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Pennsylvania sucks.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:28 am
by Worm
People here are more often than not dumb. If every open lot doesn't have a business doing very well, people bitch about how that city is not doing well. Though people are always thinking, just not well.

Someone decided that Mules needed to be honored ... allery.htm
Those pictures are from somewhere else in PA, so I guess we stole the stupid idea. Good Job.

So eventually someone started taking them out. ... =localnews ... =localnews

Now, they have small porcelain mules for sale. Which are either painted like football teams, coal (with coal written on that one), and others which are camouflaged (supposed to be patriotic). Now, these fucking mules are supposed to get people to shop. I mean, fuck.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:28 am
by Casual Observer
You guys have "Miles of Mules", we have "Horses on Parade". Both are the same fucking corporate tourism and advertising bullshit. When they did the "horses" campaign, there were all sorts of pathetic losers driving around town with a map of businesses and their respective horsevertisements. It was so hard for me to resist the urge to let my car drift to the side of the road and hit the tourists and the horse at full speed.

While I'm at it, it pisses me off that I have to pay $440 a month for health insurance so that Blue Cross Blue Shield can pay my money to sponsor this crap. They even paid $2.975 million to put their shitty name on Rochester's War Memorial at the same time raising rates almost 50% in a couple of years.

"Blue Stallion"
Sponsored by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of the Rochester Area

Others include:
"Skip the MANE Course" - Sponsored by Baldwin Richardson Foods Co.
"The Intimidator" - Sponsored by Bob Johnson Chevrolet

Image"With Out Front Productions & The Big Parade leading the pack, wild and majestic creatures can parade the streets, and inanimate objects can be brought to life. In every market we touch, larger-than-life fiberglass icons, decorated by area artists and placed on public display, help to cultivate the arts, spur tourism, increase local business, and raise funds to benefit local charities. To find out how Out Front Productions & The Big Parade can help you bring a parade to your streets, contact us."


Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:23 pm
by Worm
I'm pleasantly suprised that people around her resorted to smashing the things. It really was absurd. So, anyone smashed your horsies?

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 8:38 am
by Casual Observer
A quick google search using "horses on parade" and vandal comes up with an answer - yes. I can't seem to find the original articles though.
Genesee Country Express wrote:OPINION: Something to think about: Vandals, try something new - think!
Genesee Country Express
I read in the Democrat and Chronicle the other day that a third horse from the "Horses on Parade" art exhibit was vandalized recently. The fiberglass statue was knocked off its base and cracked. Although this did occur outside of the Express's circulation area, the principle still hits home.
The overall idea is that people have to learn to leave other people's property alone already. The horse's total damage came close to $1,500 worth. That equals a crime that is punishable by a sentence of up to seven years in prison. That's just where the vandal should be.
Although we in the Dansville/Wayland area do not have any art exhibit throughout the towns, we do have planters on Main Street and newly installed lampposts that suffer the same fate as the horses. There was one incident when a lamppost ended up on the ground after someone kicked it out of its base, and the planters are constantly being used as walkways and ashtrays. Why can't people leave things alone?
Another instance that shows the immaturity of some is the recent vandalism of flowers planted at the Veterans Memorial area at Williams Park in Dansville. An individual had volunteered his time to beautify an area that honors those who have served our country. Within days the flowers had been uprooted and left. Those flowers that could be saved were, but the incident is just another example of idiots wasting time.
The horse parade is not the first art exhibit of its kind. Cities the size of New York City and Chicago have fiberglass pigs and cows, and our neighbor to the west, Buffalo, has statues of bisons adorning the streets. These are all much larger places than Dansville, and even Rochester for that matter, but they did not have the kinds of problems that the horses are having.
We live in a society now where nothing is safe. People can't even put lawn decorations out without the threat of losing them to a sticky fingered thief. In much the same way, like the fools in Rochester, if someone's personal belongings aren't outright stolen, they are always a likely candidate for vandalism by way of a kick or other damaging measure.
The point is that some people have taken it upon themselves to destroy what is not theirs. Why do people choose to do this? I guess the only people that can answer that are the simple minded goofs that feel the need to do these things.
The punishment for the vandalism of the most recent horse would be up to seven years in prison...why not. Although I doubt that anyone will ever get more than a slap on the wrist for destroying someone else's property, maybe the punishment should be meted out a little heavier in the future.
In short, don't be a fool and vandalize something that's not yours. Be courteous and, if you need to take that kind of frustration out on something, do it to something of your own. I'm sure that if you put the time and energy into something like the artists of the horses, or even the citizens of Dansville take in their adopted flowerbeds or front yards, you wouldn't like someone else coming along and destroying it, would you? Try something new for a change, think - and do it next time before you act like a fool!

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:15 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Blue Cross and Blue Shield are SPONSORING shit? What the fuck? What a bunch of assholes.

