personally eaten at any of em'. Did you need an antacid afterwards?
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:02 pm
by ICJ's gallbladder
Hey guys, they found a cure and I can come back into his bod--
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:57 pm
by Flack
AArdvark wrote:Oh yeah! Anything that looks like that has GOT to be awesome. I know of a few places that advertise breakfast plates but have never personally eaten at any of em'. Did you need an antacid afterwards?