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Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 9:44 pm
by Worm
I was wondering. Does anyone actually feel offending anymore? By ideas or actions? I mean, I know people who say things offend them, and I don't believe it.
I don't see how anyone can give a damn about events from fifty years ago or how people thought. I don't see how they can be offended by things now or thoughts now. If everyone would be as good as to contribute a single thing you actually find offensive that'd be great, oh, and why.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 4:02 am
by AArdvark
Suddenly I have a search bar on my desktop that I didn't put there. I suspect it is a spyware gimmick. I find that offensive.
I have a friend that receieved a form from ebay asking for her logon account info because they were 'updating thier computers'. Well, guess what, it wasn't really from ebay and now she has to deal with identity theft in a big way. I find that really offensive.
Thats only two small examples that I can think of right off the top of my head. I won't even go into TV COMMERCIALS that treat the viewer like a subhuman, or imply that use of any particulatr product will get you laid.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:11 am
by Vitriola
Re: Offense
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 11:54 am
by Guest
Worm wrote:I was wondering. Does anyone actually feel offending anymore? By ideas or actions? I mean, I know people who say things offend them, and I don't believe it.
Yes, worm, i have been very offended by you. Mainly, it was your intolerance towards people who are different than you and are engaged in a victomless crime which involves feeling good and relaxing. I'm not offended by your sheep fucking tendencies however, though others may be.
Re: Offense
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:02 pm
by Casual Observer
Worm wrote:I was wondering. Does anyone actually feel offending anymore? By ideas or actions? I mean, I know people who say things offend them, and I don't believe it.
I don't see how anyone can give a damn about events from fifty years ago or how people thought. I don't see how they can be offended by things now or thoughts now. If everyone would be as good as to contribute a single thing you actually find offensive that'd be great, oh, and why.
Oops, i forgot to log in for the previous post. I just reread your post and I realized that your question was whether people felt "offending anymore". That's different than whether someone is
offended by something which is what you ask later in your post. Perhaps you mean that people say that
You, Worm offend them and you don't believe them. You should believe them because you are often offensive and crass.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:11 pm
by bruce
I find antic abuse of the apostrophe offensive.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:11 pm
by Worm
Anyone who is offended by me is a hypersensitive sore (from vigorous sanding) pussy.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:14 pm
by Casual Observer
Worm wrote:Anyone who is offended by me is a hypersensitive sore (from vigorous sanding) pussy.
Not saying i'm hurt by you which would make me hypersensitive. I just find you ignorant and it makes me want to embarass you intellectually.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:19 pm
by Casual Observer
Worm wrote:Anyone who is offended by me is a hypersensitive sore (from vigorous sanding) pussy.
Let me get down to your level of intellectual maturity:
I'm rubber and
YOU are glue. . . everything you say bounces off me and sticks on you.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:42 pm
by Worm
Yea, CO, you really seem to be the intellectual superior to everyone. You can't express anything with a single post. Then even the two you use suck.
Anyone who types "victomless" really has no right to give me shit over accidently typing "ing" instead of "ed". I think two or three people here may not think you're a fucking idiot. gj.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:49 pm
by Casual Observer
Worm wrote:Yea, CO, you really seem to be the intellectual superior to everyone. You can't express anything with a single post. Then even the two you use suck.
Anyone who types "victomless" really has no right to give me shit over accidently typing "ing" instead of "ed". I think two or three people here may not think you're a fucking idiot. gj.
Yeah, i did hit o instead of i and forget a dash. But at least i'm not a backwoods hick from Pennsylvania.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:55 pm
by Worm
It's "victimless" there isn't a dash. Even when you try to correct yourself you're wrong.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:08 pm
by Casual Observer
Worm wrote:It's "victimless" there isn't a dash. Even when you try to correct yourself you're wrong.
Oh well, seems to have failed me. I was close originally except for hitting the wrong key. You da man, Worm.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:23 pm
by Jack Straw
Worm's in a strange mood today. He's talking to me on AIM about making bongs out of dead babies, and anal sex as an alternative to birth control.
