C&C: Generals

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C&C: Generals

Post by pinback »

Today I purchased C&C Generals for the SECOND time, after having left my original copy back in California. I never bothered to get past the third or fourth mission, though, so it's almost like a new game.


1. The fonts are all screwed up unless I set my laptop Windows font sizes to "normal", which I hate to do because on a 1600x1200 screen, "normal" == "friggin' TINY", and it's hard to read anything if I'm not actively playing C&C Generals.

2. The machine requirements are still very high, and I doubt you can run it at full power with any computer that'll be built until the middle of the 2010's. Right before anything blows up, there's a little pause while the computer learns how to draw an explosion.

3. Every other RTS in the world: RIGHT-CLICK to move/attack. C&C: LEFT-CLICK to move/attack. Grrr!!


1. Looks great.

2. Sounds great.

3. Probably plays great, but I haven't figured it out yet.

More to come. Maybe.

Jack Straw
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Re: C&C: Generals

Post by Jack Straw »

pinback wrote: 1. The fonts are all screwed up unless I set my laptop Windows font sizes to "normal", which I hate to do because on a 1600x1200 screen, "normal" == "friggin' TINY", and it's hard to read anything if I'm not actively playing C&C Generals.
OK, we'll start slow. Get yourself a Sega Genesis and we'll work from there.

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Post by pinback »

Sorry, I left my Jack Straw-to-English dictionary in a storage facility out west. Can somebody help me out?

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

never had to mess with the resolution settings on a sega. madden or road rash is more your style. I hate to be the asshole to constantly decry PC games for their annoying little "quirks" but soon I should have some UT2K4 horror stories...

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Post by pinback »

That's cool, Jack! Once my gaming desires can all be satisfied by pressing the JUMP and KICK buttons over and over again, I'll be sure to look into these "console" games you're such a big fan of!

And I DO admit to being jealous of the control mechanism. Do I have this right? You can move up, left, right, AND down? With just one little movable stick? That's AWESOME! That's JUST the method I'd want to use for precise control movements!

Which game should I get first, BTW? Final Fantasy XIIXIXI, or Super Ultra Madden NHL Street Fighter 2005 X-TREME??

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Post by pinback »

Jack Straw wrote:never had to mess with the resolution settings on a sega.
When 440 x 480 (or whatever it is) is your maximum, I wouldn't think you'd have to mess with it much, no.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

You know what's a good game? C&C: Red Alert.

I'm just gonna throw that out there. Have you played that, Pinner?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

Nope. I've heard good things, but I mean, that is SO late 1990's.

Have you tried Generals?

I bet you think Red Alert has better graphics than Generals, don't you.

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Post by pinback »

C'mon, whaddya think, Jonsey? Too "cluttered" and "busy" for ya??
Red Alert wrote: Image
Generals wrote: Image

JC Tragedy Players

Post by JC Tragedy Players »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You know what's a good game? C&C: Red Alert.

I'm just gonna throw that out there. Have you played that, Pinner?


Scene 1:

Benjamin Parish: Well met and good day to you, my friend Robb Sherwin, who is known throughout these lands as Ice Cream Jonsey. I have been playing the game Command and Conquer: Red Alert, of late. I must say that I have been enjoying it mightily.

Robb Sherwin: Is that indeed so, my good friend Benjamin Parish? Perchance has thou had a chance to play Command and Conquer: Red Alert? Tis quite the wondrous game, indeed.

Scene 2:

Danya: Good morrow to you, my love. I hath rented the Return of the King for us to view this eve. I am certain we shalt enjoy it.

Robb: Do you speak truly?

Danya: I do.

Robb: I was thinking, heat of my loins, of another film in the science-fiction-slash-fantasy genre that is quite enjoyable. Hast thou perhaps seen Return of the Jedi?


Scene 3:

Townsperson 2: I hearken unto the, good citizen. I ask, what be thy name and whether thou hast an opinion on this newest album from the band Foo Fighters.

Robb: Well met, good citizen. I am Robb Sherwin, known throughout these lands as Ice Cream Jonsey, and I must say that Elvis Presley hast produced much fine rock and roll!

Scene 4:

Robb: I say there, who is this black-shrouded figure who now stands before me?

Black-Shrouded Figure: Greetings Robb Sherwin, who is known throughout these lands as Ice Cream Jonsey. I am that which awaits all men at the end of their lives. I am Ye Grim Spectre o' Death, and I hath come to claim thee!

