pinback wrote:Really? Cuz, I might be able to make that work.
Except: Colorado. Ugh.
I know, I know my friend... I know. "Ugh," indeed.
For what it's worth, we're just all know crawling out of our over-too-quickly winter. There's little to be found cept for sunny skies, blue skies, cloudless skies and night-time skies (which incorporate many of the bits of earlier skies, except that there's no sun and they aren't blue) until November.
March through November! Now
there's a shaggy dogg!!
Here are some opinions of this state from others:
Ice Cream Jonsey (Jr. Software Developer): Thought he'd hate it. Grew to not mind it.
Knuckles the CLown (Clown): Thought he'd hate it. Grew not to mind it.
Souffle of Pain (Civil Engineer): Thought he'd hate it. Still, in fact, hates it.
Vitriola (Environmental Forest Biologist): Thought she'd hate it. I don't think she does, in fact, hate it. But in between bouts of her telling you that I listen to "Vixen" albums, perhaps she can elucidate her thoughts.
It's not like you're going to be spending the rest of your natural life and a good portion of your designated, will-haunt-for-ether afterlife here. It's like for a few months.
We certainly have more ethnic restaurants than what you have in South Carolina. (Which, by my count, was "one." We have more than "one." We have "many.")