I think he got into the regular coffee or something.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:45 pm
by Worm
Casual Observer wrote:Worm wrote:It's "victimless" there isn't a dash. Even when you try to correct yourself you're wrong.
Oh well, seems to have failed me. I was close originally except for hitting the wrong key. You da man, Worm.
If you aren't comfortable with English, you can go find a new language.
Jack Straw wrote:Worm's in a strange mood today. He's talking to me on AIM about making bongs out of dead babies, and anal sex as an alternative to birth control.
I think he got into the regular coffee or something.
aparcells2585: Hey worm, what is red and creeps up a woman's leg?
InsertClicheName: Dead baby joke right?
InsertClicheName: Hold on.
aparcells2585: ohh yeah
InsertClicheName: A homesick abortion .
aparcells2585: YES good job
aparcells2585: I love da dead baby jokes
InsertClicheName: Wait until you see a few dead babies.
aparcells2585: What's worse than smoking pot with a baby?
InsertClicheName: Never heard that one.
aparcells2585: Making a bong out of it
InsertClicheName: I wonder if you could.
aparcells2585: you can make a bong out of ANYTHING
InsertClicheName: Not out of organic material.
aparcells2585: you could pound a length of plumbing pipe into it
InsertClicheName: I guess.
InsertClicheName: Then it would just be a bong with a dead baby on it.
aparcells2585: I'll have to try.. there's usually a few in the dumpster by my house
InsertClicheName: You could find them in china.
aparcells2585: plz to not be putting sars in bong
InsertClicheName: Hah!
InsertClicheName: I don't wrap my dick in latext, because I don't believe in safe sex, my only form of birth control is to put my dick in a chick's asshole.
InsertClicheName: Ranchous Brothers are hilarious.
aparcells2585: yeah that works
InsertClicheName: It can drip though.
aparcells2585: that's why I place 100% confidence in those wonderful little pills
aparcells2585: they're simply infallible
aparcells2585: :)
InsertClicheName: Get a vasectomy.
aparcells2585: good idea but I don't want it to affect my huge load, that's the best part.
InsertClicheName: Jesus, don't you already have a kid?
aparcells2585: ummmm sure
InsertClicheName: Eh, I thought you knocked someone up.
InsertClicheName: I guess I misread something.
aparcells2585: no she's 3
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:55 pm
by Panama RIP
Worm wrote:InsertClicheName: Not out of organic material.
You can hollow out holes in an apple or a pear. You could use wood. Certainly a baby's skull would work nicely.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:06 pm
by Worm
I'm not talking about a skeleton. I'm talking about a corpse. I guess you could cure or mummify it.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:19 pm
by Panama RIP
Worm wrote:I'm not talking about a skeleton. I'm talking about a corpse. I guess you could cure or mummify it.
Actually, perhaps you could use the veins to bubble the air through the blood that fills up the chest cavity after stabbing it.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:24 pm
by Worm
I want diagrams damnit.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:27 pm
by pinback
If Worm is unable to feel offense at anything, I would propose that he is a sociopath, and a potentially dangerous one at that. Then again, I am ready to propose that regardless, so never mind.
Here are the things that offend me, in no particular order:
1. Violence of any sort, except fictionalized.
2. Intolerance.
3. Attempts to enforce morality.
4. The following television advertisements: "Natural male enhancement". "Gillette Mach 3 Turbo -- like an angel by your side". Any schmaltzy travel/tourist ad. Any ad featuring couples having ridiculous conversations ("That's when my doctor told me about Aleve, honey!") Most other ones.
5. Thoughtlessness/"me first" mentality.
6. Poverty/hunger.
7. "Low-carb" diets. Most other diets.
8. The President of the United States saying "nukular".
9. Greed.
10. Pride.
11. "Reality" television.
12. "Fat free cheese".
13. Animal abuse.
14. Harley Davidson motorcycles.
15. Any religion, but primarily Christianity.
That's all I can think of for now. Here I am defining "offended by" as "feel a wave of nausea and/or anger when confronted with" or "find exceedingly distasteful on an emotional level".