Microsoft sent out a free Flight Sim 2002 to me
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2002 12:04 am
There was a site that was promoting some war movie recently (Under Enemy Lines? Thin Red Line? Ah, I can't remember) and as part of their promotion they were giving out copies of Flight Simulator 2002 to the first 50 people who signed up to their website starting at 12:00am.
...Only they weren't very specific about whose 12:00am. West Coast, East Coast, Siberian Khatru Mountain time... they didn't say which. I tried for five days at both 12:00am EST and PST and didn't get a "winning" response after filling their form.
Five days is about as far as I'll go for Flight Simulator, so I let it be after that. Well, lo and behold Microsoft (or whoever was behind the movie whose name I unfortunately can't remember -- not because I am Mr Disaffected Generation X Guy, it's just that they didn't mention it on the form and that's all I saw) did end up sending me a copy after all. Maybe they had some extras, I dunno. I feel like a heel, though, as I would have told all you guys about it. It's just that, since they never told me I "won" a copy of the game, I didn't want to waste everyone's time.
Sorry about that.
Anyway, it's likely that I will go a good three or four years before installing it, but pump it up to MS for coming correct there. The only negative about it was that a game who has the richest corporation in the history of mankind behind it is still sent out in a soft, cardboard jewel case. It's one thing when it's Eidos who is pulling that stuff -- they good games that they have don't sell and they can only realistically release one Tomb Raider game a year. You'd frigging home that Microsoft could go "first class" on the packaging to "Flight Simulator." ROROLFLFLFLERKEKEKEKEKEKEKE
...Only they weren't very specific about whose 12:00am. West Coast, East Coast, Siberian Khatru Mountain time... they didn't say which. I tried for five days at both 12:00am EST and PST and didn't get a "winning" response after filling their form.
Five days is about as far as I'll go for Flight Simulator, so I let it be after that. Well, lo and behold Microsoft (or whoever was behind the movie whose name I unfortunately can't remember -- not because I am Mr Disaffected Generation X Guy, it's just that they didn't mention it on the form and that's all I saw) did end up sending me a copy after all. Maybe they had some extras, I dunno. I feel like a heel, though, as I would have told all you guys about it. It's just that, since they never told me I "won" a copy of the game, I didn't want to waste everyone's time.
Sorry about that.
Anyway, it's likely that I will go a good three or four years before installing it, but pump it up to MS for coming correct there. The only negative about it was that a game who has the richest corporation in the history of mankind behind it is still sent out in a soft, cardboard jewel case. It's one thing when it's Eidos who is pulling that stuff -- they good games that they have don't sell and they can only realistically release one Tomb Raider game a year. You'd frigging home that Microsoft could go "first class" on the packaging to "Flight Simulator." ROROLFLFLFLERKEKEKEKEKEKEKE