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Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:02 am
by Jack Straw
Think I'm going out for steak tonite. I'll be sure to order it Pittsburgh style and see if they know what the hell I'm talking about.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:19 pm
by Casual Observer
Where'd you go and were they able to cook it that way?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:24 pm
by Jack Straw
Alright, I *really* need to figure out why I'm missing posts. This is starting to piss me off.

We went to Outback because it's right outside my work. It was fucking EXCELLENT, m'man. Much better than rare, thanks for introducing me to this. The waitress not only knew exactly what I was talking about, she asked if I wanted it bloody or rare.
Take a sip of a good Merlot or Cabernet and enjoy.
I dunno about that but the pints of Guiness washed it down nicely.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:00 am
by Lysander
Hey, *fuck* yeah, mmmman. I went to an Outback for the first time on new years eave and tried their bloomin' onion. Excellent. Fuckin' excellent. I could totally dig just sitting there and munching on the goddamn things until doomsday. Had the (fooking HUUUUGE!) Outback Burger or King Clam burger or more tit-fucking-based content please burger or whatever the fuck kind of burger they had and, while I had to cut it into quarters and I had eaten most of the onion so I wasn't very hungry, I am happy to report that I ate it all and enjoyed it thoroughly. And the fries. They give you, like, enough fries to feed Samallia for a damn week.

EDIT: back, btw.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:05 pm
by Vitriola
I'm probably the only one oin the planet that would rather pay less for my meal than have too much food given to me. It's all a bunch of shit: they only make pennies on the dollar for food, so they try and sell you as much as they can. While the average person thinks they're getting a deal, I'd go out lots more often if it were cheaper overall, and there weren't half an onion decaying half-lives away in my fridge.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:07 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jack Straw wrote:Alright, I *really* need to figure out why I'm missing posts. This is starting to piss me off.
Marcie is reading the BBS, right? I would guess that she's logged in as you and reading the site. Either that or your PASSWORD IS JUST NOT SECURE, CONTRACT J.A.C.K.!!
We went to Outback because it's right outside my work. It was fucking EXCELLENT, m'man. Much better than rare, thanks for introducing me to this. The waitress not only knew exactly what I was talking about, she asked if I wanted it bloody or rare.
... What is "Pittsburgh Style," then?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:09 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Vitriola wrote:I'm probably the only one oin the planet that would rather pay less for my meal than have too much food given to me.
That onion they give you at the Outback is even worse: One time I went there with my brother when we were living in the old townhouse and we brought back one of those gigantic frigging "blooming onions" and the apartment complex in Fort Collins found out and charged us rent for a third person.


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:18 pm
by Vitriola
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:... What is "Pittsburgh Style," then?
Do you even read this thing anymore?
Casual Observer wrote: You should order it Pittsburgh style. Otherwise known as "black and blue". Charred on the outside and bloody on the inside is a heavenly combination. Take a sip of a good Merlot or Cabernet and enjoy.
And try not to ask for 'buffalo style'.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:23 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Vitriola wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:... What is "Pittsburgh Style," then?
Do you even read this thing anymore?
I furiously masturbate to pinback's posts, which makes my progress in some of the other threads a little more slow-going now that he's back.

Casual Observer wrote:You should order it Pittsburgh style. Otherwise known as "black and blue". Charred on the outside and bloody on the inside is a heavenly combination. Take a sip of a good Merlot or Cabernet and enjoy.
And try not to ask for 'buffalo style'.
Buffalo style Merlot?

Or Cabernet?

What? Wait, which do you mean?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:24 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Why can't I order Merlot "Buffalo style"?


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:28 pm
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Eating "Blooming Onions" until Doomsday would be rather difficult, as probably by the second (maybe the third if your arteries are particularly strong), you'll be dead.

I'm all for decadent food, but geez, that thing is way, way, way over the top. It's like guzzling the juice that's in the pan after you've tooked your Thansgiving turkey. It's like eating butter and sugar. It's like Pixy Stix. It makes a greasy bacon cheeseburger with mayo and A1 sauce seem like a plate of carrots and celery.