LOWER YOUR RATES, fucktards. If you provide nationwide coverage cheaper for businesses, THEY WILL SELECT YOU.

What a bunch of fucking jerkoffs.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 10:10 am
by Vitriola
Casual Observer wrote:A quick google search using "horses on parade" and vandal comes up with an answer - yes. I can't seem to find the original articles though.
That's the best journalist that they could hire for that paper? That's some of the worst writing I've ever seen in print. Not THE worst, but really, I was encouraged to write better than that when I did a couple articles for the Daily Orange. I've begun to seriously realize that I could have been making money all along in the successful career of knowing English.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:03 pm
by Lysander
Yeah, join the fuckin' club.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:35 pm
by English Speakers Club
Lysander wrote:Yeah, join the fuckin' club.
You're fine. . . but your Worm will have to stay behind.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:32 pm
by Worm
I like how the entire club cannot successfully use a fucking ellipse.

Originally posted as VicViper by Worm on the Ogrish Forums
You want to talk about abuse? Let's talk about what you've done to the damn ellipse. I can't even use it anymore because of people like you. It used to be such a nice literary device, now it's strung out on coke, sometimes it will be two periods, other times four, whatever people want if they have the smack. Thank you, thank you for ruining the ellipse for everyone.
I think the the sentiment stays the same.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 5:03 pm
by Vitriola
Oh lookee, another post pointing out how someone did something wrong, without any sort of lead on how to do it right! Here, I will help you help them. Help me help you help them, Worm.

Code: Select all

"An ellipsis--three spaced periods--is like a pothole in the road; something is left out, but that something doesn't really change the nature of the road. Ellipses show that words have been omitted from a quotation, words whose omission does not change the meaning of the quotation. Use an ellipsis when you don't need to use the whole quotation."

Use an ellipse...
to show that words have been left out
Then he told me that she was outside riding on her bike, and out of nowhere, we heard a crash in the kitchen. After running there... nothing seemed different.

to show that words have been left out to the end of the sentence (use four dots)
The cat ran up the.... I couldn't believe what I saw.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 5:11 pm
by Worm
Sorry, I can't bring myself to correcting gimmick characters that are made to bitch about my writing solecisms. So, you can tail me on the very next "", "Merriam and Webster", or "Oxford English Dictionary" and his wrestler personality.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 5:29 pm
by Lysander
Its spelled Elipsis, Worm.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 5:37 pm
by Oxford English Dictionary
3. Gram. = ELLIPSIS 2. Somewhat rare.

1843-83 LIDDELL & SCOTT Gr. Lex. s.v. . 1886 ROBY Lat. Gram. II (ed. 5) 511 (Index).

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 5:48 pm
by Son of Base Monitor

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 6:03 pm
by Worm
I think BASE MONITOR's original appeal was first that his nick was in all caps. It's just funny because that easily bothers people, I guess. The other part of his appeal was that he actually pointed out why something was particularly bad. I personally need to be told what is so wrong about a trash talking OED bad mouthing some kid who misses the B key on his keyboard regularly and is giving me shit on my spelling, just because someone else's quote spelled the word differently.

I don't know if his referring to Roody Yogurt (On the last post the guy has made here in <s>days</s> months.) as "Rooty" is some clever ploy or he is actually so accustomed to the phrase "rooty tooty" spelling and all. He might have shaky fingers or just be a casual typist, who knows? Though no one corrects him because we are pretty much used to it. So I am asking you, well fuck this, I'd rather you start posting as "James Bond" again instead of this fucking elven shit. Botched attempts to correct me be damned.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 6:05 pm
by Grandson of Base Monitor
I suggest we ban all users under the age of 25 for one week.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 7:27 pm
by bruce
Grandson of Base Monitor wrote:I suggest we ban all users under the age of 25 for one week.

Code: Select all

s/under the age of 25 for one week//;

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 8:04 pm
bruce wrote:
Grandson of Base Monitor wrote:I suggest we ban all users under the age of 25 for one week.

Code: Select all

s/under the age of 25 for one week//;

Code: Select all


Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:59 am
by AArdvark
I want to know the njame of the company making all the hoofed animals so people cna buy them and decorate them horribly.

This is the third set of these plastic creatures I have set eyes on and they all look like they came from Ms. Rita's second grade arts class. I want Orange County Choppers to buy one and turn it into a work of art.


Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:51 am
by Vitriola
Every business in Longmont competes with each other to see who can have the biggest, brightest colored, most obnoxious inflatable thing (giant, cow, statue of liberty, tall skinny dude, Gumby) positioned outside their lot, causing accidents and ugliness you can see from the tallest peak of the Rockies. Now, we have these! Click on geese you can see now. I like them better than mules and horses, but yeah, some company is making a fortune off these.