Welp, a big ol' UPS package arrived today, containing the WC3 expansion disc, and the WarCraft II: BattleChest edition.
I went ahead and installed WC2, and just got finished playing the first few tutorial scenarios. I've only got two things to say:
1. Much, MUCH, incredibly better than the original. You can really see how much the genre had progressed since those first fledgling offerings. It's smooth, it flows, and it works pretty much like you'd expect it to. I enjoyed it, and will continue to play it happily! $16.99 well spent!
2. Jonsey, you have got to be fucking kidding me. If you deign to even begin to compare this game favorably with its successor in any way, shape, or form, then I think you need to be carted off to Goofball Jail immediately in a big purple bus with flashing lights all around the trim. Seriously. Seek help, man. You are not well.
The WarCraft Files
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