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Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 1:52 pm
by pinback
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:33 am
by Lysander
Updates Week has been haulted by a lack of... content. Which is, naturally, my fault. After my system crashed three times while playing J.D. Spy, and I didn't save, I basically deecided I'd had enough of the game. I've got a couple reviews I've been planning, which I will probably start to get to work on on the bus. But all the rest of *you* need to come up with "content" too, you lazy bastiches. Come on!
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:05 am
by pinback
Hey, bitchbag!! I *supplied* content. Debaser *supplied* content. Worm *supplied* (somewhat mediocre) content. We were promised to see our names in lights on the main page, in a grand celebration of UPDATES WEEK.
But like so many hollow promises before it, this one went unfulfilled.
HEY ROBB! When are you going to POST thLOCKED
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 7:52 pm
by Lysander
Was I talking about you? No, I wasn't. You and Debaser (I'm not counting Worm, because I just, you know, can) have "done your part," and for this you should be--what is the term?--saluted. I was talking to, you know, *everyone else*. Yeah, those guys. That are there. Somewhere.
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 7:58 pm
by pinback
Well, don't you think the guys who WORKED for this man, to provide the content he so eagerly solicited for, like a whiny little BABY, don't you think THEY should be rewarded by having their stuff posted in the proper place at the proper time? As promised?
Man. If I was a cat, I'd throw up all over him too.
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:43 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I'll officially update RFTK for Monday. "Update Week" is still on. Still gonna happen.
It's still going to make you sweat, basically. Basically.
I have been super-fantastic busy, is all. As soon as I get a moment to update the site's main page I'll do it. I wasn't able to do it on Monday or Tuesday of this week, so I decided to put it off until this upcoming Monday. I still appreciate the contributions, and found both reviews to be outstanding reads.