That being said, Outback's "dooky bread" (y'know, the loaf that looks like it was just pinched) is delish, as is most all the stuff I've eaten there.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:37 pm
by Vitriola
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:It's like guzzling the juice that's in the pan after you've tooked your Thansgiving turkey.
I've always maintained gravy would make a decent mixer. Besides, I slather much more than 8oz. over my holiday meals, and on subsequent next-day holiday sandwiches.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:It's like eating butter and sugar.
Poundcake: 1 lb. sugar, 1 lb. eggs, 1 lb. butter, 1 lb. flour (I think), vanilla. Now THAT"S yummy.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:40 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
How many eggs are in a pound of eggs? Jesus. That's post-shell, right? That's like 12 eggs or something, I would suspect. Certainly when you get a thing of eggs from the store there's no weight there; it's encumberance is all through their fragility.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:46 pm
by Vitriola
3 cups cake flour
6 large eggs
1 pound butter
1 pound sugar
2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup buttermilk

Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl. Stir in
the sugar. I use a large spoon for this. Next I add
the butter. My grandmother would melt the butter
in a pan over slow heat to make it blend easier.
You can do this or just let the butter soften at
room temperature. Add the eggs, whole. At this
point I break out my mixer and begin mixing on
slow. I slowly add my buttermilk, and then the
vanilla extract. After it is thoroughly stirred,
I turn the mixer up to medium for a few minutes,
and then finally on high. If the mixture is a little
thick I add just a touch more buttermilk. If you don't
mix things thoroughly you will have lumps that will
form air bubbles in your mixture and leave holes
in your finished cake. It was always a matter of pride
not to have these air pocket holes in our cakes so we
always made sure we got all of the lumps. In the
pre-electric-mixer day that involved a lot of whipping
the cake by hand. We usually didn't have a hand cranked
that worked well, so this involved a large mixing spoon
to whip it. Some old timers even counted the number
of times they whipped the mixture - sort of made it
fun and you didn't notice your arm tiring.

Preheat the over to 325 degrees.

Take your standard tube cake pan and oil it with
butter. Then lightly flour the oiled pan. Shake
the excess flour from the pan.

Pour the mix in, bake the cake for about 1 hour
and twenty minutes. Keep looking at how your cake
is doing through the oven door but avoid opening
the door too much while it is cooking as I have
seen this, or jarring a cake, cause it to collapse.
When you think it is done, do the toothpick test.
Stick a wooden toothpick into one of the thickest
parts of the cake. If it's dry when you pull it our,
the cake is done.

Allow the cake to cool 15 or 20 minutes in the pan.
Then gently remove it, and stick it on your favorite
decorative cake plate.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:51 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Hey, find a key lime pie recipe on the Internet and I will start a thread about my attempts to make a key lime pie. CONTENT.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:22 pm
by Jack Straw
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:It's like guzzling the juice that's in the pan after you've tooked your Thansgiving turkey.
Cooked. Don't you make gravy with that slop? mmm.

And those onions fucking suck ass.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:24 pm
by bruce
Vitriola wrote:Ingredients:
3 cups cake flour
6 large eggs
1 pound butter
1 pound sugar
2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup buttermilk

Marry her.


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:32 pm
by Vitriola
Matrimony is for the weak.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:46 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Look you rubes, you ruin this for me and it's over. It's OVER. Hear that? That is the sound of this almost being over.

Hey, before I furiously pump the "submit" key -- I have been using "rube" wrong all this time. I thought it meant someone that a carny huckster was trying to convince to buy shit but the "rube" wouldn't because he was too smart for them. I just looked it up. It means "unsophisticated country person."

Fuck! I liked my definition better. I meant to say that you guys were too sophisticated to indulge in my shit. Not the opposite. Fuck.

I need a new "word."

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:54 pm
by Todd Heap, Ravens TE
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I need a new "word."
Don't even think about it.