Robb: Can it be true? Has death come for me? But death cannot be hear for me, for it is still 1985 and I am still but a child! Observe the game of Crystal Castles that rests against my wall? Dost thou not here the dulcet tones of Hall & Oats that fill this room?

BSF: You are foolish, Robb Sherwin, who is known throughout these lands as Ice Cream Jonsey, one can not simply immerse onself forever in the trappings of the past and pretend time does not march forward. I await all mortals at the end of their alotted span on this mortal coil.

Robb: Oh what a fool I've been!

BSF: And now, you die!

Robb: I die! (Dies.)


Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Hey man, I *hate* to be "that guy". Honestly. Once you people stop bitching about configuration, patches, lost savegames and shit generally just not working right in PC games then I'll cease to be that guy.

Which sucks because PC developers have gotten so cozy in the practice of releasing broken games then patching the shit out of them, looks like I'll be that guy for awhile.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jack Straw wrote:Hey man, I *hate* to be "that guy". Honestly. Once you people stop bitching about configuration, patches, lost savegames and shit generally just not working right in PC games then I'll cease to be that guy.
Yeah, but there are hardly any RTS games for consoles, and even when there are, the controls are dodgy.

Plus, Ben doesn't own a TV right now, I don't think, because he's sort of homeless, and he homelessly plays C&C Generals on the beach.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Jack Straw »

Yeah I can see how RTS would suck with a controller.
That's why we get Starcraft: Ghost instead of a top down, dated and generally un-fun interface.
You could get one of those LCD screens that sit on top of the console!

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Post by Jack Straw »

these, for example, are $20 this week.. PS2 and Xbox.

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Post by pinback »

Well yeah, see, if you don't LIKE RTS, then it's fine having a gaming platform that you can't PLAY RTS with. You DICK.

What an idiot.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

pinback wrote:Well yeah, see, if you don't LIKE RTS, then it's fine having a gaming platform that you can't PLAY RTS with. You DICK.

What an idiot.
I'd like to see a little less name calling out of you.

Plus, I really, really wanna go back and finish Red Alert right now.

For what it's worth, no, I don't think that the screen is too cluttered in Generals. You could almost actually play the game like that.

My point remains, however: your pretty pretty screenshots of WC3 are worthless, because nobody fuckin' plays the game from that Myst / Riven / Gothic II perspective. And you KNOW it, too. Like I said: Madden 2K4 has nice graphics. Lookit the closeup of phenom Michael Vick! Nobody ever plays it that way, though.

(Freedom Force had a camera like WC3. But at least with Freedom Force there's a point to getting up close and in somebody's shit like that. I should mention that Freedom Force is a much better game than WC2 *and* WC3 combined.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Jack Straw »

What looks more fun?
Or this?

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:Well yeah, see, if you don't LIKE RTS, then it's fine having a gaming platform that you can't PLAY RTS with. You DICK.

What an idiot.
I'd like to see a little less name calling out of you.
You're gonna start giving me flak now? You, the Sysop who "honors" us with your beatific presence every couple days to lock a few threads and tell the users they're not "bringing the funny" enough, while I slave here hour after hour, trying to keep the place alive? Are you sure that's the way you want to play this one?

My point remains, however: your pretty pretty screenshots of WC3 are worthless, because nobody fuckin' plays the game from that Myst / Riven / Gothic II perspective.
If you had bothered to reply to my original reply to that message, then we'd know if you really think WC2's TOP-DOWN perspective is "better" than WC3's TOP-DOWN perspective. Of course, I think we can all guess that your answer would be "yes", to which we can only reply, "HAhahahahaha. That Jonsey. You so CRAAAAZAY!"
And you KNOW it, too. Like I said: Madden 2K4 has nice graphics. Lookit the closeup of phenom Michael Vick! Nobody ever plays it that way, though.
You're delving into the realm of the pathetic now. Do you really want me to go scrounge up a TOP-DOWN WC3 screenshot for you to compare, like the graphics are magically going to turn from rich, sharp, vivid beauty into four-color EGA blocks by raising the perspective 30 or 40 feet?

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Post by pinback »

Jack Straw wrote:What looks more fun?

So, you don't like RTS. We get it, Jack. We GOT YA DOWN for not liking RTS. Now go away.

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Post by Jack Straw »

Sure. Of course if I had just said to self "Straw, RTS sucks. Respect Ben and do not post in this thread" it would just be another piece of shit thread with no content in it.


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